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Purpose and Background Information

ChildrenThere are many written accounts about sexual abuse. Some of these pieces chronicle the victim's story; others, give advice on how to proceed once abuse has been disclosed. This account is different because it is a parent's perspective of dealing with the sexual abuse of a young child. When this became an issue in my life, I wanted desperately to connect with other parents who were suffering. I tried to find articles written by parents but I could find no written accounts of how parents were handling their emotions or the legal aspects of their situations.

It's funny how your life can change so suddenly and without warning. Last year at this time, I was going about the business of living my life. As a working parent, I was balancing work with the responsibilities of home. I was the proud parent of two boys. My older son was an honor student at his middle school. He had the honor of being valedictorian in the class of 1997. My younger child was in kindergarten. His teacher reported behavioral difficulties; he would talk non-stop. I was concerned about this behavior in school. At home too, I found him to be demanding. I thought this behavior was just part of his personality. But we loved him and hoped that as he matured, he would calm down. All things considered, it was a joyful time in my life as I looked forward to my oldest's graduation as well as the planning of my cousin's bridal shower in anticipation of her upcoming wedding. Life was good.

Professionally, I am a high school teacher in the New York City Public School system and therefore had to be informed about child abuse issues and knowledge of the affects it had on children. This issue was reinforced almost weekly by the news media. A week would not pass without learning of yet another tragic story of child abuse. With each news account, I felt the outrage of a citizen at how children in our society suffer. But, I never dreamed it would become an issue in my own life.


Online Support for Parents and Caretakers