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Hello. My real name is Nathaniel, but I don't mind being called Gnat. I am a junior in high school. Being a born-and-bred New Yorker, I can vouch that it is a beautiful city (supposedly New York has a bad repuation). I love to bike, and have explored just about every inch of Queens, Brooklyn, and Manhattan. So far I have completely a 50-mile ride to Nassau, and I am itching for more places to visit.

I love to explore. I will try almost anything at least once. I love to travel. If there is anyone who can recommend places to visit in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, or Connecticut, by all means e-mail me. These are places I can get to pretty easily (I don't have too much money. Sadly, I have not been outside of the United States, with the exception. Canada is beautiful, especially Ontario and Quebec. However, I would love to visit places outside North America. Any suggestions? Also, do you know of any student travel discount programs?

I also love food, both eating it and making it. I will try anything at least once. Have you tried any of the following:

I do love receiving mail. However, I have to get out of the bad habit of not cheking my e-mail everyday. Please send me any questions, comments, whatever. Thanks for stopping by.
