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Bonding Harts--Part Three


As the yellow Mercedes pulled up in front of the pawnshop, there was no sign of Jonathan’s car.

"You wait here Mrs H and I’ll see what I can find out."

Max reached for the car door only to be stopped by Jennifer’s hand grabbing him.

"We’ll go together."

"Mrs H. If anything happens to you Mr H will never forgive me."

"And if anything happens to Mr H, I won’t forgive myself." She wasn’t pleading with him, she was telling him. Jennifer was going with him no matter what.

An unkempt man was dragging on a cigarette when Jennifer opened the door. He looked her up and down, returning his gaze to the shapely legs displayed from under her skirt. The arrival of Max behind her didn’t stop the drooling, she was the second person he’d had in today who looked like they’d walked into the wrong place. Still the guy from earlier had certainly paid well for information. Mind you he also had a demonic look in his eyes and he was pretty sure, despite the business suit, the threats would have been followed through.

Jennifer approached the counter. "Has a well dressed man, about 6’, dark hair been in today inquiring about a watch?"

"I have a lot of customers, I couldn’t say."

"Cut the crap," interjected Max. "Men dressed like that ain’t normally seen dead in a place like this."

"Hey mister, I was talking to the pretty lady," said the man taking another leer at Jennifer.

"And I’m with the lady," said Max taking a step closer. Jennifer held out her arm to stop Max. Then she reached into her purse and pulled out the picture of Jonathan she kept there.

"Was this man in here earlier?"

He took the picture from her. That was him all right. "Maybe, maybe not. My memory ain’t so good."

Jennifer pulled out a $50 bill. "Perhaps this will help refresh your memory."

The man did a lift of his head to which Jennifer added another $50 to the counter.

Easy money thought the guy, "yeah, he was here. What of it?"

"What did he want?"

"Hey lady. I run a respectable business, not an information centre."

"I’m not disputing that, but I think we’ve already established I can buy information. The question is just how much it’s going to cost."

"Okay, but the price is high." She obviously had money and he was going to get some.

Max brushed past Jennifer. He’d heard enough and he wasn’t about to let Jennifer be taken for a ride. He may have been getting on a bit now, but his in his past he’d been able to handle himself and he knew the right people to mention. He walked to the counter and in one swift move he grabbed the man by the throat.

"You tell this lady want she wants to know or I’ll have a word with my friend Barry Haines, who will have a word with you."

The man dropped his cigarette and gulped. Barry Haines was not a name to mess with, and wasn’t one just anyone used.

"Okay, okay." Max knew he’d made his point. Some of his past was definitely shady, but it did have benefits.

"The guy in the picture came in earlier asking about a watch I had. I gave him the name and address of the guy who sold it to me."

"And," said Max.

"And what, that’s it."

"The name and address you gave him."

"Come on."

"Barry Haines."

"The guys name is Lenny Scott. He’s about 5’10", blonde with a moustache, has a tattoo of a dagger on his left hand. He hangs out at The Blue Diamond on Sunset."

"And that’s all the information you gave the gentleman earlier."

"Yeah, that’s it."

"If I find out you’ve given him more."

"That’s it I swear."

"And what about the watch?"


"The watch, what happened to it."

"The guy this morning took it, along with some other pieces."

With that, Max took Jennifer’s arm and led her out of the door.

"Thanks Max," said Jennifer sincerely. "I don’t know how far I would have got without you."

Max smiled. "I do have my uses," he chuckled thinking about the expression on the face of the man he’d just left.





Jonathan sat silently in a booth at the Blue Diamond. He’d bought a change of clothes so he didn’t look too out of place in the bar. Cradling the beer he’d bought, he watched the patrons of the establishment come and go. As he was just draining the dregs from his glass, a man matching the description given him walked into the bar. Jonathan stood and walked to the counter watching the man all the time. He sat down on a stool two away from ‘Lenny’, watching and listening.






"Mrs H, please just let me go in first. It really doesn’t look like your kind of place." Max was trying to hold Jennifer back as they stood outside.

"Max, Jonathan’s car is parked over there, he has to be in here. If he’s not, then we come straight out, but Max I’m the only one that’s going to be able to get through to him."

"Just keep close to me." Max entered the bar closely followed by Jennifer. She stood out like a sore thumb in her well-tailored outfit as all eyes except Jonathan fixed on her. Jennifer ignored them as she surveyed the room looking for Jonathan. Her eyes fell on the man at the bar and stopped just as Jonathan looked around to see why everyone’s attention was drawn to the door. He spotted Jennifer immediately, surprising himself somewhat that her wasn’t aware of her presence. Usually he knew instinctively when she walked into a room. He could see she had started to shake, and followed her stare back to the bar. It was all he needed. Like a lioness protecting her cubs, Jonathan launched himself from the stool and he was on Lenny. The speed at which Jonathan leapt surprised everyone and with clenched fists he was pummelling Lenny about the face and body. He heard nothing and had the strength of twenty men as he continued punching taking his anger and frustration out on the body lying below him.

Jennifer watched for a moment astonished somewhat at Jonathan. He was so tender and gentle and loving with her and here he was hitting her attacker like he was in a trance.

"Jonathan," she called. "Jonathan." Jonathan just carried on, completely unaware of people shouting and trying to pull him off.

"You lousy bastard. I’ll kill you for what you did to my wife," he shouted.

"Max, call the police." Shouted Jennifer before running around to the two bodies on the floor. She saw the glazed angry expression on Jonathan’s face, a look of pure hatred in his eyes at the subject he was still punching. Blood splattered about the floor as Lenny began to loose consciousness.

"Jonathan," Jennifer shouted this time, "Stop, you’ve done enough."

By this time the barman and two other men where behind Jonathan pulling him off the limp body. Still Jonathan was trying to shake them off to get to his prey.

"Jonathan, Jonathan," Jonathan heard his name being called through the haze in his brain. "Darling," he heard. That voice, the voice he loved to hear. He looked around to see Jennifer stood looking at him.

"Darling, enough." Her voice was calm and soothing. He looked down at the unconscious body and then at his wife, stopping the struggling against the people holding him.

"Okay, I’m okay." He said shrugging the hands off him. He looked down at Lenny, thoughts running through his head. What had he done, surely this made him no better than the man lying on the floor. He’d just used violence to an extent he never thought himself capable of. But Jennifer, she was the reason he’d done it. She was his life and he knew he’d do it again to protect her. As he stood there he felt a warm hand take hold of his and squeeze, before gently pulling him away. He looked over at her, then it dawned on him.

"You left the house."

She nodded as the realisation struck her too. "That was a hell of a way to get me to do it."

He took her in his arms and pulled her to him. "I’m sorry," he whispered. "I just had to."

"I know darling, I know," she whispered back understanding.

Lenny was just regaining consciousness as Herschel and another policeman entered the bar. He walked over to the Harts as Lenny was cuffed.

"Jonathan," he said shaking his head, "You should have called me."

"This was something I had to deal with personally."

"He can press charges you know."

"Let him. I’ll have my day in court with him. I’m not sorry for what I did."

"For the record he’s well known to us. Given the circumstances I don’t think the county prosecutor will take it any further with you. Jennifer, take him home."

"Thanks Herschel," said Jennifer relieved. "Come on sweetheart," she took hold of his hand, "Time for me to look after you for a change."

Jonathan smiled at her and raised his eyebrows, "and I can think of just the way."

She shook her head, "one track mind."






After hearing Jonathan was not to be prosecuted, the Harts decided to head out to the ranch to get away from it all. Jonathan stood at the sink rinsing off the lunch dishes when he felt warm breathe on his neck and a set of arms come around his waist and hold on tight. Jennifer kissed the base of his neck before nuzzling into his neck and inhaling his manly scent. Jonathan closed his eyes enjoying his wife’s touch.

"My hero," she murmured.

Jonathan let out a slight humph. "I wish I’d never had to do that in the first place, darling. I’m not proud of myself, but I would do it again in an instant if it meant this had never happened to you."

"I know sweetheart," she said pulling him tighter to her. "And for that I love you, but now it’s time we put all this behind us. It’s happened and there isn’t a thing we can do about it, so we have to move on."

Jonathan nodded knowing she was right. He wiped his hands and pulled Jennifer’s from around him and up to his lips kissing her fingers.

"Mmmm, nice shirt," he said noting she now had one of his shirts on.

"I thought you’d like it," she said before blowing lightly on his neck following it with a long lick from under his shirt collar to his hairline. Jonathan moaned and moved his head to allowed her better access. His hands released hers and gripped on to the kitchen unit in front of him making the most of his wife’s lips and tongue on him. "There’s something else too Jonathan." She said stopping her torment. Jonathan was brought back to reality for a moment wishing to get whatever it was out of the way, so Jennifer could continue.

"What?" he said attempting to turn around, but Jennifer arms held him where he was.

"Jonathan, I’m fine."

"I know."

"No, I mean it. When you’ve made love to me since the attack, you’ve treated me like a china doll, as if you’re afraid to hurt me."

"But," Jonathan tried to explain he wasn’t but he knew he had been making love like that.

"Ah, I can tell. Jonathan, I’m fine, make love to me like you used to. Don’t get me wrong," she said lightening the mood, "I’ve enjoyed it, but I want you to let go again, take me again like our lives depend on it. Okay."

Jonathan smiled, "Okay," he took her hand from around him and put it over the growing erection in the front of his trousers. "Perhaps you’d like me to demonstrate sooner rather than later."

"Mmmm. We’ll just have to see about that." With that she moved her hands to the top of his shirt and started to undo it, her lips returning to nuzzle his neck. Jennifer took a step back and admired his muscles as she pulled the shirt slowly down and off his back, before running her hands up it. Her hands moved back down and around starting to undo the belt around Jonathan’s trousers. Much as he was enjoying her caresses, he wanted to see and touch her. His hands covered hers and pulled them away stopping her progress. He turned around to her and just smiled. She was wearing his shirt but nothing on her legs.

"What did I do to deserve someone like you in my life?"

"Obviously the same as me."

He brought his hand up and brushed his knuckles across her cheek before opening his palm and cupping it in his hand.

"I love you so much it hurts. You mean the world to me Jennifer, don’t ever forget that." His voice caught as the words came out. He brought his lips to hers softly bringing them together in a sweet, loving kiss. As Jennifer arms reached around his neck, he moved his arm under her and lifted her up, starting to walk across the room. Jennifer broke the kiss before he got to the door.

"Hold on." She reached to the side and picked up the fruit bowl raising her eyebrows. "Dessert."

Jonathan looked at her and then walked back into the room and towards the fridge. "Always tastes better with cream."






Jonathan placed Jennifer on the bed, put the fruit and cream to one side and joined her on the bed. He pulled her to him and rejoined their lips. The kiss matched the intensity of the one they’d shared on the sun-lounger a few days earlier. Jennifer lost herself in the sensation of his tongue invading her mouth. Her hands reached into his hair and pulled his head closer still, feeling the passion he felt for her through that kiss. Jonathan pulled her body into his as he cascaded his kisses across her cheek and down her neck.

"You are so beautiful," she heard between the kisses. His fingers were running up and down her thigh bringing the shirt she was wearing higher with each stroke. As his hand brushed up over her rib cage, he found no bra, and stroked the underside of her breast. Jennifer let out a slight moan, which got louder as he gently began massaging the breast under the shirt.

"Oh yes," he heard, his lips still attending her neck. He loved the noises that left Jennifer’s lips when he touched her. This was going to be a lengthy joining of bodies and souls and he was going to make love to her like there was no tomorrow. Lightening his kisses, he moved back to gaze at her, his hand remaining under the shirt still stroking his fingers lightly over the nipple he could feel hardening under his touch. Jennifer opened her eyes to watch him watching her, she bit her bottom lip as the torment became worse. The throbbing between her thighs was increasing by the second. She too though was determined this was going to last

Slowly Jonathan removed his hand from under the shirt, and got up on his knees grinning as Jennifer lay on her back in total compliance with whatever he was going to do. He leaned over and kissed her as his fingers began undoing the buttons to the shirt. His lips followed his fingers down the path of her rib cage and over her abdomen, as he pulled the shirt back exposing her naked flesh. He felt her squirming under him as he dipped the tip of his tongue into her belly button and trailed it further down and over the brief underwear she was wearing. He felt her hips rise to him, begging him to remove it, but he only gave her a quick nuzzle before sitting back up.

"Jonathan," she groaned wanting his head back at the place it had just left.

"Don’t worry, I’ll get there soon enough. First how about some dessert."

He reached over and grabbed the squirty cream, grinning from ear to ear as he slowly used it around Jennifer’s hardened nipples. She gasped at the cold, and then laughed as he placed a strawberry on top of each mound.

"I always said I liked your strawberry tarts," he said raising his eyebrows. "And I can’t think of a better receptacle to devour them from." He slide his hands down her side holding on to her waist as his mouth went in for dessert. Licking and nibbling he ate with relish. Jennifer was desperate. She needed release and she needed it now. Taking one of his hands from her side, she opened her legs and put it between them guiding him to the place she wanted touched. Jonathan could feel her dampness on his hand through the barrier.

"Right there," she groaned her breath shortening

He felt her hands pulling his to commence a slow rubbing motion as his mouth continued on her breasts. Not long afterwards he was rewarded with a long moan as he felt her body tense under him. As her orgasm took hold, her legs tightened around his hand and he felt her release flooding into her panties. Jonathan finished licking off the remainder of the cream before bringing his head up, his hand remaining on her heat. Jennifer’s breathing was slowing down when she felt Jonathan take hold of the sides of her underwear and pull them off her legs caressing them as he removed the sopping panties. She moved to reach and pull at the top of his trousers.

"Ah ah," he said stopping her. "I’m not done yet." His expression told her he was enjoying the pleasure he was giving her, just as much as she was receiving it. He leaned over to kiss her, Jennifer tasting the strawberries and cream on his lips. "Just lie back and enjoy."

"Now, what do you have planned?"

"Grapes." he said grinning. Jennifer quivered in expectation, he was an expert with grapes. His moved down in between her legs taking a couple of grapes with him. Raising her knees Jennifer moaned as she felt Jonathan pushing the grapes in to her well-lubricated centre. Then he lay back on the bed to join her. Moving his mouth to her ear he whispered, "I’ll be back for those later." Jennifer groaned as her eyes half closed. God he certainly had taken her words on board, this was no way to treat a china doll. Jonathan leapt from the bed and removed the remainder of his clothes. Jennifers total submission to his every touch was doing wicked things and he didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to hold on.

"Turn over," his voice gently commanded to his wife. She was willing to do anything, knowing his dextrous mouth and tongue would be removing those grapes in the not too distant future. As Jennifer lay on her front, Jonathan removed the shirt from her back kissing his way down her spine. Her skin was soft and supple and he breathed in the scent of her, god how he loved this woman. Gently he lifted her hips and body from the bed, so she was on her knees. Jennifer looked down as she saw his head appear between her legs. Jonathan watched her expression as he extended his tongue out and into his wife’s body searching for the first grape.

Jennifer let out a loud ‘ooooh’ the moment she felt his tongue probing in her, her eyes closing enjoying the sensation. His hands reached for her hips pulling her closer, before searching for her hands and linking their fingers. "Oh god," groaned Jennifer as her body involuntarily ground on to Jonathan’s mouth and searching tongue. Jonathan sucked wildly, his mouth like a vacuum on her as she felt the grapes being pulled from her body and into his waiting mouth. Screaming Jonathan’s name out in ecstasy, Jennifer was awash with so much pleasure it was untrue. Jonathan waited for the panting to subside before moving from under her. He was now the one desperate for release. Kneeling behind Jennifer, he slowly pushed himself into the space his tongue had just left.

He could still feel her muscles spasming as her orgasm subsided. He groaned as the tight confine enveloped him and drew him in. They had made love hundreds of times, but each time he was amazed at the feeling of being joined to this woman. On their wedding day he thought he couldn’t love her any more, but as each day they were together passed, his love for her increased. He leaned over to kiss her neck. "I love you," he whispered into Jennifer’s ear. Jennifer shuddered his words making her stomach do somersaults. He said these words to her every day and every day they had the same effect. She turned her head to catch his lips each letting the love they had for each other flow through. "Je t’aime," she whispered through the kiss knowing how turned on he always got when she spoke French to him. Not that he needed to be any more turned on than he already was. It was all the encouragement he needed, he pulled her hips to him pushing himself to the hilt. As he began a slow steady rhythm, he wasn’t sure how long he could keep it up, he was as hard as a rock and Jennifer was calling to him, telling him what she wanted. Her words spurred him on and he built up into a hard fast pumping motion. "Yes," her words encouraged, "Oh yes," and he felt her body go once again. It was all he needed, his orgasm was strong and powerful into her. He joined her groans as it seemed to go on and on. As he withdrew from her body, the pair of them collapsed on the bed, spent with exhaustion. "Ooh, that was good," gasped Jennifer revelling in the afterglow. She snuggled up to her husband as they both caught their breaths.

"Was that letting go enough for you?"

Jennifer giggled. "Most definitely."

Jonathan picked up his wife’s left hand that rested on his chest. The swelling had gone and the fingers were no longer strapped together. He kissed the bare third finger. "I have something for you," he said reaching across to the cabinet beside the bed.

Jennifer watched as he extracted a ring, not just any ring, but the one he had placed on her finger on their wedding day.

"When," she started to say, but couldn’t get the words out, her eyes filling with tears. She never thought she’d see it again.

"It was in the pawn shop, but I didn’t want to give it to you until I could put it back on your finger." He took the ring and lovingly placed the band on her wedding finger. "I love you Mrs Hart," he said slipping the ring down.

Jennifer looked at the ring and then at her husband, "and I love you Mr Hart."