Letters sent to Congress by CAT members
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Letters sent to Congress by CAT members

Letter I sent to House Representative Louis Slaughter

Dear Congresswoman Slaughter,
There are several reasons I am writing:

First thing, I would like to say that you are doing a great job and I'm glad that someone as liberal as you is representing my hometown in Congress.
Second, I represent an newly formed equal rights movement, the Concerned Anarchist Teenagers(CAT). We seek equal rights for teenagers. We seek the rights to have our own career and to support ourselves. we seek the rights to take the same adictive substances that adults are allowed by law to take. We seek the rights to skip our general education of grades 9-12 in exchange to specialize in one career choice so that we may support ourselves instead of relying upon adults.
We are not anarchists really. I believe that in time people will be able to handle the responsibilities of a lawless society, but at the present time the human race has not evolved enough. We merely seek equal rights for teenagers. I have informed other members to write to their local representitives in both the Senate the the House and to also email the President. We are still in the initial stages of gathering members. But in time we shall become more active. You can check out the official webpage at https://www.angelfire.com/ny/davesands
It too is still in it's initial stages and will grow in time. Thank you for your time.

David Sands

Message I sent to New York Senator Al D'Amato

Congressman D'Amato,

I am writing you on behalf of the Concerned Anarchist Teenagers. We seek equal rights for teenagers. We want all the rights that are given to adults. We shall no longer be treated as bond-slaves just because of our age.

You can look at our web page at https://www.angelfire.com/ny/davesands I have emailed my local representative in the House and the President. I have informed other members to email the President and their representatives in Congress as well.

Thank you for your time.

David Sands

I will post reply's if I get any. Also if you want me to post your message here then send a copy of it to me at kiteria@frontiernet.net

Other things to do

CAT Main Page
Email regarding CAT
Send email to Senate members
Look up and mail your local representative in the House

Email: kiteria@frontiernet.net