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Welcome to
the Christian Gay Chat Room *)

Hi there,

Welcome to my homepage. It is the home of the Christian Gay Chat Room. This room is for Christian Gays who would like to meet (at least in Cyberia). It is not a place to convert or get converted to any persuasion. People who bear a grudge either against gays or against Christians are kindly requested to stay away.

Please, Note: Anyone who thinks being gay and being a Christian are incompatible, is welcome to come and chat as long as they don't disrupt the chat or try to persuade people of their own opinion....
Thanx for joining in under these guidelines.


Yep, that's me!

If you want to go to the chat room immediately, please click on CHAT NOW!

Secondly, do you wanna keep up with what is happening to people you've met, or with what is happening with the Christian Gay Chat Community? Subscribe to the email group of this room. you will get emails from all over the world of people who have stories you can relate to. You can have the email delivered by e-mail to any address on the Net. For a free subscription click on "Keep in touch, join our emailgroup".

Of course, we highly appreciate your ideas. Do you think we can improve this service? Do you like or dislike the idea of a chat room for gay Christians? Click on "Your opinion" and let us know. (Don't forget that hate mail is a violation of applicable international law!!)

Finally, to make this room more effective, we encourage you to create a link from your page to this one. Please, click on "Link..... to you!"

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Copyright © 1998
Peter, Amsterdam