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       Chewbekah in all reality is just a lifesize cardboard stand-up of Chewbacca from Star Wars that I recieved for my birthday from my friend Matt for reasons still beyond me. But ah, the times I’ve had with Chewbekah.

As you can see he just blends right in with my group of friends!!

He even cut my birthday cake for me.

       Chewbekah’s first apperence out side my home was when a pizza man came to my house and he was so horrified at the thought that innocent little anchovies were being killed just to be a topping that he felt he should protest. So, he greeted the pizza delivery man and promptly went straight out to his car to block it from leaving proclaiming into the night “SAVE THE ANCHOVIES!!!” A few of my brave friends went with him...but we saw that our efforts were futile and we retreated back into the house.
       Chewbekah resides next to my computer next to a window. Believe it or not, he is very good at scarring people who don’t know who he is. I know for the first few weeks I had him he startled me!! But don’t be too scared, Chewbekah really is a caring piece of cardboard, and gosh darned it all!! He’s my friend!!

Now You Know Chewbekah

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