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JOHN WILLIAM WORTMAN/WORKMAN died in Amsterdam Holland sometime before 1647. It is believed he migrated to Holland from England during the time of the Puritan turmoil. As early as 1628 he had married HARMTJE/HANNAH (unknown).  Harmtje may possibly have been a widow after the first two children were born and then married to a Lodowycke De Jong who would be the father of the third child. Harmtje Jans is believed to have lived to a ripe old age and owned considerable property  in Long Island and Brooklyn. 



1.  Elizabeth Jans born about 1630 Amsterdam; married (1) in America 7 July 1647 Pieter Jansen Noorman born in Norway; married (2) 6 Oct 1662 Joost Jansen Cocquit born at Brugge Flanders Belgium who migrated to America on the ship OTTER 27 Apr 1660.  He died before 10 Mar 1694/5.  On 15 June 1688, Elizabeth and Joost Cockhuyt made a joint will with a codicil by Elizabeth dated 10 Mar 1694/5; this was proved 1 Apr 1695 with letters of administration given to Dirck Jansen Woertman, brother of deceased Elizabeth Cockhuyt. Elizabeth probably died without issue as none were named in will.

+2.  DIRCK JANSE born about 1630 Amsterdam Holland; died after 1708; emigrated from Amsterdam in 1647; married (1) 10 Apr 1661 MARRETJE TEUNISE DENYSE bp 3 Apr 1644 Brooklyn NY; died there 1690; daughter of Teunis Denyse and Femmetje Seals; married (2) about 9 Apr 1691 Annetje Aukes, widow of Winant Pieterse Van Eck; daughter of Auke Janse Van Nuyse and Magdalena Pieterse. Dirck settled in Brooklyn where he owned land and operated the Brooklyn Ferry. He left his will dated 10 Apr 1694. In 1680, he assumed the surname of Woertman. He was named as brother in will of Elizabeth above. 

3.  Annetje commonly known as Annetje Lodowycke born about 1636; married 7 Aug 1655 New Amsterdam Simon Clause.  Annetje probably died before 8 July 1684 when Simon made his will. Named Annetje Lodewick in will of sister Elizabeth.  She may be a half-sister.


Named in will of Dirck Janse Woertman; (*)
Named in will of Elizabeth Cockhuyt above; (**)

+1.  (*) (**) Harmtje bp 6 June 1661 Brooklyn NY; died about 1705; married (1) 5 Sep 1680 Thomas Willensen Koeck born 14 Apr 1658 NY; died 1 Jan 1689/90; son of William Koeck and Sarah Shepmoes; married (2) 13 Sep 1691 Isaac Arentzen Van Hoeck; died 15 Nov 1693; married (3) 17 June 1694 Abraham Messler born about 1658; died about 1718; son of Jan Adamson Messler and Geertje Dircks.

2.  (*) Femmetje bp 6 Jan 1663/4 Brooklyn NY; died before 1707; married 1 Nov 1684 (**) Joris Remsen born 2 Feb 1649/50 Flushing NY; died 1724; son of Rem Jansen Van Derbeek and Jannetje Rapalie. See Vanderbeek Family

+3.  (*) JAN DIRCKSE bp 1665 Brooklyn NY; died 1712; married about 17 Jan 1691 ANN MARIE ANDRIES; bp 1670 Brooklyn NY; daughter of Jurian Andriessen/Andries Juriaensen and Annetje Praa.  They settled on the Raritan River NJ in 1699.

+4.  Geertruy bp 1667 Brooklyn NY; married  28 May 1692 Gabriel Janse Sprong born about 1665 Brooklyn NY; died 4 Sep 1726; son of Jan Sprong and Ann Sodelaers. 

+5.  (*) ( **) Tunis bp 28 Dec 1669 Brooklyn NY; married 28 Dec 1694 Catherine Sprong born about 1676; daughter of Jan Sprong and Joanna Sodelaers. 

6.  Paulus bp 2 Apr 1672 Brooklyn NY; unmarried. 

7.  Catherine bp 1677 Brooklyn NY; died young. 

+8.  (*) Denys bp 27 July 1678 Brooklyn NY; married 24 May 1702 Margaret Beekman; daughter of Samuel Beekman and Magdalena Fonteyn. 

9.  (*) Lyseth bp 4 Apr 1681 Brooklyn NY; married Dirck Van Zutphen. 

10.  (*) Annetje bp 15 June 1684 Brooklyn NY; married 27 Apr 1705 Isaac De Riemer born about 1680 France; died 31 July 1731 New Brunswick NJ; son of Huybert De Riemer and Catherine (unknown). 

11.   (*) Marretje bp 21 Nov 1686 Brooklyn NY; married Teunis Bergen bp 1679; died 1755; son of Jan Hansen Bergen.

12.  (*) Peter bp 1688 Brooklyn NY. 

13.  (*) Lodewick bp 1690 Brooklyn NY. 


Children of Thomas Willemsen Koeck and Harmtje Wortman:

Named in will of Thomas Koeck proved 20 Sep 1689 (*);

1. (*) William born 25 May 1681 Brooklyn NY; died 5 Apr 1739 NY; married 7 December 1723 Cornelia DeGraw, widow of Richard Mahoon and daughter of Leonard DeGraw and Chanty (unknown).

2.  Dirck born 1683; married 8 Oct 1704 Susannah Crigier.

3.  (*) Diana; died in 1690.

4.  (*) Sarah born 1689; married 25 Jan 1708 Jonathan Mayen of Boston.

Children of Isaac Arentzen Van Hoeck and Harmtje Wortman:

5.  Isaac bp Mar 1692.

Children of Abraham Messler and Harmtje Wortman:

6. Johannas bp 16 Dec 1694 Staten Island NY; married 1718 Catryntje Neifies.

7. Peter bp 7 Feb 1697 NY; married 1721 Cornelius Neifies.

8. Lodewyck bp 12 Feb 1699.

9. Abraham bp 3 June 1701; married 25 July 1734 Rachel Van Berkum.


+1.  Andries bp 22 Nov 1691 Brooklyn NY; married about 1715 Jannetje Post bp 19 June 1695 Brooklyn NY; daughter of Wilhelmus Post and Aeltje Covert.

+2.  Dirck bp 26 Nov 1693 Brooklyn NY; died Bushwick NY;  married Elizabeth (unknown); born about 1696.

+3.  Jan Evertsen Bout bp 4 May 1695 Brooklyn NY; married (1) Belitje (unknown); married (2) Nellitje (unknown).

4.  Peter bp 30 Sep 1698 Brooklyn NY.  Left will which was proved 9 Nov 1776 Bridgewater Somerset NJ.

5.  HARMPIE (also known as Femmetje) bp 25 Oct 1704 Raritan NJ; died after Jan 1753; married LUCAS COVERT bp 9 Apr 1699 Madman's Neck LI NY; died 22 Jan 1778; son of Lucas Teunis Covert and Barbara Sprong.  Her name is recorded as Harmpete; Femmete, Harmte, Harpie etc. in the baptisms of  their children.

6.  Anna bp 30 Apr 1707 Raritan NJ; married Jacob Pieterse.

+7.  Abraham bp 27 Apr 1709 Raritan NJ; died Chester Co. PA; married Annetje Smith bp 14 July 1706 DRC NY; daughter of Able Smith and Tryntje Wybrantz.

8.  Jan/Jane bp 25 Oct 1710 Raritan NJ.

9.  Femmetje bp 23 Aug 1716 Raritan NJ.

Children of Gabriel Janse Sprong and Geertruy Wortman:

1.  (*) Annetje bp 5 May 1695; married 20 May 1715 Simon Duryea bp 20 Nov 1693 Brooklyn NY; son of Joost Duryea and Magdalena Lefebre.

2.  Eightje bp 13 Dec 1696. 

3.  Jan bp 27 Nov 1698; married Sarah Hansen. 

4.  Lucas bp 27 June 1701. 

5.  (*) Ade bp 1702. 

6.  (*) Marytje bp 7 Aug 1705; married John Gerretse Couwenhoven; son of Gerret Couwenhoven. 

7.  (*) Gabriel bp 1707. 

8.  (*) Catherine bp 1709. 

9.  (*) Derrick.

Children of Tunis Dircksen Woertman and Catherine Sprong:
Named in unrecorded will of 1729 of Tunis; (*)

1.  (*) Teunis probably married Marytje Kittel; daughter of David Ketlehuyn and Johanna Bratt.

2.  (*) Jan born about 1695 Bushwick NY; died before 19 June 1773 Oyster Bay NY; married (1) Jannetje Letten born about 1708; died about 1752 Oyster Bay NY; daughter of Gerrit Claesen Van Letten and Marrietje Ariansen; married (2) Antje Van Noorstrand.

3.  (*) Derrick born about 1708 Bushwick NY; married Annetje Folkerts; daughter of Nicholas Folkerts and Neeltje Couwenhoven.

4.  Marret bp 17 Dec 1696/7 Bushwick NY; married Simon Simonson born about 1695.

5.  Antje bp 7 Sep 1698 RDC NY.

6.  Elizabeth bp 10 Mar 1699/00 Bushwick NY; married Jan Lequire born about 1661.

7.  Sarah born about 1702 Bushwick NY; married 30 Apr 1737 Cornelius Hoogland.

8.  David born about 1706 Bushwick NY; married Elizabeth Annin.

Children of Denyse Dircksen Woertman and Margaret Beekman:

1.  Maritie born 10 Feb 1702/3.

2.  Antje born 10 Oct 1708; married 1730 John Dunscomb..

3.  Samuel born 30 Sep 1711 Brooklyn NY; died 14 July 1792; married Nancy (unknown).

4.  Maria born 4 Jan 1717/18.

5.  Denis born 28 Mar 1710 NYC; married there 3 Feb 1756 Jeanne Aimar.

6.  William  born about 1702; married Sarah Williams.


Children of Andries Woertman and Jannetje Post:

All born New Brunswick NJ;

1.  Aaltie bp 8 Apr 1719.

2.  Jannetje bp 3 Feb 1722.

3.  Jan/John bp 7 Feb 1725.

4.  Agnietje bp 5 Feb 1727.

5.  Teunis bp 20 Apr 1730.

6.  Elizabeth bp 12 May 1734.

7.  William born about 1732; died 1 Mar 1765 Piscataway NJ; married Margaret (unknown).

8.  Andries bp 1736; died before 1811; married Margaret (unknown).  Will was probated 1811.

9.  Anna Maria born about 1720; married John Phenix born about 1710; died 22 July 1777.

Children of Dirck Woertman and Elizabeth (unknown):
All born in New Brunswick NJ;

1.  Anna Marie born 3 Feb 1723.

2.  Dirck born 28 Mar 1725.

3.  Jacobus born 21 Apr 1727.

Children of Jan Evertsen Bout Woertman and Belitje (unknown):

1.  Janavera/John born 19 June 1720 Brooklyn NY; died young.

Children of Jan Evertsen Bout Woertman and Nellitje (unknown):
All born Somerville Somerset Co. NJ;

1.  William born 17 Nov 1721; married Margaret (unknown).

2.  Maria born 9 Feb 1724.

3.  Sarah born 5 Feb 1727.

4.  John/Jan born 1 Feb 1729; died 1807.

5.  Catherine born about 1730; married Johannes Van Zendt.

Children of Abraham Woertman and Annetje Smith:

1.  Benjamin born about 1729 Somerset County NJ.

2.  Samuel born about 1731 NJ; died Washington County PA; married Angess Scott

3.  Joseph born 1736 Somerset County NJ; died 1813 Burkes Garden VA; married 4 Aug 1761 Phoebe McMahon.

4.  Jacob born 1740 Somerset County NJ; died 23 Feb 1821 Bourbon County KY; married Elizabeth Wyckoff.

5.  Abraham born 1742 NJ; died 1821.

6.  Andrew born 1742 NJ.

7.  George born 1744 Somerset County NJ.

8.  William born about 1746 Somerset County NJ; died 1836 Poultney Twp. OH.

If you have corrections to this information; or would like to share further information, please contact me.

Updated 18 February 2010