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A Dedication to All Transformers

First of all, I must place a dedication to my brother, Eli. He had originally started his own Transformer page, and I will now follow in his footsteps. Here's a link to his page: Jazz's Domain

My goal for this webpage was to eventually add animation. I was using a program call PC Animate . Although not the most recent program, I was impressed by how well it handled shading (I am still working on the animation part). I wanted to add completely new pictures. However, after uploading the Optimus Prime (seen below), I realized that Angelfire doesn't provide that kind of memory.

A moment of silence...

Oh, well...minor setback. Since the GIF took over 11000 bytes, I can only make about twenty such pictures. Obviously, this isn't enough to make a really long animation loop. The other problem is that PC Animate uses an extension ANI (not quite as popular as MPEG, I'm guessing). Still, I'm not about to give up yet. I will continue to put up GIFs.

I am incredibly interested in drawing programs and animation programs. If you any information please, please, please, e-mail me below. Of course, the "free-er" the better (I don't really feel like paying $200+ for Adobe Photoshop). Also, do you know anything about 3-D graphics programs? I have heard that 3-D Studio Max is supposedly good, but what do you think?

Finally, I am trying to learn Visual C++ and Visual J++. I have found their tutorials to be less than spectacular (I have only touched on Visual Basic 4...the above two are my first programming languages). If you have an helpful pointers for a beginner, they will be more than welcomed.

Optimus Prime

Here are links to other parts of my homepage: Old Stuff Me Music

Thanks for visiting!
