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AUKE JANSEN VAN NUYSE born about 1618 Netherlands immigrated to New Amsterdam in 1651 from Amsterdam Holland. He married (1) MAGDALENA PIETERSE born about 1620; married (2) about Dec 1666 Elizabeth Janse, widow of Christopher Schaets and Jan Claesen; married (3) Geertje Gysberts, widow of Jan Jacobse. He was a carpenter moving in 1661 to the Brooklyn Ferry; in 1665 to Flatlands; and Flatbush in 1669. Before 1675 he appears in the records of New Utrecht. He built the first church in Flatbush NY. He left will dated 15 May 1694; proved 1698.


Named in will of Auke dated 15 May 1694; (*);

1. (*) Annetie/Anneken bp 28 Jan 1646 Amsterdam Netherlands; married (1) 1661 Winant Pieterse Van Eck; married (2) 9 Apr 1691 (*) Derick Janse Wortman born about 1630 Amsterdam Netherlands; died after 1708; son of John William Workman and Hannah (unknown).

2. (* decd) Geertruyd bp 9 June 1647 Amsterdam Netherlands; married (*) Frans Joosten.

3. (*) Janneke married 28 Apr 1666 (*) Reinier Arendsz who died 17 Sep 1721; son of Arent Teunissen and Tryntje Reynders.

+4. (*) Jan born Amsterdam Holland; married (1) 29 July 1673 Barbara Provoost bp 30 Nov 1653 RDC NY; daughter of David Provoost; and Maragretta Gillise Verbrugge; married (2) 4 Apr 1680 Eva Janse; daughter of Jan Jacobse. By 1699 he was residing in Jamaica LI NY.

5. (*) Abagail died 19 Jan 1748; married (*) Leffert Pieterse.

6. (* Pontus) Pieter bp 13 Oct 1652 RDC NY.

+7. (*) Jacobus died about 1710; married 26 Apr 1685 Mary/Maria Willemse Cornel; daughter of William Cornell and Margareta Polhemus. About 1699 settled near New Brunswick NJ and afterwards in New Utrecht.

8. (*) FEMMETJE bp 12 Mar 1662 RDC Brooklyn; married 8 Oct 1680 JAN STEVENSE VAN VOORHEES born 1652 Netherlands; died about 1735 Flatlands NY; son of Stephen Coerte Van Voorhees and Willempie Roelofse Sebring.

9. Yda married Auke Rynierse.


Children of Jan Van Nuyse and Barbara Provoost:

+1. Aucke Janse married Catryntje (unknown). Moved to Raritan NJ.

2. William bp 28 Sep 1679 New Utrecht NY.

Children of Jan Van Nuyse and Eva Janse:

3. Jan Janse bp 17 July 1681 RDC Flatbush NY.

4. Geertje Janse bp 19 Nov 1682 Flatbush NY.

5. Maria Janse bp 31 July 1687 New Utrecht NY.

6. Isaac Janse bp 20 Oct 1695 Brooklyn; married Maria (unknown).

7. William Janse bp 5 Feb 1699.

+8. Abram Janse bp 5 Feb 1699; married (1) Antie (unknown); married (2) Henne (unknown).

9. Barbara born 12 Apr 1685.

Children of Jacobus Van Nuyse and Mary/Maria Willemse Cornel:
Children named in probate of will 1710;

1. William died 1771; married 17 Mar 1716 Magdalena Joosten.

2. Johannes/Jan married Ariantje Wyckoff. His will was probated 1747..

3. Isaac bp 20 Oct 1695 New Utrecht; married about 1727 Catrina Vanderveer; daughter of Jan Cornelise Vanderveer and Femmetje Bergen.

4. Magdalena.

5. Margarite married John Maxel.

6. Elizabeth.

7. Maria.

8. Jacobus married Sarah Rapalje; daughter of Teunis Rapalje and Sarah Van Vechten.

9. Auke married 1 Dec 1715 Aeltje Ammerman; daughter of Dirk Ammerman and Aeltie Vanderbeek.


Children of Auke Janse Van Nuys and Catryntje (unknown):
All baptized in Raritan RDC NJ;

1. Barbara bp 18 Nov 1701; died young.

2. Barbara bp 21 Apr 1702.

3. Her Jantien bp 20 Apr 1704.

4. Jan bp 4 Aug 1708.

5. Auke bp 25 Oct 1710.

6. Ida bp 25 Aug 1715.

7. Abraham bp 23 Mar 1718.

Children of Abram Janse Van Nuyse and Henne (unknown):

1. Abraham.

2. Maria.

Updated 26 June 2001;