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Tour--Chapter Nineteen and Twenty
Tour--Chapter Nineteen
'he he he' Nick retorted with a sour look on his face. We walked into the arcade. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the darkness inthe arcade. IT was also wuite loud inside because of the video gfames but nothing compared to the chaotic noise backstage. As we looked around I thought to myself that I never even imagined that as many video games existed as were in the arcade. "Now this is my world..." Nick sighed with a joyous gleam in his eyes as he gawked at all the games. 'What are you babbling about?? either I or Brian always beat you, even Leslie always beats you at mortal Combat" Aaron antagonized Nick and we all laughed. 'oh yeah come on hot shot" Nick battle with Aaron then picked him up from under his arms and swung him a round a few times. A couple of the guys had already taken off and since noone had quarters we all headed for the change machines. Both brain and Nick changed $20 dollar bills into quarters. I looked at Howie in disbelief and asked "Are they really gonna use all those quarters??" 'Thats nothing,once we stayed at a hotel that had an arcade, they spent 5 1/2 hours in there and blew like $100 dollars on games', I laughed in disbelief. We decided that since the band had their own mascot, Guido, then we should have one too, so we decided to play all the games that give tickets so we could win a mascot. AJ sat at the slot machines trying to win more tokens so we could keep playing, it was the closest hed get to a casino for a long while. Three of us ganged up on a croccodile bashing game and bashed the living crap out of it. Im surprised it didnt go into tilt considering the number of tickets it spit out all at the same time. After a while we realized that noone had seen Aaron in a while so we went looking for him, Bobby found him. Aaron had found an electricution chair just like the one in the Addams family. "You guys have to try this. You have to sit in the huge wooden chair and hold on to the two medal rods coming out of the arm rests. The longer you can hold on the more tickets u win." He explained to us how it worked. Its incredible how easy it is to inflate the guys' egoes. "I'll do it" AJ stepped forward as if being executed and boasted proudly as he sat in the chair. I > popped the tokens into the machine and watched as the posts started to shake at an incredibly high speed as he held on. It didnt give out real electricity rather the posts vibrated at extremely high speeds so it felt like electricity on your hands. "..Just to make sure you dont let go.." Nick said as he clamped his hands tightly over one of AJ's hands so he wouldnt be able to let go of the post, Kevin folowed and held the other one. At first the vibration was only slight "hehe I can handle this" AJ boasted. As it grew stronger his face started to turn red and he started laughing. " HAHAHA you look like a red chili pepper" Bobby laugheda and we all snickered. Had kevin and Nick not been holding his hands he would have let go half way through. "You guys have to try this" AJ laughed nervously and amused as he jumped off the chair rubbing his hands to get feeling back into them. "me next" Aaron announced and sat in the chair. I put in some more coins and Brian and booby held his hands down. Aaron started laughing as the increasing vibration spread fro mhis hands to his arms to his face, making his jaw vibrate as he laughed. Half way through he couldnttake it anymore "" he stuttered and they let him go. Evemtually everyone went and they didnt clamp anyone else's hands down since the rest of the guys were pretty strong and could deal with it. We all laughed at everyone's expressions as the vibrations made their faces shake. Eventually I was the only one left, they all turned and looked at me. "You can stop looking cause Im not gonna sit in that torture machine, Im all for being adventurous and taking risks but thats just plain masochistic" I said slightly backing away from the machine. 'Come on Erika you can do it, I didt it" Aaron said to me pleadingly. They all started wining and Bobby called me a wimp "fine fine if itll shut you guys up. Im only doing this cause Aaron asked me to" I finally gave in just so theyd stop wining "on one condition.. yo uguys dont hold my hands down..". I said stoping before getting to the chair. "promise, scouts honor" both Brian and AJ said simultaneously crossing their hearts with their fingers. I sat down in the chair and held on to the posts as Aaron popped in the coins and i clenched my teeth. The beginning vibrations werent that bad but it soon increased ' i... don..t.. kn..ow...y... imm.. do..inng... thiss.." I stammered in between laughs as my jaw vibrated and the guys laughed. I was about to let go and then Nick and Kevin clenched their hands on top of mine and i couldnt let go. I could feel my hands starting to hurt from the vibrations and then i couldnt feel them anymore. '" I attempted to say through my chattering teeth. I could feel my face getting hot and I couldnt talk anymore. It finally stopped and I ripped my hands from underneath theirs. "You guys suck,, you promised u wouldnt do that.." I accused them in a pretty ticketd off tone as i hopped off the chair rubbing my hands together trying to get the feeling back in them "We didnt promise, they did" Kevin snickered while nick laughed. I laughed realizing how stupid i was acting but tryed to act irritated anyway. "If i ever get the feeling back in my hands im gonna slap you two silly" "ohh really..." AJ said with a grin in his face and making a purring sound 'Is that all you ever think of??" I asked him laughing "pretty much yeah" he answered matter of factly " ok just making sure" i answered him laughing.I kept rubbing my hands as feeling slowly returned to them. "You know what the best part is? I got all you guys on tape..hehe" bobby laughed handing Kevin his camera back. We all laughed. We played more video games for about another hour when Mike reminded us what time it was. We pulled all our tickets together and fed them to the counting machine "wow baby, ive never seen so many tickets" Aaron exclaimed as he helped Howie feed the machine. We ended up having 1100 tickets. I thought the machine was gonna explode. The 11 of us walked up to the prize counter and looked at all the prizes we could get. After 30 minutes of discussion we decided on a teal/green/blue Iguana like lizard. The tail was almost 1 1/2 feet long. When u picked it up it felt almost liek a beany baby but the outside fabric was really shiny and looked like scales and it was stiff, not floppy like a beany baby. THe lizard was only 850 tickets so with the rest of them we got a whole bunch of junk. We got glow in the dark animal paw prints, slinkys, bouncy balls, chinese finger traps, jacks, whistles and tons of junk. The guy had to put it all in 2 bags for us. I carried the lizard out on my shoulder as we walked back to the van. It was already about 6 pm by then so we headed back to the hotel. We were all in a good mood so we decided to go in by the front entrance to make the fans happy. In the van we all took turns holding our mascot. "what are we gonna name it?" Aaron asked. "Good question little bro" Nick answered. We all started thinking of names. John suggested we call it john jr. we all said no. Brian and Nick suggested names from NES characters but none of them seemed right. We had reached the hotel and still had no idea what to call it. We stopped in front of the van and our protectors got out. There were about 15 girls standing around in front of the hotel and as soon as they saw the van stopping they started screaming. Surprisingly they got louder the moment the door opened. Being strange as usal AJ put the lizard on top of his head and walked out of the van. "hehe you know that lizard being on his head is gonna be all over the internet within 2 hours hehe" I laughed to Howie as we stepped out. He laughed in agreement. Surprisingly the fans were pretty calm and sedated by the time we were all out of the van so the guys all stopped and signed autographs and took pictures. One girl had Kevin sign a sign that said . He saw it and although he didnt seem fased by it u could tell that he was blushing under his skin. Within twenty minutes they were done and the fans even wanted me to be in the picks which was very flattering. One girl told me that my nake and pics were all over the internet and that i should go on and check damage control. I thanked her knowing very well what was probably flying all through cyberspace about me. The moment we were out of earshot from the fans the guys started teasing Kevin and we all laughed. Kevin Howie and I were the only ones who felt like going clubbing so in an excuse to talk to Denise I said Id tell her. Luckily I found her in her room working on paperwork and some hotel forms. I waited for her to finish her phone conference and the told her our plans. I also asked her a few questions and she said shed have to make sure but she didnt see any problems with regards to my question. I said goodbye and went to find the guys.They were each in their respective rooms. I stopped at Howie's room first and he let me in. "Hey D where do you wanna go,I don't know of any clubs around here and Im really in a mood for a Latin club" I sat on his bed as he stood across the room looking through his luggage. The moment I mentioned the word 'Latin' he whipped around and seemed extremely happy. "Are you serious?? Finally I can go to a Latin club with someone these guys just cant manage to get the dances down so they hate going" "Yeah Im serious, can you merengue?" I asked him. Instead of erplying he came up to me and we started dancing merengue, hes pretty good. "I'll take that as a yes, cool, think you can find a club?" "I'll call down to the front desk and ask the concierge" he replied as he sat down next to the phone. "Sounds great, Im gonna go tell Kev, and then Ill be in my room" I said walking out, already energied at the thought of being able to dance with someone who knew how to. Kevin let me into his room and I told him, he didnt seem unhappy "Itll give me a chance to practice my moves, what time are we leaving?" he smiled 'I have no idea, Howie is finding out if theres any clubs around here". I left andheaded to my room. The moment I reached my door I realized that I didnt have my key and would have to go through Nick's room. I knocked at his door " Who is it?" came a low moan from inside "Its me Erika" "Come on in" he mournfully replied again. I walked into the room to find him strewn across the bed with his eyes closed. I became worried. "Hey nick, you okay?? you dont look too great" "thanks." he managed to crack a sarcastic smile " I feel like crap and the pain killers wore off and I cant take anymore for another 2 hours", I sat down next to him on the bed "I know how that feels, you just wanna crawl under a hole and die right?" he nodded in agreement. "Are you sure you dont wanna come with me Kevin and Howie?? by then the pain killers will have kicked in and you could get your mind off of it" "where are you guys going?" " If we can find it a Latin club" "thanks but no thanks im not great at it and I dont feel like making an ass of myself today" "Thats a first.. ok well in that case your gonna stay and sleep, no videogames" "thanks mom" he answered laughing, a slight tinge of pain audible in his voice. At that point someone knocked at the door and I went to get it, it was Howie. "HEy you werent in your room and I remembered you had to come through here so I figured youd be here, anyway I found a club and it doesnt open till 9 so theres about 3 hours till we have to leave" " sounds great, and the guy said this is the best one in town??" "yup, im gonna go make security arrangements now, Kevin or I will come get you when we leave" "sounds good to me, im gonna dress just as I would to go to the Liquid in South Beach, thats fine with you right?" " thats how Im going" "Allright Ill see you in a few hours then k?" " K later" and with that he left. Nick was now sitting up watching tv, yet a painful facade still plagued his face. "I said no tv, its not gonna help the pain itll just make you strain your eyes more, dont make me have to treat you like a four year old" I said to him, he smiled back at me in defiance and shut the tv off " so ms. nurse what do you want me to do instead?" he asked trying to get me rieled up. "wait here". I wen to my room and changed into a tshirt and wind breaker pants. I layed out my outfit for the club then grabbed two of my journals and a couple of graphite pencils. Iwent back to Nick's rom and found him in the same position as I had left him. "O kmr. smart ass since you wanna do something you can pose for me, I have to get at least 5 graphite photoreals done by the end of summer for class or my professor will kill me" " and howam I involved in this?" he questioned. "Since moving for you is painful right now you get to pose" I smiled at him " oh I see so I get to sit here like a dumbass while you draw" without replying I tossed him the new journal and a graphite "oh ok, this I can deal with" " had you let me finished you wouldnt have needed to ask" I taunted him. > He sat on the bed with his back against the wall. I pulled the chair up next to the bed and sat in it with my feet on the bed facing Nick. I picked up my journal and started drawing. Since I ahd no inspiration at the moment I drew him since the light from the window created awesome effects on his rumpled up clothes. FOr a few minutes we sat in silence concentrating on what we were doing.Then he asked me about high school and what it was like "it was half hell half a great time. I dont know , although I usually dont give a flying rat's ass about what people think about me there were days were I wished Icould just fit in and not be the "strange strange girl who has few friends", but overall id say it was fun. Although I wish I could go back and erase a lot of things that happend to me." I said painfully recalling all the things that had happened. He must have realized that there was emotional pain going through towards the end. 'Its ok you dont have to tell me the bad parts, tell me abotu the fun parts" he softly said trying to get back to the uplifting part of the subject. "tell me about prom, and all the stuff yo u do as a senior" his eyes lit up at thinking of all the things he missed "well Id have to say that my fave part of senior year was towards the end. though i have to admit I loved being able to scream 'freshmen suck' at the peprallies. " we both laughed "hmhm i guess id say the most anticipated part for me was Grad Night, I had wanted to go since I was a freshmen. It was great, you guys performed it, I was front row center stage the whole time, I was the girl with the electric blue jacket and ice blue lipstick, id be surprised if you even saw me" I said slightly laughing trying to cver up my emberassement at realizing that I had told him about how much i liked them. He laughed but not at me " actually you know we did see you cause AJ said he loved your makeup. He tried to find you later to ask you where you had bought the jacket. I hadnt made the connection that you were the same person. I remember it, it was the closest Id ever been to being in high school. "hehe are you serious?, that black shiny thing?" " yeah he was obsessed with your jacket for 3 days. He finally stopped nagging about it when Denise threatened him" " hahaha, the only reason I wore it is cause it matched my pants, everyone on the bus nagged me about it. IF i find it he can have it". We sat there laughing for a while. "when we get to New York we have to go pic up Tyke at the pet store right?" Yeah, I think the day before we leave for the World Music Awards". I sat there slightly stunned. Noone told me we were going to the World Music Awards "Pardon?" " oh crap I wasn't supposed to tell you" "You just said that we, as in you and all the guys AND me are going to the World Music Awards, the same ones that are held in MonteCArlo every year? the ones were Princess Stephanie of Montecarlo is always the guest of honor?" I asked him as i sat in my chair stunned in disbelief. " I wasn't supposed to tell you. Its supposed to be a surprise. PLease dont tell them I told you, they'll kill me" He sat on the edge of the bed in front of me with an extremely worried look on his face. I was still stunned "yeah don't worry, even when they tell me ill still be stunned. I'm still in shock" " just pleaseeee dont tell them. Brian and AJ threatened me if I told you, lets change the subject what are you drawing?" though still in shock I was pleased to change the subject so I wouldn't have to think about it "I'll show you if you show me". Nick had sat back to where he was "nope im not done yet" " come oonnn I've shown you tonnes of my work" "nope" "fine act like a child" "don't worry I will" he laughed at me sticking his tongue out,I stuck mine out at him and we both laughed. "ok since you got to ask me about high school I get to ask you something about you" "ok shoot, just don't ask me how me and the guys got together, what my favorite movie is, or any of that papparazzi crap". I laughed at the look of annoyance on his face "hehe don't worry I won't. You guys should just send those people fliers so they don't keep asking you the same stupid questions hehe" he laughed in agreement. "hmhmh ok let me think, I gotta make it good" while I thought he kept drawing. I sat in contemplation for about five minutes. "OK I got it" " k what?" "ok, if you could only keep one memory for the rest of your life and you could choose which one to keep, what would it be?". He sat with a blank puzzled look on his face "WOW thats a good question, I'll have to think about it and get back to you, I have no idea, you completely stumped me" " ha see you havent been asked EVERYTHING, so while u do that I'll go make some phone calls" I got up with my journal and pencils and headed for the door. "who are you calling?" he asked inquisitively "none of your business but if you must know I told Megan and Nicolle that I'd call them so they'll be waiting by the phone and Im calling a couple of other friends" I said smirking and sticking my tongue out at him as I walked into my room. I was about to close the door when he yelled "When you talk to her come over here cause I wanna talk to her" "Ok" I yelled back and closed the door. I looked at the clothes I had layed out to wear. I picked up the phone and dialed her number, her mom picked up and told me that she had gone out with her boyfriend Jeremy.I left a message that she should wait for me to call the next morning. When I hung up I paged her. Nicolle wasnt home yet and it was too late to make anymore calls. "hey Nick would you keep my phone while I take a shower in case she or someone else calls?" I asked as I walked back into Nick's room. "Yeah no prob, just leave it on the table next to my bag". I thanked him and walked back to my room. I took a shower and did my hair. While I blow dried it I contemplated cutting it but decided not to.I looked at the radio and realized that I only had 30 minutes to get dressed and do my makeup. I decided to wear my capri pants, slightly heeled sandals and a metallic baby blue tank top. "Can I come in?" Kevin's voice came through the door as he knocked "yeah come on in". He walked in the door looking amazing. He wore nicely pressed khaki slacks, a tight black shirt with a neatly pressed royal blue long sleeved shirt buttoned and tucked into his pants over it.his hair was loosely gelled back with a few strands falling around his forehead framing his eyes. " your looking amazing" he smiled "thanks, not so bad yourself" I answered back smiling at him.
Tour--Chapter Twenty
"are you ready to go? Howie already got security there and the car is waiting in the back parking lot" he said closing the door to the room. I slid on my arm band, put on my earring and grabbed my purse from the bed. "I'm all set and ready to go". He held the door open for me and I stepped out locking it behind him. Walking by AJ's door i knocked on it saying "We're leaving Bone, don't wait up, be good". I did the same at Brian's and Nick's doors. We met Q at the elevator and slyly made our way to the back parking lot, thankfully no having to stop for anything. We found D waiting by the van talking to the driver. He turned around when he heard us coming "oy senorita usted es mui elegante esta noche' he said to me smiling holding the door open 'gracias senor, usted esta mui elegante tambien' I replied getting into the backseat of the van. D wore a black on black suit and shirt showing off his tan. He had his hair neatly pulled back into a neat ponytail, making him look very attractive. "So where are we off to?" I asked settling into the seat as we pulled out. "This great club my cousin Diego recommended, he's gonna meet us there cause he's the owner" D answered trying to pay attention to the street signs "who?' I replied "One of D's many family members, its like everywhere we go, somoone in that town is related to D in some obscure way or another" Kevin explained smiling, the street lights bring out the deep green glow of his eyes in the dark car. "you wouldn't be hispanic if u didn't right D?" I asked him smiling. "hehe you got it family half way around the world and back". He and I laughed while Kevin looked on in amusement. The drive to the club was about 25 minutes and we cracked up the radio getting hyped for our night of fun. From about a block away you could tell the club was popular because there was about a block and a half of people lined up trying to get in. "You guys its gonna take forever to get in- look at that" I said, the dissapointment in my voice distinct, as I saw the line. "You forgot your with us" Howie reminded me giving me a reassuring pat on the knee. "Let's go" Q proclaimed steeping out of the car first with Tim scoping out the scene and letting us out after they were satisfied with security. The five of us walked right up to the front door where we were met by a huge guy who looked like he could beat the crap out of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who stood in front of a red rope blocking the front door. "Excuse me where do you think your going" his deep voice said as he stepped in front of the door to block us out.By now the people in the front of the line trying to get into the club were more interested in seeing what would happen than into trying to get in. Q stepped up to him and said something low enough to were only he and the guy could hear. Whatever he said was effective cause the guy moved over and apologized to us for making us wait. We walked in and were greeted by the incredible sound of Santana blasting from the speakers. "I don't know what you said to that guy but Q you are officially the man" I said to him putting hand on his shoulder and smiling at him. We were immediately greeted by a handsome tall guy who appeared to have some of the same features as D's mom. "Howie como estas, que ase aqui hombre, ase anos que no nos vemos" he said as he came up to D and hugged him. "Diego this is my band mate and best bud Kev, one of the loveliest ladies in the world Erika, and the men that keep us safe and my best confidants Q and Tim. Diego shook all of the guys's hands and then came up to me 'Good evening" he said holding my hand 'buenas noches, gracias por invitarnos, me encata vuestra discoteca" I said to him. I must have caught him off guard but he immediately smiled and we exchanged customary hispanic greetings. Diego asked me to dance so he and I went off to the dance floor and the guys dissipated. He was a great dancer. We danced a merengue and a salsa together. Deciding I needed some water he escorted me to the bar and I asked for mineral water since I don't drink. The night went great. I found out that dancing runs in the Dorough blood as D proceeded to astound me on the dance floor. I ended up dragging Kev onto the dance floor and trying to teach him how to salsa. "Come on Kev, just cause your a gringo doesn't mean you can't salsa, just put your hips into it" I said over the music laughing. Eventually he got it down and was pretty damn good. I even got Q and Tim to try a little. There were lots of great looking guys there and I had no problem finding a dance partner. At 1 am we decided to head back. I reached for my purse over the table I was sitting at when I felt a cold grip on my wrist. Cold shivers of anxiety and fore shadowing moved through my mind and body. I turned to find the brunette who had been harassing me all night grabbing my wrist. I danced one dance with a guy I didn't know was her boyfriend and she decided to take out a personal vendetta against me. She had already gotten nasty with me to the point where Q had to escort her to the other end of the room where she had promised to leave me alone and supposedly accepted my apology. "Excuse me please let me go" I asked her politely trying not to piss her off while I searched for one of the guys. She had managed to get me in a dark spot away from anyone. "so what you think you are you think you can come in here and just take him from me huh? you gonna have to fight me for him" she yelled at me, her face about 2 inches from mine where I could smell the heavy smell of alcohol on her breath. I ripped my hand away from her grip and attempted to walk past her so as to avoid a confrontation. I saw that both Q and Kevin, at the other end of the room, had seen her and were walking towards us. As I attempted to walk past her she managed to grab my shoulders and push me a couple of feet away so as that I was looking at her again. "Look I don't want him, you can have him, I just want to leave" I said to her in as calm a voice as I could muster. Without saying a word, in a split second she punched me. I wasn't expecting it but I tried to move away in the last second, realizing what was happening. Before hitting the floor like a limp puppet I heard her screaming for them to leave her alone. By the time I was aware of my surroundings again, we were back in the hallway of the hotel room. Kevin and Howie were walking on each side of me with Tim and Q in front and behind. "She seems ok......Denise....pissed......not a room....." were all the words I was able to gather from their conversation but I was unable to distinguish the voices as they slowly swam in and out of my mind, coming through only in the intermittance of the painful throbbing that made my head feel like a ticking time bomb. We stopped in front of a door, which I would later realize was not room. I felt a surge of light flood my eyes which I don't remember if they were open or closed, followed by intense pain that reached from my eyes to what felt like the epicenter of the pain i in my head, increasing the pain 10 fold. I captured some more words and was aware that someone else was there "". They lifted me into something soft which I was able to identify as the bed and pulled the covers over me. The light remained on and they continued to speak but I immediately fell asleep and tuned out even the pain from my consciousness as I slipped into a dreamless but restful sleep. The next thin I remember is waking up. I slowly returned to consciousness as I was awaken by the noise of people moving about and objects being dropped and carried away. I opened my eyes but saw nothing. A surge of white pain ran in front of my eyes and through my head like a swift bolt of electricity "oohhh mannnnn" I moaned raising my hands to my eyes in an attempt to shut out the pain. However my attempts were futile for as I reached for my face I touched it increasing the surge of pain in my face. I kept moaning and sat in the bed with my hands in front of my face but a few inches away so as to not reactivate the intense pain. I became aware of someone, one or possibly more, in the room moving to the bed and sitting on the edge of it. I kept my hands over my face as I concentrated on blocking g out the pain enough to focus my vision. I opened my eyes and stared at the white popcorn roof for a few seconds adjusting my eyes to the light. "How are you feeling?" I recognized Denise's voice coming from beside me. "once the throbbing goes away I'll tell you" I answered in a half moan turning to look at her " well at least she has her humor back" I looked and found Angie seated right next to Denise smiling. Her infectious smile caused me to smile back at her through the pain. I slowly sat up in the bed to keep the vertigo down as much as possible. "Do you have any idea what happened?" Denise sternly asked me "all I know is that we were at the club, I was getting my purse to leave and the next thing I know some pshyco woman punched my lights out" I said to her. My eyes finally focusing and I payed attention to where I was. Angie snickered as she pictured the event. "Well the woman hit you, pretty damn hard I must say for what your face looks like, and you passed out. If security hadn't restrained her she probably would have kicked the crap out of you from what the guys are saying. Diego got you to the back and they called a doctor and made sure you didn't have a concussion so they let you come home. The guys said you were walking under your own power and seemed fine but weren't too responsive which doesn't surprise me." Denise explained to me and I adjusted myself to pay more attention to her. " That would explain it, I think I kept floating in and out of consciousness last night and I don't remember telling the guys anything. Other than this atrociously painful throbbing and stinging I think I feel fine" I answered her as I dared to run a finger across my left eyebrow, the source of the pain, immediately regretting it. "don't worry bout the bruise for the apperances, I'll work my magic on you" Angie smiled in reassurance making me snicker. "Where am I anyway?" I asked as I continued to look around and realized this wasn't my room. "you'r in Kevin's room. They didnt want to leave you alone last night just in case. Kevin, Howie, Q, Tim and Nick took turns watching you during the night in case something happened" Denise continued to explain. I then looked at the watch and realized it was almost 9 am. "aren't we supposed to be loading stuff into the buses?" I asked realizing I probably caused delays in the plans and felt horrible about it. "the guys are doing it don't worry about it, they are taking your stuff down now I think" Angie told me. "the doctor last night suggested pain killers and disinfectants so we're gonna do that as soon as we get to the first aid kit in the bus. Can we leave you to change and meet us in the bus in 20 minutes?" She asked me, the irritation gone from her voice replaced with an acutely protective and worried motherly tone. "I'll be ok, I think I can manage" I smiled letting her know I would be fine. "Allright kiddo we'll see you in a few" Angie said hugging me and walking out of the room with a smile. "I have to go, I have some paperwork to finish for 10 am. Are you sure your ok?" Denise came up to me and stroked the hair away from my forehead being careful not to touch my face. "I'll be ok. I'm so sorry to be such an inconvenience and a pain in the but, I know I'm the last thing you want to be dealing with, with all the management stuff going on and everything" I apologized to her getting back a radiant smile. "Don't worry about that, you are not a pain in the butt at all, your like the daughter I never had. I just want you to be ok, I was so worried when Howie burst into my room at 3 am this morning. I'm glad your ok." we hugged. "thanks" "I'll see you down in a few minutes then ok..oh if you need clothes go get them now before the guys take it downstairs." and with that she left the room. I took care of callings that for a few moments were more powerful than the pain. In the bathroom mirror I closely analyzed the telltale mark on my face. I had a multicolored bruise running from 2 inches above my left eyebrow to an inch below my eye and and a diameter of about 3.5 to 4 inches. I could feel my eye began to swell. I took an advil and timidly placed some ice on my eye for a minute or so,and though it hurt, the cold felt great against the pain. I managed to cross the hallway to my room, grab my clean clothes bag, and cross back undetected. Kevin's room had already been cleaned out so I knew I was ok there. I changed into my cargo pants and a teal tanktop. I put on a long sleeved blouse, leaving it unbuttoned over the tanktop, cause it was cold in the room and I knew the bus would be too. I brushed my hair out and put on sunglasses, as gently as possible so they wouldn't touch my eye. I waited to leave the room until I could tell that they had already finished taking my stuff down cause I didn't hear anymore people coming back and forth. Though I knew it wasn't my fault I was throughly embarrassed by the predicament I had gotten myself involved in. I wanted to get to the bus with as little commotion as possible. I casually walked to the elevator and found Tim there waiting for me. I smiled at him. We walked in comfortable silence to the bus. The last bag was being put into the compartment locker and the door was being closed. We headed for the bus. Denise saw me first and stopped to give me my passes and ID's for the next venue. She reassured me that she placed the first aid kit and pain killers on the bus but because of stuff she had to finish she would have to travel with the band. "Don't worry about it, the guys and Q here are experienced in being nurses when I'm not there. They'll fix you up" I smiled. We said goodbye till later and I climbed the stairs of our bus with Tim right behind me.
Read on!