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Can their smoking hurt you?

Smokers only inhale 15% of the total smoke in a cigarette.
The other 85% goes into the air. This "Environmental Tobacco
Smoke" (ETS) is a combination of exhaled smoke and "side-stream"
smoke, which is what comes off of the cigarette between puffs. ETS
has more tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide and other chemicals than
the smoke inhaled by the smoker.

It is estimated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) that nearly 9 out of 10 non-smokers in America are exposed
to ETS. As reported by the CDC in a recent article in the "Journal of
the American Medical Association," there are measurable levels of
cotinine (a by-product of nicotine) in the blood serum of88 percent
of all non-tobacco users. This means that 88% of non-tobacco users
(including children) are exposed to the harmful effects of tobacco

In 1993, a report from the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA)comprehensively analyzed respiratory studies on the health
effects of ETS, and concluded that ETS was responsible for lung
cancer in adult non-smokers and for serious respiratory problems in
children. The EPA has classified ETS as a Group A carcinogen
(known to cause cancer in humans).

Coping with the behavior of others around you is especially
difficult when it affects your health as well as theirs. If you are the
love done of a smoker, there are some tips you can use to make your
home a healthy one:

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