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Quest for Cuba

        Okay, the contraversy has gone on long enough. This needs to be put to rest once and for all. I, Goddess of Mentos, am the Supreme Ruler of Cuba. Not Fidel Castro, and not the creator of 42JETSKIES.
        During a social studies class one day, it was brought to my attention that Cuba is really totally and completely useless as it stands now. It made me think...what would I do if I somehow gained control of this little island?
        My colleuge, John, suggested that we nuke the island to completely take out everything and give it a fresh start! We built from that...after the entire island is cleared from any and all forms of life, I'd make the entire country a humungous putt-putt golf course!!
       Think about the potentials people!! An island with beautiful shores, where all there is to do is relax on the beaches and play minature golf!! Just the tickets to play courses would bring in millions!! Even if we charged half of what they do at the floridia courses. Do you think about how much money those people must be making from us tourists?? With a tiny investment of renovating the whole island, I could easilly make enough money to take over the world!!!
       Not to leave my friend Jamie out, who had put in certain ideas, we decided that she could run a cruise ship (that she built of course) that would go to and from the island. Of course the theme of the cruise ship would be karate and she and I would be the master Shihans of the ship teaching the classes on board. (BTW all my buddies from this summer's cruise would get free admitance!!)
       Then of course since I'm friends with GOD, I asked him if I could have Cuba, and he granted me that simple wish...but I found that I craved more. I began to ask other people who ruled other universes if I could take the small island of Cuba, and I think to this day, I own Cuba in 13 different universes.
        I plan on writting a letter to Mr. Castro as soon as I become famous to let him know that I'm now capable of taking Cuba back for my own.


Now that that's cleared up

Back to the Land of Chewbekah

If you own a universe and you'd like to let me have Cuba E-MAIL ME!!!