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Everything You Need To Know About Nothing

oooh, animated

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7/18/99 Celebrate the Perfect Game of NYY's David Cone!

Links "R" Us

*Updated 7/16/99* Coming Soon

*Updated 7/14/00* My SM Page: The Realm of Sailor Fish

*Updated 9/20/99* Star Wars Fans For The Death Of Callista

*Updated 7/26/99* Receive My Award!

*Updated 6/15/99* My Product of Boredom

*Updated 6/6/99* Astronomy Pictures


Star Wars

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The X-Files

My Adopted Pals

My Awards And Webrings

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."
fellow web surfers have come here since this page was redone on 10/4/98.

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