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Haven's Links

I have been busy collecting links for you to use! Please check them out. Many people worldwide have put pages up in order to share their experiences and what worked for them. These links are by no means instructions, but a show of faith that there is a chance for change. This is for you to decide, no one else can make the decisions for you. Whatever you feel is right for you, is correct. Any decisions made have to be the right ones for you and no one else can or has the right to do this. The bottom line is you have the right to a lifestyle of your choosing. No one can take this from you. Remember this thought though,, "No one can change unless they choose to do so. We can not change another, they have to want to change and be willing to do so."

I had to want to see changes in my life and feel that the timing was right, no one else could do this for me. I had offered my X many chances and asked him many times to consider counseling. He chose not to, and to continue with his abusive behavior. I don't feel any guilt for leaving, I never did. Others have, and that is perfectly normal. At first I did feel guilt for staying so long because of my fear. Looking back, I realize I had no other options. There were no agencies to go to in the early days, and I learned how to avoid most of the conflicts. Things have changed greatly in the 30 years that have passed since then. There are agencies who will help, laws have changed and are still changing. Many towns have Domestic Violence agencies, and the agencies have some sort of counselig and group support available. Domestic Violence is recognized as a problem in this country today. More people are acknowledging it's presence in their lives, the life of a family member or friend. As more people become aware of this problem,the changes are made. What is needed is an awareness and as we share our stories, the awareness comes about.

This is what the Knights of Kindness Haven of Hope is all about. Offering comfort, awareness and hopefully a bit of much needed education. These links are resources that will hopefully change lives. I pray that they will. This is something that is close to the hearts of many Knights. This is an effort on our parts to change the world one smiling face at a time.

Many of the links that I have posted here also link to valuable sites. If at any time you discover a link that is not working, please e-mail me, or any webmaster from these pages. We all strive to keep valid links. Also feel free to send me any links that you find helpful. I would like to provide the best information available on the web!

My Favorite Web Sites

Domestic Violence Handbook
Domestic Violence Is A Crying Shame
Lycos - Search the Web
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Stop The Abuse
Domestic Violence Page
American Bar Association Commission on Domestic Violence
The Phenomenal Women Of The Web Against Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Information
NCADV Domestic Violence Links
Domestic Violence Related Criminal Justice Links
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault