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Tour--Chapter Seven and Eight
Tour--Chapter Seven
"Mrs. Mclean .. where should i be during the autograph session? I mean I don't want to be in the way or anything..." I asked wondering. " Actually I just found out that the local paper wants to interview you and the guys after the session if you don't mind." she answered as she read through some kind of agenda. "mind...? man I don't mind I just don't know what to say to them. The only time I've been interviewed my whole life was after volleyball games and for volunteer recognition. What should I do?" I asked slightly worried of having to talk to the press. I mean the news people who where at my house when I left I have known because of local interviews but these where total strangers. "First of all relax. Your getting all jittery" Kevin said to me as he placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder " Second you act all goofy and jump on Nick, thats what I always do" Brian said laughing and as he did jumped on Nick who was intently listening to the conversation sort of in a daze. They went into a match of witz and playing around like brothers and then Aaron joined in. five minutes later we were all laughing s o hard that we were crying. The bus driver almost ran off the road laughing. "Thanks guys now I feel better" I said as I let out a sigh of laughter. "thats the one thing about being on the road, interviews and award shows pop up unexpectedly from one day to the other" Mrs. Mclean said from my right, "don't worry you'll be ok". "But what do I do till then? during the session" I repeated "I think you should be with us, after all you are one of us now" Howie suggested from the couch across from me. He looked really handsome in purple. He had let his hair grow till they were almost touching his shoulders, he left his hair curly, sort of the way it looks in the Everybody video. "Allright then the decision is made, you'll sit with us during the session and the shoot during and after" was AJ's comment "All in favor say I""I""I""I""I" they all said gayly. "All righty then I guess I can't win...hahahahaha" I said laughing, in my mind hoping that I wouldn't make a fool of myself. The sun was shining through the left side of the bus and I was thank full for super air conditioning. "So what do you guys do when your on tour for so long?" I asked them. Their eyes lit up as if they had been waiting me to ask them this question. " When we are not sleeping we read, talk, practice most of the time" Howie said smiling " sometimes if we have time we go sight seeing. Before our tour schedules used t o be really hectic but now we fixed them so every once in a while we get to take in some of the sights" nick said smiling, "we play a lot of video games too" "Speaking of which Nick" Aaron interjected " you owe me a rematch big bro". "Usually we have to wear disguises so we don't get mobbed by fans. I mean we love our fans a lot but sometimes we just need to be left alone you know.." said AJ "I can imagine" I responded. " Boys we'll be there in 45 minutes all right?" the bus driver said from his seat ,I thought to myself that I would make it a point to get to know him too he seemed really nice> "I guess that means that we have to get dressed guys" Howie said "I'll start, we'll wear the black/ purple right? that way we don't have to change for the show". "sounds good my man.." AJ said. The two of them grabbed 2 bags from the luggage carrier in the back and went each into one of the two dressing rooms in the back. I realized that I hadn't planned for this and didn't have any black/purple to wear. I suddenly turned to Mrs. mclean. I must have looked stricken because she said to me "Don't worry your mom and I planned and got u clothes to match the guys' for occasions like this. There's a closet in the back with your name on the door. The guys don't even know about it. Her,Jane, and I went shopping together 2 weeks ago, its all part of the tour gig." She said smiling and reassuring me. She is such a sweet and intelligent woman. "Really..? Thanks" I said hugging her. Brian and Nick looked confused because they hadn't heard us, her and I laughed with amusement. They looked even more confused. " don't worry its girl stuff" she said to them and we laughed again. AJ and Howie came out of the dressing rooms and put away their bags. They were wearing straight legged black jeans and shiny black long sleeved shirts. The shirts were really cool. Depending on the light they looked black, a deep purple, or a strange-ethereal almost- black purple. They sat back down in their seats. Both of them looked extremely attractive."I guess its our turn B-Rok" Kevin said "sure is cous" he answered. They got their own clothes and changed too. I don't remember but I must have gawked when the two of them walked out. They looked H>O>T>T> HOTT. Kevin had the first 3 buttons unbuttoned and you could see part of his chest. That man is the definition of attractive. Aaron was the next to change "Well I guess that means that u and I are left Nick.." I said smiling a bit nervously. He got up from the couch and walked towards me. He stretched out his hand and I held it as I got up. "Come on this is your second step into the transformation" He said smiling and laughing. I felt really special with his arm around my shoulder and mine around his like two old friends. I found my closet, opened it, and inside I found a hanger with the shirt and jeans. I went into the locker room on the right. It wasn't big but big enough to comfortably move around. On the wall opposite the door was a mirror where you could see most of your body. I looked at the clothes that my mom, Jane, and Mrs. Mclean bought for me in conspiracy. I was so glad they did, but I dreaded that the clothes would not fit. I put on the jeans and blouse which looked identical to the one the guys wore but just with a female cut. The clothes fit as if they had been made especially for me by a taylor. I put my hair in a pony tail and walked out feeling a bit nervous at my appearance. When I stepped outside I found Nick dressed in his clothes waiting for me. We walked down the bus as if we were on a cat walk laughing all the way. "Here is miss Erika... sporting her new style.." Brian said mimicking the TV broadcasters. "She looks ravishing in her new style" AJ continued. Nick and I kept walking and when we reached the front of the bus did a catwalk turn and Aaron took over for Nick. The two of us went to the back of the bus, all the way mimicking the models in New York. We were all laughing histerycally. Finally we finished and sat back down exhausted from laughing. "If you guys keep it up my face is going to stay like this" I said laughing one more time. "ohhhh ten more minutes till we hit the mobs.." AJ said amusingly. "You guys want to do your own hair and make up for today?" Mrs.Mclean asked them. "We got it covered" Kevin said from one of the dressing rooms. The guys brushed their own hair, except AJ who put his dreadlocks up in a pony tail. Nick slicked his hair back and put on the non-prescription glasses he likes to sport. Howie and Kevin put mousse and spray in their hair, while Brian just styled it and put some mousse in it to make it stay. Aaron just brushed it. I wasn't surprised when they put on a little make up themselves. They just put on some almost invisible foundation to get an even skin color. They all put on chap stick. I fixed my pony tail and put on some hairspray to make it stay. I put on basic make up, some lipstick, eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, and some glitter gel over the eyeshadow. We all looked ready to storm a fashion show. "10 more minutes you guys" called the bus driver. "OK lets go over the basic schedule" Mrs. Mclean said. she looked very business like. We spent the next ten minutes going over the schedule. We would park in front of the book store and the seven of us would get off with the bodyguards. She expected there to be at lest 200 fans there. We would stop in front of the book store to get some pictures. We'd go inside and do some more pictures. Then we'd sit at the table, do some more pictures and they'd let the people in a few at the time. after an hour we'd do a photo shoot with some of the fans and the go to the second floor of the store to do the interview and then leave after about 45-60 minutes. "Allright boys we're here. If all goes to plans I'll be here in 2 1/2 hours waiting for you. I always have the radio if something happens. Good luck" called the bus driver as he pulled up in front of the store. As we came close to the store we started to hear high pitched screeching. We all went up to the front window and saw hundreds of girls standing in front of the store screaming and crying at our bus. Mrs. Mclean handed me a pin to put on. "keep it on at all times and in case something happens the people will know our with us. ok?" she said to me in a real motherly voice. " I will, thank you" I put the pin on. "You guys ready?" Kevin asked smiling. "here we go..." Howie said grabbing my arm and putting me between himself and AJ protectively. Aaron was being held just has protectively between nick and Brian. We climbed out of the bus single file and suddenly the screaming got even louder and went up about 3 pitches. We made our way slowly towards the door of the store. Aside from the boys own bodyguards - including two of Aaron's own- there were about 12-19 police men trying to control the crowd. The boys didn't stop to sign any autographs but the girls grabbed at their clothing. One of them tried to wripp off my security pin. We finally made it to the front door. I looked at the crowd of people and it looked like a scene out of the Ten Commandments. 'Allright boys look this way' said a camera man. The seven of us got in a huddle and I in the middle with Aaron in front of me. Then I got on the end next to Howie who put his arm around me like old comrades. We took two more pictures and went inside. The store was HUGE. In the far end was a wall with a gigantic picture of the boys dressed in white from their latest album. In front of it was a table with seven chairs and seven bottles of water. There was literally a box of permanent markers to one corner that the boys could easily reach. We had to walk the entire store to finally reach the table. There was a constant flickering of flashes. "Don't worry you get used to the flash after a while" Brian whispered to me as we walked. I felt like a nervous mass of Jello. Brian put his hands on my shoulders to reassure me and Aaron held my hand. We finally reached the table. I sat down at the inside end next to Nick and Brian who made me laugh by making faces. They weren't worried about looking foolish in front of the camera. The camera men took more pictures. I finally relaxed and my smile wasn't a facade but an true smile. The guys said some words about how glad they were to be there and I agreed. They finally let the mass of screaming girls into the store. They had to be in line and could get their things signed by only one of the boys. I felt a bit awkward because I feared looking foolish just sitting there. The first girl went straight for Nick and gave me a really evil look. I had thought that most of the girls would have gone for Nick, but I wasn't surprised when it pretty much evened out. Nick must have noticed that I felt a bit awkward so when he had to do the next autograph he grabbed my hand and held my hand to do his signature. We wrote "With Love to Alesha, our greatest fan. Nick Carter and Erika Terrosa". I was afraid that Alesha was gonna have a fit but she was really good about it and started laughing. Because she was so nice about it Nick got his picture taken with her and so did all the other guys. She was completely ecstatic. The other girls looked green with envy. After the picture Alesha came over to me and said "boy you are lucky I wish I could be in your shoes. I'm really happy for you though." I said "Thanks" and hugged and we got our picture taken together. I was surprised at how nice she was. The time flew by. Every once in a while Aaron would act all goofy and all the guys would join in setting the entire store into laughter. About 45 minutes into the session Denise came up to me and said " allright the interview is in 30 minutes but we need to go over some things plus I don't want you to get crushed by the mob again". We both laughed knowingly. I followed her up the stairs, all the time her and I were surrounded by two body-guards. We arrived at the store's second story and I found myself in the presence of a bout 5 professional video cameras, and about 100 photocameras and all the people that belonged to them. There were 7 barstools arranged in a semicircle in front of all this. Me and Denise sat at one end of the store away from the people. " OK now they are going to ask you tons of questions, but you only have to answer the ones you are comfortable with. Just be careful in what you say and use the good judgment that I've seen you have. The guys will be up in 5 minutes and then there's gonna be an informal photo shoot, just for like 10 minutes, then you can all sit down. You and Aaron will sit in the middle with Nick on Aaron's left and Howie and Kevin next to him. You'll have Kevin and Brian to your right. So do you feel ready?...." " I guess I mean its not like I have a choice. I'll just picture all the cameramen in their underwear, although that might make it worse...hhaha" We both laughed, with a touch of nervousness in our voices. Suddenly there was a great commotion coming from downstairs and girls started screaming again. One of the police guys came up the stairs and made sure none of the girls came in. Within a minute all five of the guys were up the stairs and on the second floor. They looked a bit stressed. I looked at their shirts and I could tell that girls had been pulling on them. They came over to Denise and me and AJ said "lets do it mom" "Allright you guys know the drill.." she responded to him. The seven of us huddled together and the guys looked at me and said "don't stress about this, its just like an English presentation. I they ask you personal questions just do your best, and be yourself all the time." they smiled vat me and I relaxed only a little bit. 'Allright but if I faint one of you has to catch me" I said straining a smile. " OK lets go" Kevin whispered. We turned around put our arms around each other's shoulders and walked to the stools. Flashes went off as if it were New Year's eve. I was blinded for a few seconds. I was still very tense. We did some different poses for the cameras, but the whole time being very dignified and not fooling around. We finally got to the interview. I had butterflies in my stomach, my mouth dried up, and I could feel myself flush as the temperature of my body rise. That whole interview took about 45 minutes. I don't remember much of it, probably because I was so nervous. I remember being asked if my feelings and perceptions of the guys had changed, I don't remember what I said but it must have been funny because everyone laughed including the guys. Aaron was asked how he felt touring with his big brother and he made a funny remark. At one point Kevin was asked a question and all I remember about his answer is that it was very deep and profound. The camera flashes went off continously the entire time. After that I don't remember much, just being nervous and laughing a lot. The next thing I remember is finding myself sitting in the bus looking at Denise.
Tour--Chapter Eight
" whwweeeww, I don't think I've ever gone through something like that" I sighed all in one breath. I looked at Denise with a relieved look. She was sitting across from me, AJ and Howie were sitting to my right and left, Kev, Nick, and B-Rok were sitting in the couches to my right. " hahahaha" they all laughed knowingly, but not at me, I laughed slightly too. "You'll get used to them... don't worry, you did great" AJ said hugging me side ways. "Thanks" I said " However I can't really remember most of's just like a big nervous blur.." I said half laughing. "We knew but I don't anybody else could tell. You never stumbled your words and it sounded as if you'd been doing this all your life" Kevin said smiling, "Yup you were a real pro, I never thought you would have been able to deal with those reporters so well.."Howie said complimenting me. "I especially loved the way you embarrassed that reporter who asked you about your love life.." Nick said laughing. "Well I'm glad.. I guess I'll get to see it all on tape.." I said laughing. "You handled them really well with a professional attitude but you were still yourself. I was so worried they would ask you something you wouldn't know how to answer" Denise said. "After this I guess I won't have to be nervous anymore.. Do you guys know what time it will be on TV back home?","We have no idea" Kev said. "I'm going to call Megan right now and tell her to turn her TV on.." I pulled out the cell phone, that had become my best friend within the last two days, and dialed Megan's number. "Hey AJ would you mind talking to her, she would flip out..?" "No prob hand it over.." he answered smiling and extended his hand. I handed him the phone while it was ringing. "Hi this is AJ could I speak to Megan please?" he said in a very gentleman voice. We all watched waiting for her reaction...we had hooked up the phone to the bus speakers so everyone could hear. Megan's dad called her over, "Hey Erika?" she said. "Hi Megan this is AJ, how are you?" there was a nervous silence on the other hand "Erika this isn't funny" she said laughing "It's not Erika, she's sitting right next to me.." he said chuckling " wow..Hi how are you guys doing?" she said but sounded a bit nervous. " We are doing great, we just finished an autograph session and televised interview. Erika was great. We were wondering if you knew what time it'd be on so we can all watch it?" " Yeah let me get the TV guide..." she put down the phone and we could hear her rammaging through papers. AJ handed me the phone back and Nick unhooked the speakers so I could talk privately. I smiled my appreciation. 'Allright its on ABC tonight at 6" " Thanks Mai.." I said half laughing " hey its you. I can't believe you did that to me I almost died. I am so going to kill you when you come back." She yelled at me, but I knew she was glad I had AJ talk to her. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed everyone dispersing so as not to intrude, plus they had things to do. "Fine I won't do it again" I said laughing "oh its OK I don't mind talking to him reaally.." she said and we both laughed. "so how did it go in the interview? better yet whats been happening on the bus?" she said mocking me but really wanting to know. "Well a lot of singing, fooling around, and hard work..",the guys laughed in the background. "you should have seen this, after you left 27 people called me and asked me for your cell number so they could talk to you. And guess who was the first.. Heather but of course, when I answered it I laughed and told her when she gains 50 pounds I'll give it to her. Milone even called." We both laughed histerically.(don't worry if you don't get it its an inside joke that very few people know about). We talked for 15 minutes about all kinds of stuff... catching up on the last few days. I was about to hang up and I got an idea.. "Megan hold on for a sec K?" she agreed. I went up to the guys and said " since you guys are going to practice in a few would you mind practicing on the phone for her. It would cheer her up?" "No prob" they said in unison and got in a little huddle, their faces beaming with pride. "K Mai you've got to listen to this" I said enthusiastically into the phone, she replied with enthusiasm in her voice "Like a flower to a tree...thats how close I wanna be to youur heeaartt" Howie began an accapella of Just To Be Close To You with the rest of the guys doing back-up vocals. When they finished I asked her "so what do you think?" "WOW and WOW" I laughed and told her I'd call her tomorrow. " So do we pass approval? " Nick asked " Hm hm, and whenever you want shell take you guys out partying" we all laughed. "and she said the interview is coming on at 6 o'clock tonight" Brian looked at his watch and said " thats now. Nick jumped to the other end of the couch, reached to the ceiling and pulled down the TV. He switched to ABC and we all huddled on one couch. I sat in the middle and got squished by Brian Howie and Nick. We all laughed but nobody moved. I leaned my head on Brian's shoulder and we all settled to watch. Nick surfed till he found ABC and it had just started. They showed clips of us getting out of the us and going to the book store. All the time the host talking about the guys and me. They then focused on me when nick made me relax by signing the girl's shirt with my hand. "oh nooo I look so dumb.." said cringing and embedding my face in Nick's shoulder and they all laughed and started teasing me " you guys aren't helping...." "Hey its your national TV debut, you should be proud.." Kevin laughed and shook my shoulders. We kept watching. They then went to the interview. We all looked really good in our matching outfits. I listened intently at my answers. At one point one of the interviewers asked me "sooo have you ever been romantically involved with anyone" I smiled and nonchalantly answered " I'm afraid I can't answer that because I don't know you tat well yet" Everyone in the room laughed and so did the guys... both on the interview and next to me. I cringed again into Nick's shoulder again and we all laughed. My laugh had a bit of embarrassement in it. We finished watching. It ended at 7 and the FSU concert was at 9. This had been the first time I had ever been on National television, I was both proud and embarrassed but I realized the guys were right.. I didn't seem or act nervous at all, actually I looked like a TV veteran, too bad I hadn't felt like one at the time. The confidence must have robbed off on me from the guys. Nobody wanted to get up from the couch but AJ and Kevin managed to push everybody off so we were laughing again. "You guys ready for a bit of warm up?" Kevin asked with a bit of seriousness, "nahh we have a full hour when we get there... plus I need to finish some things" was Brian's reply and everyone else including Kevin agreed. Everybody went off to their own thing so I reached for my bag and pulled out my drawing journal, a graphite pencil, and some conte. Denise sat down next to me, "Since this theater is small compared to all the other ones we're going to do you can sit in the crowd if you want..its first come first serve so wherever you want to sit is fine, just make sure you can get yourself to the stage before the end of the show. The last song is probably going to be Anywhere For You. OK so don't get into too much trouble.." she said smiling at me. "Cool, I think I can manage that" I responded smiling back. It wasn't dark out yet since it was summer but the sun had slowly begun to set and sunlight was coming right through the windows and on the back of my neck. Kevin was strewn across one of the couches, and the way the sunlight light hit him looked like adonnis. I couldn't resist and drew him in my notebook. After I finished and washed my hands I decided this would be the perfect time to get to know the driver. I made my way to the front, having to almost jump over Nick who was lying on the floor, and sat down on the floor facing the driver. "Hi,I'm Erika" "I know, I'm Jon. So how do you like it so far?" "I am having the best time of my life, I doubt anything will ever be able to top this. SO how long have you been the driving these maniacs around?" "Basically from when they first began. We've been together all the way. Everyone is like my family. I couldn't live without any of them..." Jon and I talked fervently for about 30 minutes. He was a man of about 35 years old, pretty normal looking, extremely intelligent and funny. "Well we're almost there, You all should go freshen up a bit, tell the guys too.." Jon smiled at me. "Allright, talk to you later Jon". I got up and walked back to the table where I had left my stuff. I found Nick raiding the fridge with Howie, and in a general way told everyone we were almost there. We took turns using the bathrooms and we just chilled on the couch for ten minutes talking about nonsense. We finally got there and we unloaded ourselves from the bus into the auditorium. I took with me my drawing notebook and utensils. The band had already set up around 8:15 they started to warm up by everyone, including the guys just making off the wall sounds. It sounded like an orchestra warming up. We were introduced to the student council president and the dean of students, they were extremely nice. I went to the dressing room in the auditorium and re-did my makeup and hair.I jumped off the stage and sat down in the front row center stage, I didn't feel like having to walk through a mass of people at the end of the show just so I could leave. Kevin and Brian were sitting at the piano singing with just the piano accompaniment. I decided to draw them in conte, because they were the only ones sitting still Nick, AJ, and Howie were jumping around practicing their moves and running around like chickens with their heads cut off. It was 10 minutes before they would let people start coming in so I quickly jumped up the stage and went to wash my hands. Coming back I stuck my notebook and media in Nick's bag so I wouldn't lose it. The whole time Denise had been talking to the student council president and the dean of students who had organized the whole thing. I got in the prayer huddle with the guys, mainly cause Howie and AJ dragged me in, and I wished them all good luck and jumped back down to my seat just as the students started filing in. about twenty minutes later the auditorium had been filled to capacity 3500 students, I have no idea how they got them all in and seated so fast. The concert started. Aaron opened for the guys with his 2 latest songs. A few people noticed that I was wearing the same exact outfit as the guys but noone said anything they just gave me strange looks. The crowd was mostly girls, there were some couples and a small number of guys by themselves- probably went just to pick up girls although some must have liked the music cause they danced to it. The guys were just as energetic as always but it seemed to me as though they were a bit tired. Throughout the concert the guys would look at me and smile or laugh and all the girls around me thought they were pointing to them. It was extremely entertaining to watch. I was glad none of them took me on stage during 'I'll Never Break Your Heart'. The show was winding down and the guys started to sing 'I'll Go Anywhere...' as their second encore, so I looked around for one of the bodyguards that would escort me to the bus like before. Instead I looked up and found Nick leaning over the edge of the stage holding out his hand to me and mouthing 'let's go'. The girls around me went into a frenzy and started to grab for his hand but he was able to fight them off long enough for me to grab his hand and pull myself up the stage with his help. Some off the girls in anger biched and hit me, it really hurt. When I finally composed myself I turned around and realized I had over 3000 pairs of eyes staring at me, it was very unnerving. Aaron came out from backstage and sang the end of the song with them. Their six voices harmonized incredibly beautifully together. They gathered in the center of the stage with me at one end and Aaron on the other and Kevin in the middle. They finished the song and screamed "Goodnight FSU It was great being here.We love you all Bye" The crowd went nuts. We ran off stage, out the back door and directly to the bus nonstop, and yet there were still fans in the back parking lot trying to get autographs. We just ran right through and onto the bus. Like the previous night we collapsed on the couches dead, they more than I. The six of them looked absolutely ragged and worn as if they'd gone days without sleep or food. We all fell asleep right away. Aaron and I fell asleep in the back couch. We were all sprawled out on the couches and partly on the floor. Although I wasn't as physically tired as the guys the excitement of the day wore me out and I slept straight through the night. That night we didn't stop at a hotel because the next day we had to be in north Georgia, at least we would be there two days and would be able to sleep in a hotel bed. When I woke up it was already light out but the sun wasn't high in the sky yet. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 8:25. I looked around and saw that Aaron and AJ had ended up sleeping on the floor, why or how I don't know. I looked toward the front and saw that Denise, Kevin, and Nick were already awake but they hadn't noticed that I was yet. So I slowly got up and without making any noise got my bag out of the over head compartment and went into one of the changing rooms. I changed into khaki shorts and a teal volleyball shirt that said "hit like a girl doesn't mean what it used to". I came out and tiptoed to the front and said 'Hi' to the five of them and sat down next to Nick on the couch closest to the front. They had a also changed shirts and I figured we made a pit stop somewhere because across from Kevin were two boxes from Dunkin Donuts and nine cups of orange juice. They each turned around and said 'good morning' I said 'good morning' back. "Want one?' Kevin asked me and simultaneously handed me one of the donut boxes. I took it from him and looked inside. I was pleasantly surprised to find a Bavarian creme donut, I took it out and handed him the box back, at the same time he handed me a napkin knowing I would probably end up with half of the powdered sugar on my face. I dug in and forgot not to breath out of my nose when I bit into it so half of the powdered sugar was on my face and in my nose. At the same time I heard a camera and saw the flash go off. I looked up and saw Nick taking a picture of me eating with my face covered in confectionery sugar.
Read on!