Q: I recently got a hamster. Should I get another one so it won't get lonely?
A: No. Hamsters are naturally solitary animals. If you put a new hamster into the cage, chances are very good that they would fight. This could result in serious injury or even death. Hamsters of the opposite sex should only be in contact for supervised breeding, and adult hamsters of the same sex are better off alone.
Q: Is it okay to feed my guinea pig rabbit food instead? It looks the same, but it is cheaper.
A: Cedar bedding conatins oils that can be dangerous to small animals. It can cause respiratory problems and severe allergic reactions, especially in very young animals. Mice do have very strong-smelling urine, but a better way to combat this is frequent changing of the litter. You can also try a product called Ammo Litter by Aquarium Pharmeceuticals to absorb the ammonia that causes the bad smell.
A: Guinea pigs and rabbits are not the same, and they require different foods. Rabbits are able to synthesize vitamin C in their bodies. Guinea pigs, like humans, cannot, and must get vitamin C in their diet. Lack of vitamin C can result in loss of hair and teeth, lowered disease resistance, and many other conditions, leading up to death. Most higher-quality guinea pig foods have some vitamin C in them. You might still want to provide vitamins directly, either on the food or in the water.