The following letter is reproduced in HTML format. Changes made to the document were the exclusion of references made to the identify of the respondent and a telephone number.
January 28, 1998
Dear Ms. _________:
I am writing to you on behalf of Ms. Jolie Eisenberg who is out of the office for the next few months.
Ms. Eisenberg indicated to me that she had discussed your son's case with you on numerous occasions. Ms. Eisenberg reported to me that you were made aware that due to your son's young age, he was unable to successfully verbalize the events that took place between him and ______ which would enable us to prepare a reliable statement to use in court.
Ms. Eisenberg informed me that she explained to you, that since your son is unable to give a reliable statement, this office is unable to file a case before the court against _______. It is therefore impossible to get an Order of Protection on behalf of your son because only a Judge can issue and Order of Protection and only when a case is filed.
Ms. Eisenberg further advised me that she had in fact told you that _______, the Respondent, was going through therapy and that she had discussed with him and his family that he stay away from your son.
As Ms. Eisenberg already told you, due to your son's inability to relate the events that took place in a legally sufficient fashion, this office is unable to prosecute the respondent and has closed out the case.
If you have any further inquiries please contact me at (718)590-______
Ellen R. Greenburg
Borough Chief