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Electric & Dera's Animated Wrestling GIF's

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WWF Animated GIF's
Austin/Bret Steve Austin gives Bret Hart a Stone Cold Stunner
Austin/Vince Austin Stunns Vince McMahon
Bret/Diesel Diesel(Nash) throws Bret through a table
Bret/Shawn Bret Hart slingshots Shawn Michaels into a ladder
Chyna Chyna giving Jim "The Old Man" Neidhart the lowblow!
Degeneration X The animated Degeneration X logo
Dude Love/Billy Gunn Dude Love double-arm DDTs Billy Gunn
DX/Mosh DX superbomb Mosh through a poker table
Hunter Herst Helsmley Hunter does the pedigree
Hunter Herst Helsmley Shawn Michaels telling you to suck it!
Kane Kane Sets The Undertaker and His casket on fire
Kane/Undertaker Kane tombstones The Undertaker at Badd Blood
Mankind/Undertaker< /a> Mankind jumps from the top of a ladder in the boiler room
Sable Sable puts the TKO on Luna at Wrestle Mania XIV
Sable/Marc Mero Sable is caught in a revealing position on RAW (Very Good!)
Shawn/HHH Shawn giving Hunter a big wet one
Shawn Michaels Shawn Michaels telling you to suck it!
Shawn/Razor (Hall) Shawn Michaels dives off the top off a ladder and splashes Razor Ramon
Steve Austin A collection of Steve Austin Pictures
Steve Austin/Ken Shamrock Steve Austin gives Ken Shamrock a Stunner
Sultan The Sultan does the Camel Clutch
Sunny Sunny playing in the waves (VERY GOOD!!)
Sunny Monroe Sunny wishing Classy Freddy Blassy a happy birthday
The Rock The Rock puts the People's Elbow down
Yokozuna/Hogan Yokozuna nails Hulk Hogan with the Banzai splash

WCW Animated GIF's
Bret Hart/Randy Savage Bret Hart gives Randy Savage an outside-in suplex
DDP/Raven DDP nails Raven with a VCR
Fit Finlay/Chris Benoit Fit Finlay tombstones Chris Benoit
Giant The Giant misses a top rope splash
Goldberg/Saturn Goldberg gives Saturn the Jackhammer
Chris Jericho/Eddie Guerrero Chris Jericho turns Eddie Guerrero's flying headscissors into a powerbomb
Lex Luger/Brian Adams Lex Luger powerslams Brian Adams
Malenko/Jericho Dean Malenko delivers a top rope gutbuster to Jericho
Rey Mysterio Rey Mysterio flies from the top rope to the floor with a plancha
Rey Mysterio/Super Calo Rey Jr. does the springboard huracanrana on Super Calo
Ultimo Dragon/Eddie Guerrero Ultimo Dragon monkey flips Eddie Guerrero

ECW Animated GIF's
911/Joel Gertner 911 chokeslams Joel Gertner
Beulah/Francine Beulah does a moonsault onto Francine
Big Dick/Spike Big Dick Dudley drops Spike Dudley through a table
Blue Meanie The Blue Meanie misses the Meaniesault
Douglas/Chetti Shane Douglas gives the belly-to-belly suplex to Chris Chetti
Douglas/Scorpio Scorpio nails Shane Douglas with a moonsault off the apron
Douglas/Al Snow Shane Douglas dives onto Al Snow with a top rope plancha
John Finnegan/Jeff Jones John Finnegan DDTs Jeff Jones
New Jack/Bigelow New Jack dives off a balcony and nails Bam Bam with a guitar
Raven Raven wins the world heavyweight title
Richards/Sabu Stevie Richards hits the Steviekick on Sabu
Sabu Sabu uses a slingshot guiolltine legdrop
Sabu/Cactus Jack Sabu and Cactus Jack go through a table
Sabu/Chris Benoit Chris Benoit breaks Sabu's neck
Sabu/Kronus John Kronus is struck by Air Sabu
Sabu/Spike Dudley
Sabu/Van Dam Sabu puts Rob Van Dam through a table
Sandman The Sandman smashes a can of beer on his head
Sandman The Sandman distributes his beer onto the fans with a spit
Saturn/Big Dick Dudley Perry Saturn gives Big Dick Dudley the Saturn bomb
Saturn/Gordy Perry Saturn elbowdrops Terry Gordy off a scaffold!
Taz/Candito Taz nails Chris Candido with a T-bone Tazplex
Taz/Dreamer Taz T-bone Tazplexes Tommy Dreamer off the soundstage and through a table

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