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The Art Page

Welcome to the Art page. The following links will lead you to many technology-related art lesson plans.

World of Puppets - grades k-2
This is one in a series of Web Quest Projects focusing on visual and performing art developed to expose kids to the world of puppets using an interdisciplinary approach that integrates history and social studies themes in the learning.

Frank Lloyd Wright-Art History Internet Report
Bettie Lake from the Art Teacher Connection offers this lesson plan for art teachers that combines researching an important personality in art, online, with writing a report using Clarisworks.

Art for Sale - grades 5-8
This is one in a series of Web Quest Projects developed to help students gain a greater appreciation for art from different cultures, especially the Northwest Indians, using an interdisciplinary approach that integrates history into the learning.

Computer Wallpaper
Intended for upper elementary art students, this lesson plan introduces kids to using computer illustration software and has them use basic features like cut and paste.

Art Lessons
Second graders will use Kids Cuts to create greeting cards, while older art students will use Aldus Superpaint to learn about abstract art.

Art Arrays
From "Link 2 Learn," this primary level lesson has kids visiting art museums and galleries, taking advantage of the computer to see fine details of objects. They can also submit their own art work to an online gallery.

Museums: Surveying Site Standards
From "Link 2 Learn," this lesson, ideal for upper elementary/lower high school art students, has them visit art museums, then critique what they've seen on the site.

Schematically Speaking
From "Link 2 Learn," this lesson on technical illustration has high school students going online to see up close: drawing to scale, multiview, and exploded views, then applying what they've learned.

Eye on Art
From "Link 2 Learn," this lesson has high school students go online to first research design elements and principles, then apply this knowledge to evaluating paintings on the web.

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