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William Feake of Wighton Norfolk England dated his will 19 Mar 1496; probated at Hyndryngham 11 Oct 1500 leaving a sizable estate. He is buried in the Church of Wighton. He was married to Marion/Marianne (unknown).


Children of WILLIAM FEAKE and MARION/MARIANNE (unknown):
Named in will of William; (*)

+1. (*) JAMES born about 1484; died by 1523.

2. (*) William.

3. Daughter married William Keen.

4. Daughter married John Dobbes.


Children of JAMES FEAKE and (unknown):

1. George.

+2. JAMES died Wighton England 1539; married AGNES (unknown). He left will dated 23 Jan 1538/9; probated at Walsingham 18 July 1539.

3. Possibly Robert.


Children of JAMES FEAKE and AGNES (unknown):
Named in will of William Feake No. 5-dated 7 May 1595; (*);

1. George died by 1595.

+2. (*) SIMON died 1570 at Kettleston England; married ALICE (unknown).

+3. (* decd) James died Sep1590 London England; married about 5 Dec 1562 Parnell Ward who died 1593. James was a goldsmith.

4. Robert.

+5. WILLIAM born Wighton Norfolk England; died May 1595 and buried at St. Edmund the King Church London England; married 12 Nov 1564 at St. Mary Woolnoth London England MARY WETHERALL who died 21 Aug 1619. William left a will dated 7 May 1595; proved 19 May 1595. Mary left will dated 9 Mar 1618/9; proved 23 Aug 1619.

+6. (*) Edmond/Edward born 1539.

7. (* as sister) Jygg.


Children of SIMON FEAKE and ALICE (unknown):

+1. JOHN married 16 Nov 1586 Swaffman Norfolk England CICELY REEVE.

Children of James Feake and Parnell Ward:
Named in will of Uncle William dated 7 May 1595;

1. James.

2. Parnell.

3. Mary.

4. Margaret.

5. Judith.

6. Anne.

All named in will of William dated 7 May 1595;

1. Mary born about 1565; married Thomas Bareham who died about 1614; son of Thomas Bareham and Alice Cressey.

2. William born about 1566; married Mary (unknown).

+3. JAMES born about 1567; died before 20 May 1625; married at St. Nicholas Acons Church London England 29 Jan 1592/3 JUDITH THOMAS; buried 24 Dec 1625 at St. Edmund the King Church; daughter of Robert Thomas and Judith Fisher.

4. Thomas born after 1574.

+5. John married Judith Tourner.

+6. Edward married (1) Anna Shaw; daughter of Christopher Shaw; married (2) Elizabeth (unknown).

7. Sarah; married William Smyth.

8. Rebecca; married William Bournford.

Children of Edmond/Edward Feake and (unknown):

1. Anne.

2. Robert died 1612 London England.

3. William.

4. Elizabeth married 8 Feb 1601/2 Barnabas Gregory.

5. Susan.

6. Audlea.



1. Robert.

2. John born 1600; died 3 Dec 1664 Stafford England; married (1) Anne Langley; daughter of Thomas Langley; married (2) Anne Dod; daughter of John Dod and Margaret Taylor; married (3) before 1624 Margaret Halsey; daughter of William Halsey.

+3. HENRY born about 1590; died between 24 Sep 1657 and 2 Apr 1658 Newtown LI NY; married (1) at St. Saviour’s Southwark London 22 Jan 1615/6 JANE WOOLSTONE; died after 1633; married (2) by 1657 Joanna, widow of (unknown) Wheeler. Henry was a goldsmith in London; by 1634 he was in Plymouth Colony where he owned land in Sandwich. By 1652 he removed to Flushing LI NY. He left will dated 24 Sep 1657

4. Possibly George.


+1. James born 13 Feb 1598/9; probably died about 1625; married at St. Mary Mounthawe London 14 June 1620 Awdrey Crompton.

+2. ROBERT born 20 Sep 1602 London England; died 1 Feb 1660/1 Watertown MA; married ELIZABETH FONES born 21 Jan 1609/10 Groton England; died 1 Feb 1673 Flushing LI NY; daughter of Thomas Fones and Anne Winthrop. Robert was apprenticed to his father to learn the trade of goldsmith. By 1630 he was in Massachusetts Bay Colony and resided in Watertown. Elizabeth was the niece of Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts Bay Colony and the widow of his son, Henry, who drowned at Salem MA upon his arrival in 1630. In 1640, they moved to Greenwich CT. Robert became mentally unstable and unable to manage his affairs. There is some controversy concerning the adultery and assumed divorce by his wife, Elizabeth, who subsequently married William Hallett. After a trip to England in 1647, Robert returned to Greenwich for a short time. He then moved back to Watertown MA where he died 1 Feb 1660.

3. Alice married 15 Feb 1619/20 Tobias Dixon.

4. Judith.

Children of John Feake and Judith Tourner:

+1. Samuel born before 1619; married (1) Elizabeth Potts; daughter of Sands Potts; married (2) Catherine Watson; daughter of Thomas Watson.

2. Judith born before 1619; possibly married George Andrewes.

3. Elizabeth.

4. Possibly daughter married to Robert Ibbitt of Cambridge.

Children of Edward Feake and Anna Shaw:

1. Christopher.

2. William died before 1623.

3. Edward married Mary (unknown).

4. Andrew died before 1623.

5. John died in Ireland leaving will dated 18 Mar 1652; probated 20 Apr 1656.

6. Richard.

7. Sarah.



1. Crisome buried St. Mary Woonoth London England 15 June 1617.

2. Jane bp 2 June 1618 St. Mary Woolnoth London England; died young.

3. Edward bp 2 Nov 1619 St. Margaret’s Westminster Middlesex; buried there 1 May 1620.

4. Jane bp 4 May 1621 St. Margaret’s Westminster Middlesex .

5. Judith bp 10 July 1622 St. Margaret’s Westminster Middlesex; buried there 17 Mar 1623.

6. Mary bp 27 Aug 1623 St. Margaret’s Westminster Middlesex.

7. Child buried St. Peter’s Cornhill London England 10 Oct 1630.

8. John bp 20 Nov 1631 St. Peter’s Cornhill London England.

9. ELIZABETH bp 30 June 1633 St. Peter’s Cornhill London England; died 15 Dec 1720 Harwich MA; married 24 Mar 1650/1 at Sandwich MA JOHN DILLINGHAM born about 1630 Bitteswell Leicester England; died 27 May 1715 West Brewster MA; son of Edward Dillingham and Ursula Carter.

Children of James Feake and Awdrey Crompton:

1. Judith born about 1621 London; died 1667 Yarmouth MA; married (1) William Palmer of Plymouth MA who died Newtown LI about 1661; married (2) Jeffrey Ferris who died 31 May 1666; married (3) John Bowers.

2. Tobias bp Aug 1624 St. Mary Whitechapel London. Tobias came to America and resided at Watertown MA, Greenwich CT and Flushing LI NY. He died in Wapping Middlesex England between 1669 and 1672.


1. Elizabeth born about 1633 Watertown MA; died before 4 Nov 1675 Oyster Bay LI NY; married Capt. John Underhill born about 1597; died 21 Sep 1672; son of John Underhill and Lenora Pawley.

2. HANNAH born June 1637 near Kenilworth England; married 7 May 1656 JOHN BOWNE born 9 May 1627 at Matlock Derbyshire England; died 20 Dec 1695 Flushing LI NY. They became Quakers and Hannah died while on a religious visit to England 31 Jan 1677/8.

+3. John born about 1639 Watertown MA; died May 1724 Oyster Bay LI NY; married 15 Sep 1673 Elizabeth Prior born Aug 1656; died 25 Feb 1701/2; daughter of Matthew Prior and Mary (unknown).

4. Robert bp New York Dutch Church 17 July 1642; died before 19 June 1669; married Sarah (unknown).

5. Sarah bp 14 Apr 1647 NY Dutch Church; died before 21 July 1648.

Children of Samuel Feake and Elizabeth Potts:

1. Mary.

2. Samuel.

3. Judith.

4. John.

5. Ann.


Children of John Feake and Elizabeth Prior;

1. Elizabeth born 9 June 1674; married Benjamin Field.

2. Hannah born 6 Oct 1675; married James Cock.

3. Mary born 30 Apr 1678; married Henry Cock.

4. John born 10 July 1679; died 18 Dec 1680.

5. Robert born 22 June 1683; married Clemence Ludlam.

6. Sarah born 17 Feb 1685; married John Coles.

7. Martha born 27 Oct 1688; married John Carpenter.

8. Abigail born 7 Aug 1691; married Josiah Coggeshall.

9. Deborah born 5 Jan 1695; married Thomas Whitson Jr.