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"It's Not Wrong...But It can't Be Right"

You Must Know This First

Some simple things that I’ve collected from my friends, family, and music through the years that I’ve found to be quiet helpful at times =o)

The might have beens can never be, so waste no mental energy!

Don’t worry, be happy!

It could be worse.

Never rehearse what you want to say because you’ll always mess it up!

You miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take.

Try it! You never know! You might like it!

In wildness lies the preservation of life.

It’s easier to make a friend a lover, than a lover a friend.

Never regret, just learn.

The only hand that can hold you back is your own.

Listening can often be the best thing to do for a friend in need.

Live each day as if it’s your last, because someday, it just might be.

Always let people you love know that you care.

Be thankful for what you have, not upset about what you don’t have.

Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t do something (not like have the car or something material like that, the important stuff!!)

Carpe Diem!!

Take time to care for people, you might be just what they need.

If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.

In the end, it’s all good.

Sometimes, the more we can see things clearly, the more confused we can become...

Help people in need, because you maybe in need one day yourself, and you’ll want someone to be there for you.

The only thing to fear is fear itself.

Love is like war; easy to begin, but hard to stop.

Society corrupts us, but at the same time, allows us to live.

Dancing vertically is just showing a horizontal desire.

Never say I love you unless you truly mean it.

Don't spend too much time thinking about life, for while you think, life passes you by.

(I’ll add more to this list as I learn new things)

Home James...home

Very Good Sir...
