Serena (Sailor Moon)is 14.She was born on June 30th and here sign is Cancer.Serena likes to eat, and play video games.Her most favorite colors are pink and white. She is also Princess Serenity.
Serena is not what you whould call a model student! Her grades are not very good..(unless you call getting a 36 good!)and she is very clumsy and whines and cries. Hey! No one is perfect you know! Anyway, she was relucent to become a Sailor Scout..she just wanted to be a normal 14 yr old. But when she puts her mind to it...she really gets powerful! Don't you love those meatballs on her head?
Reeny....( Sailor Chiba Moon,Little Lady) is around 7 years old. Her birthdate is June 30 and her sign is Cancer. She likes bunnys and her favorite color is pink.
You are probaly thinking to yourself.."Who is that little girl with the pink hair?" She is Reeny, and came from the future to find her mom (guess who that is...Sailor Moon) and the imperial silver crystal. She is adorable and very sweet. Her guardian is Sailor Pluto.
Luna is a black cat who was sent to find and help
Sailor Moon. Serena found her while running to
school....being torchered by 3 little boys :( .
You have to feel bad for Luna....well....because she
has to help Serena (nuf said) and it probaly isn't
very easy for her! And there is Artemis. He was sent
to help Sailor Venus. He is a little white cat.And
your wondering who is Diana...right? Well Diana is a
grey kitten who is Luna's and Artemis's daughter.
Diana is also Chiba Usa's guardian.The cool thing is
that They all turn human in the Sailor S movie.