Mad Love

Distribution: Pleas ask me if you can post this on your page before you do it, ok? Thanks!

I don't own any of the characters in Dawson's creek except the few original ones in my stories. Please don't sue me!

I love feedback, so keep it coming! The next installment should be out soon.


"Hi, boys and girls! Welcome to Camp McGillis Lake! We are going to have the most funnest, bestest summer ever this year, isn't that right? Of course we are! Now please, campers, listen carefully, ok? Great! Will the boys kindly step in line to the right to get their cabin assignments, and the girls pretty please get in line to the left to do the same? Oh , I knew that this was a smart bunch!" Cynthia beamed as a large group of campers exchanged glances of amusement as they got in their respective lines. Joey and Jen were behind a table on the left side of the room, with a sign taped on the edge that read "Foxes #1-Girls 11-12". Dawson and Pacey were in an similar state, except that their sign read "Bears #3-Boys 11-12".

"Hi, my name is Dawson Leery, and this is Pacey Witter. We are both in charge of Bear Cabin #3, and we assure you that we are both mature, responsible people," Dawson informed the parents of a grinning, freckle-faced 11-year old. "We will take take the upmost care in your child," Dawson finished.

" Yeah, I second all that, but I also wish to inform you that both of us aren't so uptight and stuffy," Pacey said in a loud stage whisper, "and I plan on Bear Cabin #3 having the best time in the whole camp, you know what I'm saying?" The parents gave each other looks of amusement, and introduced their son.

" Well, it's nice to meet you both, Dawson and Pacey. This is our son, Calvin. He's a sweet kid, and he loves to tell jokes, although we're trying to break him of the dirty ones before they become a habit," the mother said with a wry smile, " but, I guess boys will be boys. I'm sure you three will get a long great." The mother and her husband kissed Calvin's cheek, which he promptly wiped off, gave him a hug, and said goodbye. Calvin came and say down next to Pacey on the bench and smiled mischievously.

"Hey, Pacey, ever heard the one about the two guys in a strip bar?"


"Joey, I have to go to the bathroom," a little girl with curly red hair said, tugging on Joy's sleeve. Joey looked down at her and smiled. In the few short minutes since the kids had been dropped off, Joey already knew that she enjoyed being a counselor. So far, she and Jen had collected seven of their girls, and a couple more were still coming.

"Ok, Meg, hold on just one second," Joey told her and leaned over to Jen, who sat talking to some parents. "Jen, I'm taking Meg and probably a couple others to the bathroom. Are you gonna be ok here alone?" Joey asked, glancing at Jen's nervous smile off reassurance.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry, I know how to talk to people and cross names off the list," Jen answered a bit sarcastically, referring to the parent check-in list. Joey just raised her eyebrows and shrugged.

*Jen is getting that stick shoved up her butt farther and farther every minute,* Joey thought.

"Ok, girls, does anyone need to go to the bathroom? Jen," Joey called over to where the blonde sat plaintatively, "I'm taking Meg, Dawn, and Alyssa, kay?" Jen just nodded and waved her understandment. It was already apparent that Joey was going to be the favorite counselor among their girls, and Jen was not pleased. She wasn't used to being the one left behind or being second-best. A nagging voice in the back of her ming told Jen that this is what it must have felt like to Joey when she moved to Capeside, and taken everyone's attention.

As Joey moved through the crowd holding hands with the girls, she felt someone's eyes burning into her. She cast a glance around the buzzing room, and her eyes met and settled with Pacey's. He had a strangely calm expression on his face as he stared at Joey, and she squirmed under his gaze. She didn't know how to react to Pacey's look, so she twisted her face into a sour expression. Pacey broke out of his trance and and turned to talk to Dawson. Curious about Pacey's behaviour, Joey led her girls to the ladies room and walked inside. While Meg, Dawn and Alyssa did their thing, Joey contemplated herself in the mirror. *Maybe I should let Jen do my make-up sometime*, Joey thought, *it can't hurt to try something new.*

"Ready, guys?" Joey turned around and asked her campers. After a chorus of "yes", the group headed back to their table . Once again, Joey felt a pair of eyes on her. Annoyed she turned to Pacey's direction, and was surprised and a bit angry to find his back towards her. *Well, why isn't he staring at me?* She thought, full of attitude. Bitting her bottom lip, Joey quickly turned around and ran right into someone. "Gee, am I standing on your red carpet? Watch where you're going, or I can't promise next time I'll be this pleasant," Joey quipped, annoyed at the stranger.

"Well, if this is pleasant, I don't want to see you when you're PMS-ing," the guy answered with laughter in his voice. "Hey, you're a counselor here too? I recognize the t-shirt. I'm Jake, in charge of Wolves #2, and am at your service," Jake said with a deep bow that made Joey giggle. For the first time, Joey looked up at him shyly. He was by far, one of the most gorgeous looking guys she had ever seen. He wasn't the typical movie-star good looking that most girls went for, he probably wouldn't even be described as cute by many, but Joey didn't care, as she reached up to wipe the drool off her face. He was tall, about 6 feet or so, with deep, dark brown eyes, and a chisled face. His hair was the same color as his eyes, but spiked with the tips bleached blonde. Jake had an easy smile, and Joey felt herself falling head over heels.

"A service man at my beck and call? That could come in handy," Joey replied, smiling. "Sorry about the attitude before, it's just part of my instinct. And when I PMS, I lock myself in my room with a giant king-size Hershey's bar and a bottle of Midol, so I highly doubt you'll ever see me at that time if the month." Jake laughed, and Joey felt herself growing warm. "And, yeah, I'm a first year counselor here, in charge of Foxes #1. Have you worked here before?"

"Not here, specifically, but in a camp a few miles from here. This is my third year as a counselor," Jake answered, "so that would make me seventeen. And you?" *Seventeen. The perfect age. Not so old that I would feel intimidated, but two years can make a huge difference between guys my age and their maturity level,* Joey said to herself, thinking of Pacey.

"I'm 15, almost 16. And in case your curious, my name's Joey Potter," Joey said, looking right into Jake's eyes, almost challenging him to object to her age.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Joey. And since you brought it up, I am curious about one other thing. What day of the week is your night off?" Jake asked hopefully, praying it was the same as his.

Joey smiled shyly and tucked her hair behind her ears before answering. "Tuesday. What about you?" She added when she noticed Jake's face fall.

"Sunday," Jake said glumly. Joey bit her lip sadly, knowing that Jake would have asked her out if they had the same night off. *Listen to yourself,* Joey thought, *just an hour ago you were in love with Pacey, and now you want some stranger to ask you out?* She shook her head to free it off these thoughts, and looked up at Jake just in time to see his face light up in a smile. "Hey, my best friend is the co=counselor of my cabin, and his night off is Tuesday. I bet if I pull out a few favors, I can get him to switch with me, and then, if you would do me the honor, we can go see a movie in town or something. How does that sound?"

Joey felt her face turn red at his invitation, and the lengths he would go just to date her. "I would love that, but why are you going to all this trouble for me?"

Jake looked away for a moment before saying in a soft voice, "Ever heard of love at first sight?"

Joey sucked in her breath and felt faint for just a second. How could some totally beautiful stranger be in love with her? Joey could't believe that he actually said that, and decided that it was probably just a joke, or her imagination at work. Pretending she didn't hear what Jake had said, Joey answered, " Well, if you can switch with your friend, let me know ok? I gotta get back to the table. See you around." With that Joey turned on her heel and quickly walked back to where Jen was sitting.

Jen looked up at her with raised eyebrows and a curious look on her face. "Jo-," she began before Joey cut her off.

"Don't say a word, Jen," Joey snapped miserably. The last thing Joey needed or wanted from Jen was a lecture on how to flirt with guys. Joey was convinced that she had just made the biggest fool out of herself and no amount of batting her eyelashes would change that.


The rest of the day went smoothly enough. While Jen and Joey got to know their girls, Dawson and Pacey perfected the details of their midnight plan. Joey was a bit preoccupied with thoughts of Jake, and she saw him once at dinner, and then once at the campfire, when he waved to her. She smiled and waved back, but couldn't help but feel embarrassed about her behavior that afternoon.

As the last embers of the fire died down, groups of campers slowly headed to their respective cabins. Jen and Joey couldn't stop yawning as they led their girls through the woods to the small cabin. During dinner, Joey had been in a better mood and had filled Jen in on her conversation with Jake. Jen assured Joey that she had handled it well, and that he was probably just goofing off. An hour later, the two counselors had the girls settled and in bed, and quietly tiptoed to the bathroom to have a hushed conversation.

"So how do you feel about Pacey now?" Jen asked, sitting on the sink.

"I don't know. I mean, I still like him, but it's kind of obvious that he isn't getting the clue. But with Jake, I like him and he picks up on that and asks me out. It's not juvenile where he plays all these middle school games. It's just plain, simple, and neat. I like that," Joey said thoughtfully. "Plus, Jake has this air of maturity, that Pacey doesn't own," She shook her head in disbelief. "I don't even know why I'm worried about this. Jake will probably never talk to me again, and all my problems will be solved."

"Love is never simple," Jen mused. The two teenagers whispered for a few more minutes, and then fatigue overcame them. As they tiptoed into the main room of the cabin, Joey thought she heard a scratching at the window. Thinking it was just her imagination, she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.


"Ok, two black permanent pens?"




"Bag for carrying our prize?"


"Ok, sounds like we're good to go. Do you remember what your duties on this mission are, Dawson? I don't want you to forget in the middle of striking our target," Pacey said seriously in a low voice.

Dawson saluted Pacey, grabbed their supplies, and said, "Shall we go make memories?"

Pacey grinned and the two boys crept through the forest. Once they reached Fox Cabin #1, Dawson and Pacey stopped to catch their breath before executing their plan. Pacey reached up and broke a branch off a nearby tree, and in the process tapped the window to the cabin. "Pacey!" Dawson hissed. "What the hell's wrong with you?"

"Sorry man," Pacey shrugged, " but no one's awake anyways. I think it's time." Dawson just nodded and followed Pacey as he slowly crawled to the door of the cabin. Carefully, Pacey opened the unlocked door, and signalled Dawson inside. Once there, the two boys glanced around the room. Dawson quickly located Jen and Joey's beds on opposite sides off the room. Motioning to Dawson, Pacey grabbed one of the permanent pens and began his work on Joey. Dark black circled were drawn heavily under her eyes, her eyebrows were arched into high points, and the rest of her face was covered in designs and messages. Across her forehead was written "What a catch!" Dawson was performing similar acts to Jen's sleeping face. When both girl's faces were covered in black ink, the guys moved on silently to the bathroom. Grabbing the shampoo and conditioner bottles that Dawson knew were Jen and Joey's he unscrewed the caps and watched with glee as Pacey poured the entire contents of the green and blue food coloring into each. while Dawson cleaned up in the bathroom, Pacey crept into the main room once ore. Kneeling in front of Joey's sleeping figure, he stared at her for a moment. Then, remembering what he was there for, PAcey reached into her duffel bag and withdrew a handful of bras, and stuffed them into the bag he had brought along. Dawson was already standing beside Pacey with Jen's underwear in his hands. The two friends held in adrenaline soaked laughter until they were far into the forest. Mission accomplished!

Please, please, please send me feedback! I love it!

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