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I am delighted to add some information to this page at long last.
Above is a photo, graciously supplied by Albert's nephew.
Albert is seen here in either an ROTC or OCS photo, an eager and
patriotic young man with a future ahead of him. As I have come to learn,
like so many other young men who gave their all for our country,
our government sat back and allowed this future to be snatched away
from my adopted "Big Brother".

I have also received information via microfilm that I will be adding to this
site as time allows, mostly government "issue" but some are letters from
family members, and a fiancee. I have also been given the privilege of
corresponding with Albert's nephew, and am assisting him in starting
up a Tribute page to his Uncle. Graciously, Al's nephew is sharing all that
he and his family know about Al. Albert comes more and more alive for me
every day...and more and more someone who is not just a statistic.

I have also added another photo, shown below, off of a card created by
Albert's sister in a plea for information  regarding Al and other POW/MIA's.
A woman lost her brother and still had the heart and selflessness to share
her time and resources for ALL of our lost brothers and sisters.
The text of the card was cut off in creating the graphic for the Web, but
I have added it by hand below the photo. Perhaps even to this day,
someone can add something to what we already know.
-Semper Fi and God Bless Albert Pitt-

WHERE IS Albert Pitt?
Albert Pitt has been missing in South Vietnam since January
1966.His family does not know if he is alive or dead.
Many men remain unaccounted for in Southeast Asia.  In the
name of humanity, we ask you to inform his family of
his whereabouts.


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