It is not certain who the father of Catalyntje Trico who married Joris Rapalie is but the evidence seems to
favor Jeronymus. In The American Genealogist; Vol 35; Mr. George McCracken writes: "A sufficient
number of instances appear in the Dutch manuscript records in which Catalyntje is recorded as Catalyntje
Jeronymus to make it certain that her father was named Jeronymus in Dutch or Jerome in French."
In NEW NETHERLAND CONNECTIONS; Vol 2; No. 4; 1996; an article is written which discloses the
identity of the mother of Catalyntje Trico. The sister of Catalyntje, Margriet, is named by Catalyntje in a
Notarial Document in 1677 giving authorization to claim monies from the executors "of the will of Margrite
Triko, her sister,". Records also show that Catalyntje had an older half-sister, Maria Flamen, who married
Philippe de Fontayne. The mother of these 3 women is named in the will of Maria as MICHELE
SAUVAGIE who was still living in 1624.
1. CATALYNTJE born about 1605. Her birth date is calculated from a deposition given by Catalyntje in
1688 in which she states she is 83 years old. She was born in the Village of Pri in the Belgian Province of
Namur. The marriage intention of JORIS JANSZEN
RAPALJE was recorded in Amsterdam on 13 Jan 1624 and they were married in the Walloon Church
in Amsterdam on 21 Jan 1624. The couple departed for America shortly after on the EENDRACHT. She
died in 1689.
2. Margrite born about 1606; married about 1632 Jan de la Fontayne.