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The Yanks Meet The SM Crew

This Is What Happens When You Get Really, Really Bored

1) You start seeing cartoon characters running about.

2) You make up games with odd names to pass the time. (How to play Kabuki Ball) *Note 1: Although the word kabuki is used, no one paints their face white. *Note2: This game created IRL by Chasewlf and Jeckers01.

2. Crumple up an 8" X 11" sheet of looseleaf paper. *Note: The tighter the paper is crumpled, the better.

3. Have all of the players sit down cross-legged on the floor.

4. With nothing in the way of the players, (Ex: A net, a low ceiling) start hitting the "ball" to each other with your fingertips and the palms of your hands.

5. Congratulations! You now know how to play Kabuki Ball! Share your knowledge and enjoy your bordem!

3) You and your best friend (Jeckers :-) ) start to overuse the same phrases:

Yeah Fish







Seth Is Real!

What the hell is aNskY?





Oh ho ho, it's magic!

What the...?

LET'S GO YANKEES! clap, clap, clapclapclap

clap, clap, clapclapclap, clapclapclapclap, LET'S GO!


(I/We) have no (life/lives.)

And your point?

Ah, crap


Whoa, flashback!

Far Out!

4) You start posting strange things to do when you're bored from other people. (These are courtesy of, an IRL friend of mine. Visit his webpage at: No Reality

Spin in circles while walking..stairs can be tricky though...

How 'bout good ol' spit bubbles?

First, you lie on your back. Then, you put your legs up, and bend them sideways, clasping your feet together. Then, put your arms throught he foot-made hole,a nd grab you feet. Now, tilt to a side so you are resting on your thigh. Your job is to tile back to middle position and sit up again.

Long distance spitting, and angle spitting, and style spitting (controlling a spray or a direct glob)

5) If boredom strikes in a Star Wars chat room, simply consult the 8 ball!

(Note1: Names have been changed to protect the privacy of the participants)

(Note2: GL is the host)

Chase: /8ball are u diane's mom?

GL: Chase, probably

Mara: Diane = the 8ball's test tube baby

Chase: ?!

Chase: LOL!

Chase: /8ball is anakin (skywalker) the real test tube baby?

GL: Chase, most definately.

Diane: umm..

Ramie: lol

Chase: /8ball is anakin skywalker your son?

GL: Chase, most definately.

Chase: WOW!

Diane: ok

Diane: WOW!

Chase: /8ball so you're shmi skywalker?!

GL: (man this is so funny)

GL: Chase, yes.

Diane: I'm related to anakin!

Chase: WOW!

Diane: i feel so!!

Mara: hehe

Chase: it's Shmi skywalker!

Chase: it admitted to it!

Chase: loL!

Mara: /8ball Is Diane a test tube baby?

GL: Mara, I don't have to tell you if I don't want to.

Diane: WOW!

Chase: lol

Mara: /8ball come on, is Diane a test tube baby?

GL: Mara, the answer is unclear.

Mara: /8ball is Diane a test tube baby!?!?

GL: Mara, no.

Diane: Thanks

Chase: /8ball is yoda your other test tube baby

Diane: /8ball are you gay?

GL: Chase, yes.

GL: Diane, I don't have to tell you if I don't want to. Chase: ?

Chase: WOW!

Chase: Diane: The 8 ball is Shmi Skywalker, your mother, and the mother of anakin and yoda!

Diane: i know

Chase: it admitted it all!

Chase: HAHA!

Diane: isn't it great, chase?

Chase: yup

Diane: I feel so honored

Diane: =)

6) You install a "Mr. Push Me" on your site.

Meet Mr. Push Me!

7) You actually devote a whole section of your webpage to boredom!