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What Guys SHOULD Do For Girls

This was made up by a variety of girls in order to help YOU guys out. It's not aimed at anyone and this will just help you score brownie points with us females =o)

#1 Buy us roses/flowers (you don't nessicarily need a reason).

#2 Tell us we're beautiful.

#3 Call us just to say "I love you" (<--- this works when you're really busy or they are)

#4 Brush the hair off of our face so you can look us in the eye for a moment before you kiss us.

#5 When we first meet up to go somewhere, kiss our hands

#6 Don't snap at us when we're just playin around

#7 Don't rush us when we're telling a story

#8 BE ON TIME!!!!!

#9 Keep your promises!!! (ie: when you say you're going to call...CALL!)

#10 Random hugs and kisses are always a plus

#11 Realize that we're always too good for you =o) but we love you anyways!

#12 We like teddy bears and stuffed animals, so feel free to get them for us on special occasions!