True Romance Part Two

         Dawson woke up, and ate breakfast. He was still debating with himself why he couldn't admit to his love of Joey, and more importantly why Joey would try to take her own life. After eating breakfast, and getting ready to go to the Icehouse, he hears a knock on his front door. He opens it up, to see Jen standing in front of him.

         "Uhhh, hey Jen, what can I do for ya?" asks Dawson, trying to be as cheerful as he can be.

         "Good morning to you, too Dawson" replies Jen, rather sarcastically… "Actually, I'm here because I heard some screaming from your room last night… Is everything OK?"

         Dawson, a little surprised at the display of concern by his ex girlfriend, raises his eyebrow a little

         "Yeah, everything's cool over here, just got into a little bit of a brawl with Pacey, that's all…"

         "Really? You guys are the best friends, what was the brawl about?"

         Dawson went on to explain what happened, as Jen listened, both of them sitting on the front porch.

         "I can't believe Joey's moving!" says Jen, genuinely concerned

         Dawson, just slightly getting annoyed at this entire conversation, decides to brush it off for later… He neglected to bring up the ensuing events of Joey's attempted suicide, because he was kind of late…

         "Yeah, it sucks… Anyways, I have to be getting down to the docks soon, see if I can get a look at Spielberg working…" he says, lifting his trusty video camera, and his carrying case full of tape.

         "Isn't that going just a little overboard with the tape, Dawson?" asked Jen

         "You can never have enough tape, rule number 2 of film making"

         "Oh? And what's rule number 1?"

         "Always carry a camera, you never know what might happen… America's Funniest Home Videos is a good example of the prime directive of film making…"

         "Figures. Anyways, I have to leave myself, I have to visit my grandfather in the hospital, he's just been moved out of the intensive care unit, so he's doing a little better."

         "Hey, that's good to hear! Oh, and apologize to your grandmother for me, for being such a self centered egomaniacal moron, trying to films Alexander's birth."

         "Sure no problem. Actually, I think Grams and Bessie bonded a little during that little moment."

         "What do you mean?"

         "Well, Grams isn't coming with me to see Gramps. She's staying home, she's going to look after Alexander until the Potters get through at the Icehouse with the movie stuff. From what I heard, Bodie rang her up, and asked her this favor."

         "I'm surprised your grandmother's doing this… No offense or anything, but she just may try to brainwash Joey's nephew with endless religious thoughts… Can't you just picture her sitting over the cradle, quoting the bible?"

         "Sounds a little TOO much like my grandmother, but she's not THAT bad, once you get around the religion. Bye, Dawson" says Jen, as she plants a kiss on Dawson's cheek.

         "Pardon me for being somewhat dense, Jen, but ahh, what was that for?" asks Dawson, slightly puzzled.

         "Just my way of saying thanks for not being a total jerk, considering we can call ourselves "ex" by now. First time it's ever happened to me, a guy treating me with respect even after we've split up…" says Jen as she turns towards her house.

         Dawson slightly laughs it off, and leaves for the docks. He was smiling. Despite of Jen's peck on the cheek, he still managed to shove any and all romantic feelings for her out of his mind. The problem at hand was how to react around Joey. A million thoughts raced through his mind.

         OK, I love Joey, that's an established principle. Do I let her know right away? Negative. Why? How do I know she feels the same way? I'm going to have to tell her sometime soon, right? Yeah… Get a grip Dawson, you've got plenty of time. Concentrate on the problem at hand : how to get near Spielberg… Jesus, what's wrong with me, problem at hand, my ass! Why the hell would Joey want to kill herself!?

         Down at the Icehouse, Joey was putting on her apron, getting ready to serve some food. She felt a little woozy, and stared at the bandage on her wrist… Fortunately, she hadn't lost as much blood as everyone thought she did. Bessie may have argued for her to stay home and rest, but Joey wouldn't hear of it. If Dawson was going to be here, she wanted to thank him for saving her life. Bodie had a few chef friends in the kitchen with him, going over some last minute instructions on his meals. Bessie was arranging everything, worrying about Alexander under the care of that pain in the ass Mrs. Ryan.

         "Bodie, I don't feel safe, I'm going to call Mrs. Ryan…" says Bessie, worried

         "Oh, calm down… She delivered the baby without a hitch… Granted, when it comes to her beliefs and opinions, she's not our favorite character. But I wouldn't trust anyone else to look after a baby."

         Bessie tries to get a grip on herself, and goes back to arranging the tables.

         Joey, getting ready to attend about 100 people today, was thinking a lot about Dawson.

         Yes, OK, I admit it. I love Dawson, more than I've ever loved anyone in my life. I can't just TELL him outright. I mean, he may not feel the same way, then I'll have driven him away… 10 to 1 he's still pining over Jen… God, he can be such a stupid person, but even through tiny little faults like that, I still love him… I mean, I almost lost my life over him… If that isn't love, then I don't know what is!

         Pacey walks in, and breaks Joey's train of thought.

         "Hey, Joey… Wow, you guy's aren't sparing any expenses, you plan on serving this crew in style!" says Pacey, trying to make small talk. He notices the bandage on her wrist. "Hey, what's up with the bandage?"

         "Uhhh, small accident in the kitchen" says Joey, trying to downplay the entire incident…

         "Oh, gotta be carefu…" Pacey couldn't even finish the sentence, Joey was fainting. He caught her in time before she hit the floor. "Whoa, Joey… think you need to head on home…" continues Pacey.

         "No, I'm ok…" replies a stubborn Joey, regaining herself "I'll just ask Bessie to put me behind the register for the day"

         "Good, I don't think Spielberg's crew want their waitress fainting on them, having Bodie's hard cooked meals splattered all over the floor…" cracks Pacey…

         "Well, with the money Spielberg's paying us… Look, Bessie will shoot me where I stand if she sees me talking to you…"

         "OK, but before I go, you mind answering this question?" says Pacey

         "What do you want, Pacey?"

         "Are you sad that you're moving away from a best friend? Or are you sad that you're moving away from the very person that makes your heart beat with love?" asks Pacey, as he turns away.

         Joey, stunned at the directness of the question, doesn't even answer.

         "Pacey!" she yells

         Pacey turns around and looks at her

         "Never mind" she says, not knowing exactly what to respond…

         Pacey walks off, down to the docks, where he sees Dawson on a wooden stump, sitting there with his camera ready.

         "Dawson, what are you doing?" asks Pacey

         "What does it look like I'm doing, I'm waiting for Spielberg to show up!"

         "Yeah, like he's not going to clear the docks when he shoots…"

         "Well, we'll just see about that… Perseverance will get you anywhere in this world. In layman's terms for you Pacey, if you hang around and be a pain in the ass long enough, you're bound to get somewhere…"

         Before Pacey can answer back, he hear the sound of a bunch of people walking towards the dock. He turns around, and sees a bunch of film equipment being carried on down to the dock. A guy with a 2 way radio and a headset comes up to the 2 teens.

         "You two, we need some extras about your age in this scene…"

         Dawson and Pacey look at each other, not believing the opportunity in front of them…

         "Sure!" they both say in unison.

         "Great, I'm gonna need your names"

         "I'm Pacey Witter and he's Dawson Leery"

         "OK, guys, I'm gonna need you 2 back here in about half an hour… right here on the docks."

         "We're not going anywhere!" says Dawson


         Dawson and Pacey go back up to the Icehouse, to get something to drink. Over some lemonade, they ponder the possibilities of being extras in a movie.

         "Man, I might get directed by Steven Spielberg, this is better than awesome!!!" says Dawson enthusiastically

         "Just a question, do you happen to know what his latest movie is about? I mean, here we are participating in a movie we have no knowledge of, don't you think that's a little weird? I mean, come on! Entertainment Tonight would have had the scoop by now, if you ask me…"

         "Hey, as long as Spielberg's making this thing, I could care less… Do you think the extras in Independence Day knew what they were participating in? they were told "run for your lives, as if there were a giant flame behind you!" They could have cared less!"

         "Right, whatever… we need to be back like in 5 minutes."

         They paid the tab and walked down to the docks. The fellow with the radio and the headset approached them.

         "Payton and David, right?" asks the guy

         "Uhhh, that's Pacey and Dawson…" replies Dawson

         "Right, whatever… I'm going to need you to stand right there. Stay right there, you'll receive further instructions from Mr. Spielberg."

         Dawson could hardly stand the emotion. He was smiling so much, his cheek bones hurt. Immediately, he notices a figure walking down the ramp onto the dock, with a camera scope around his neck. No mistaking the person, it was Steven Spielberg himself. He approached the 2 teens.

         "Petey and Donald, right?" asks the famed director.

         "Actually, Mr. Spielberg, it's Pacey and Dawson…" replies Pacey, slightly annoyed.

         "Please, call me Steven. Sorry about the names. OK, you guys are very important in this scene. Just stand by the edge of the dock. Dawson, is it?"

         "Yes sir?" asks Dawson enthusiastically

         "PLEASE, don't call me "sir" I get enough of it back on the west coast… I noticed you have a video camera. Here's what I need you to do, just point it at the sailboats over there, like you're filming. Pacey, I need you to point with your finger over at the sailboats, as if you're pointing at him to film something" says Steven.

         "No problem!" says Pacey.

         Pacey notices people in scuba gear underneath the dock, swimming in with rods and poles. Dawson looks behind his shoulder, he sees a mechanical shark being brought in to the docks. He realizes they're shooting another Jaws movie. Steven is talking to a few other people, giving them directions. He goes behind a camera, adjusts a few settings, and then says to the entire crowd on the dock, about 20 or so people.

         "OK, I need everyone to follow the instructions I told them, when I say action! You guys ready?? OK… Roll Film! And…. ACTION!"

         Dawson is filming with his video camera, and Pacey is pointing to the sailboats for a good half a minute or so… The dock starts trembling a little, and then it starts to move wildly back and forth. Everyone falls into the water, including Dawson and Pacey.

         "CUT! That was excellent!!" says Steven

         Dawson, floating in the water, starts to panic.

         "My video camera! It's not waterproof!!!!" he says, as Pacey helps him on to the dock.

         He tries to operate it, but it's shorted out.

         The guy with the headset comes up to the teens and says "go back to the trailers, get some fresh towels… We'll pay for your lunch at the Icehouse." He then notices Dawson trying to get his wet camera to work. "Oh, sorry bout that, Dawson, but Mr. Spielberg likes people not to know what's going on so he can get a natural reaction. Tell ya what, why don't we see him about it?"

         After they get dried off, the fellow in the headset takes them both over to Steven, who's having a cup of fresh Java.

         "What is it, Stern?" asks Steven

         "These guys have a slight problem on their hands…" says Stern

         "Well, you see, sir… I mean, Steven… I fell into the water with my video camera, and it's not water proof and it doesn't work anymore!" says Dawson

         "Here, give me your mailing address, and I'll have my people ship you over a new camera."

         "Really? Thanks, Mr.…. I mean, Steven…"

         "No problem, I owe it to you for having busted your camera."

         Dawson turns around and leaves for the Icehouse, but Pacey stays behind, he has a few things to ask the famous director

         "Uhhh, Steven…" asks Pacey, nervously


         "My friend Dawson is a budding film maker, and he idolizes you as the master of film making. He has this theory that the solutions to all of life's problems can be found in one of your movies."

         "Oh really?" says Steven, laughing.

         "Yeah, so I was wondering if in anyone of your movies is there a solution to this problem."

         Pacey goes on to tell Steven about Dawson's trouble with admitting his love of Joey. Spielberg smiles.

         "Don't worry, Pacey, I'll take care of it" says Steven

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