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Murder On The Hart--Part One

The plane lands at JFK Airport in New York from Heathrow Airport in London at about 3:30 p.m. Jonathan, Jennifer and Max get off the plane and head for the terminal with their luggage in hand.

Jonathan asks "Max did you arrange for a car before we left London?"

"I sure did Mr. H, just like you asked. Only they didn't have a Mercedes so I got a Jaguar," Max replies.

"Good thinking Max, I should have thought of that myself." Jonathan gives Jennifer a lustful leer as he says "Jags are much better make out cars."

Jennifer pretends to roll her eyes and huff in annoyance at Jonathan but she slips him a sexy smile at the end. She knew just the place to go with the car she thought. She is still in a state of shock and disbelief over the events of the past few days and over Jonathan. She couldn't believe that sensible level headed her had fallen so head over heels in love with someone in three days. She melted inside when he looked in her eyes and the way he said her name made her tingle. And she still could not believe she had actually seen his proposal of marriage hanging from the Tower Bridge. He was too romantic!

They make their way through the airport to the car rental area and the Jaguar is waiting for them. Jonathan takes care of the paperwork while Max loads the bags into the car. Then they take off for Jennifer's apartment. There is typical New York traffic and it takes them almost an hour to get there. Jonathan and Jennifer are in the back seat kissing the whole way while Max drives.

Finally Max asks "Excuse me Mr. H but don't you think you two should come up for air so Miss Edwards can tell me where I'm going?"

"Sorry Max, I thought you knew this part of New York," Jonathan answers.

Jennifer breathlessly says "Oh look we're here already, it's that red brick building in the next block Max, there's an entrance to the underground garage on the left hand side of the building."

Max easily maneuvers the car into the garage and finds a parking spot. The trio unloads the car and heads for Jennifer's apartment. She hesitates a moment before opening the door, she hoped her friend Kelly had been able to come by and straighten up for her when she called. Jennifer had been in Los Angeles for a week writing a piece on kids in gangs before she went to London and had left a bit of a mess because she had left hurriedly. She hadn't yet told Jonathan that she had found out about the deal with Kingsford Motors while she was in LA, at least she had found out enough about it to go to London to check it out. Jennifer had overheard a man that she would soon come to know as Arthur Radner talking about a deal with a representative of Kingsford Motors over dinner at The Brown Derby and quickly made arrangements to go to London to get the story. Jennifer opens the door and is relieved to see her friend Kelly came through for her, the place looks fine. She gives Jonathan and Max the nickel tour.

"This is a really nice place darling, I can tell who the one with taste in this family is going to be," Jonathan comments.

Max asks "Mr. H you want me to go to kitchen and fix something for dinner?"

"Oh Max I'm not sure what's in there, at least not what's still edible, I've been gone for a couple of weeks." Jennifer answers rather sheepishly.

Jonathan says "That's all right I thought we would go to 21 for dinner anyway. If that's okay with you darling?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea darling," Jennifer answers. "I just thought of something, I haven't told my father that we are getting married yet, I'd better call him before he reads about us in the newspaper."

"Good idea I'm sure it won't be long before some chain smoking, love starved matron of a reporter manages to get the information out of someone at the sign company that I had it made and it won't be long then before someone says they saw us together. I'm sure your father would appreciate hearing the news from you rather than the press." Jonathan answers "Mind if I put the news on while you call?"

"No, go right ahead." Jennifer answers as she picks up the phone and begins to dial the number of the gallery, hoping to catch her father before he leaves for the day.

Jonathan hears her say "Hello Pa" as the news comes on and he engrosses himself in it trying not to invade Jennifer's privacy. After a few minutes he feels her hand on his arm and turns toward her.

"Darling how soon do you have to get back to Los Angeles? My father wants to come up here this weekend," she asks.

"That's not a problem darling, I have an office here in New York and anything I need to get done I can do there or over the phone. We can stay here as long as you like," Jonathan answers.

"Great! Are you sure?" she asks Jonathan. As he nods his head she tells her father "Pa it will be fine, we'll be here through the weekend so come on up and meet your future son-in-law." She smiles at Jonathan as she says this, tells her father she will see him soon and hangs up the phone.

Jennifer leans over, kisses Jonathan and tells him "You're wonderful, absolutely wonderful!"

"That I know," he answers.

"Oh and modest too!" she retorts. "But seriously it is very nice of you to stay and meet my father."

"Well I figure I'm going to have to meet him sooner or later if we're going to be married, so it might as well be now," he answers. "Besides I've been thinking we don't have to live in Los Angeles we can stay right here in New York if you'd like. Like I said Hart Industries already has an office here so it's no problem. Or as far as that goes we can live anywhere in the world you want to, you see I'm just beginning to realize that all this money I've made gives us a lot of freedom and a lot of choices."

"But darling if you don't stay on top of things the business and the money won't last long," Jennifer replies.

Jonathan answers "No, that's the beauty of things, the way Hart Industries is now I can leave it as it is or I can continue to diversify and expand. Either way we'll be fine."

"Darling I saw the way you were in London with Kingsford Motors. You love all the wheeling and dealing. We're going to live in LA where you have Hart Industries' base of operations set up and that's final," Jennifer emphatically states. "Besides I can write from anywhere."

"If that's what you want darling, I only want what will make you happy and for us to be together for the rest of our lives. Now how about dinner? I'm starved!" Jonathan answers. "Besides we have a wedding to plan before we plan the rest of our lives."

Jennifer gives him a suspicious look wondering exactly what he meant by that last comment and says " Sure I'll go get ready for dinner."

As Jennifer walks toward the bedroom Jonathan thinks to himself what a lucky guy he is to have found her. She is absolutely beautiful and a classy lady with real substance, not like those vacuous air heads he had been running around with lately. She was part calico choir girl and part satin dance hall doll with green eyes and flashy hellcat red in her hair. She was the kind of woman a man wants in his bedroom when he's sick and in his bed when he's not.

Their discussion about Hart Industries also made him think that he should at least call the office and see if things were all right there, so he picks up the phone. A female voice on the other end answers "Hart Industries, Jonathan Hart's office."

"Hello Deann, this is Jonathan Hart, I'm just calling to see if the papers I sent on the Kingsford Motors deal arrived yet and if I have any messages."

"Yes Mr. Hart, the papers arrived this morning and I gave a copy to Mr. Radner and Mr. Friesen like your note said and a Mr. Callaway called from New York and said he wanted to talk to you about the deal you discussed with Lakeway Enterprises. Everything else was just routine stuff."

"Well thank you Deann, I'm in New York now so I'll call Mr. Callaway and see what he wants. I will be in New York until sometime next week so you can reach me through the office here if you need me."

"All right Mr. Hart I'll let everyone know. Mr. Hart did you happen to see the banner that guy hung from the London Bridge asking his girlfriend to marry him? They had it on the news last night. I think that's so unbelievably romantic." Deann sighed.

Jonathan smiles to himself thinking yes I am but says "No I didn't see it Deann, goodbye."

"Good bye Mr. Hart."

Jonathan is still smiling as he gets George Callaway's number from his bag and calls him.

"Hello George this is Jonathan Hart, I just got the message you wanted to talk to me."

"Hello Jonathan, I'm glad you caught me I was just about to walk out the door. Yes I do want to talk to you about the deal we discussed, when can you come to New York?"

"Well I just happen to be in New York now."

"Great let's have dinner together tonight then?"

"I'd love to George but I'm with someone, actually I do eventually want you to meet her but not just yet."

"What's the big mystery?"

Jonathan thinks hard before he answers, George was a good guy and a good friend and Jennifer was certainly nothing to be ashamed of or to be hidden and she had already told her father so he decides to let George in on the secret. " George I'm getting married, I'm here in New York with my fiancée."

"Jonathan! Don't tell me you let one of those empty headed gold diggers you run around with get her hooks in you."

"No George she's nothing like that, you'll like this girl. I met her in London."

"Well bring her along so I can check her out and make sure she's good enough for you."

"We're having dinner at 21 why don't you join us there then."

"Great I can't wait to met the girl that made Jonathan Hart sit up and take notice. What time?"

Jonathan looks at Max and asks him what time he made the reservations for then turns back to the phone and tells George 7:30. They exchange good byes and hang up. He looks over at Max and studies the man who had saved him from himself nearly 15 years ago now. He had been just 14 years old when Max pulled him out of that pool hall just seconds ahead of the police and took him in. Max had made him finish high school and go in the Navy and even though he didn't know Jonathan knew, Max had also bought the first stock sold in Hart Industries. Max was his father, confidant, friend and mentor.

"Max we haven't had much of a chance to talk yet, tell me what you think," Jonathan asks.

"About what Mr. H?" Max answers.

"About Jennifer and I getting married Max!" Jonathan exclaims as he rolls his eyes at Max's playing dumb.

"Mr. H I've never intruded on your love life, and I don't know much about women anyway," Max answered with a twinkle in his eye and a grin on his face. "Now horses I know like the back of my hand, some are born to run, some will stomp you just for fun, and some have got the devil in their eyes. There's some you can trust, some will leave you in the dust, and the wild ones will shake you up inside, but you'll always remember the ride."

Jonathan smiles as he catches Max's meaning and carries it through "Well then tell me Max, if Jennifer was a horse, what kind would she be?"

"A thoroughbred Mr. H. She's definitely born to run and to win, you know you got a sure thing if you place your bet on her. And you can trust her too, she's loyal and sticks to her principles, and she's got high ones. I also think in some areas and at some times she could be a wild one. And I also think I'll probably box your ears just like I did when you were a punk if you ever hurt her." Max says this last statement firmly.

Then Jennifer walks back into the room wearing a black dress that is slightly off the shoulder, is cut just low enough in the front to give a hint of cleavage, has a slit up the side to accentuate her long legs and is cut in a v in the back. She has on a triple strand of pearls, pearl ear rings and black high heels and is wearing her hair down. Jonathan is breathless at the site of her but manages to whistle in unison with Max.

Jonathan finally manages to say "You look beautiful, absolutely breathtaking!"

Max chimes in "Yeah I second that opinion. You look terrific Miss Edwards."

"Well thank you gentlemen," Jennifer responds. "Darling shouldn't you be getting ready now, what time are the reservations for?"

"They're for 7:30 and you're right I should be getting ready, I'll have a hard time cleaning up as good as you did though," Jonathan replies as he walks off to get ready. " Oh I almost forgot a friend of mine, George Callaway, is meeting us for dinner, I hope you don't mind." He disappears into the bedroom as Jennifer says she doesn't mind.

Max, looking at Jennifer with a look that is a cross between a man appreciating a beautiful work of art and a proud father beaming at his child, asks "Miss Edwards do you want to work on some of the wedding plans while Mr. H gets ready to go?"

"Actually Max I'd rather spend some time getting to know you a bit if you don't mind. I can see how much you mean to Jonathan and what an important part of his life you are. I'd also like to know what you think of our

getting married," she says a bit hesitantly. She liked Max already and didn't know what she would do if he didn't approve of her.

Sensing her apprehension, Max quickly puts her mind at ease by saying "I think you're one terrific lady, very classy like you belong to another time or something, like before flirting became extinct, when letter writing was an art, stationary was engraved and dinner was an event, before women became broads and dames. You're also smart and you know how to take care of yourself and that's good. And I think you two belong together, it's like you were made for each other. And I couldn't have done a better job of picking a wife for Mr. H if I had done it myself. You're going to be the best thing that ever happened to us Miss Edwards!"

"Oh! Thank you Max, it means so much to me that you would say these things since you are the closest thing Jonathan has to a family," Jennifer says with a tear in her eye.

"Now don't cry Mrs. H what I said came from the heart, I really meant every word," says Max with concern in his voice.

"I know it came from your heart, that's why I'm so touched. Max, you called me Mrs. H!" Jennifer exclaims.

"Hey I guess I did, well I guess it's because I already think of you two as married because you're so perfect together and this wedding is just a procedure you got to go through, what's a piece of paper anyway? It's what's in the heart that counts and you two have nothing but love for each other in yours, a love that will last through all eternity, I'll make book on it," Max muses.

Jennifer walks over to Max and kisses him gently on the forehead and says "Thank you friend."

As Jonathan walks back into the room, he grins from ear to ear as he realizes that the two most important people in the world to him have somehow just formed a bond of their own.

Jonathan looks at Jennifer and says "Hey there, watch it now, I could get very jealous." Then he looks at Max and says " Max, you trying to beat my time old friend?"

Jennifer gives him one of those guilty smiles women have where the corners of the mouth turn upward just in time to keep the lips quiet and leave a man to wonder whether she has wrecked his car, slept with his best friend or given all of his clothes to the Salvation Army and says "Well you clean up rather nice," as she looks at Jonathan standing there in a tailored black suit and tie with a gray shirt.

Max says "Mr. H now you know I'd never do a thing like that to you. We were just getting to know one another."

Jonathan quips "Right Max, what about that girl in Vegas?" then turns to Jennifer and says "shall we go?"

Max gives a sheepish grin and a shrug of his shoulders as Jennifer asks "What girl in Vegas?"

Jonathan tells Jennifer he will tell her the story in the car on the way to the restaurant and they leave.


In the car Jonathan tells Jennifer about the time he and Max went to Vegas and he had his eye on a girl at the blackjack table but she had her eye on Max for some reason and was totally ignoring him and his advances. In the end it turned out the girl had thought Max was some kind of movie producer and that's why she was after him and when she found out he wasn't Max struck out too.


At the restaurant they meet George and Jonathan introduces him to Jennifer and asks him if he remembers Max. The four of them sit down to a lovely meal and enjoy a casual light hearted conversation. After they have eaten Jonathan asks George what he wanted to talk to about. George explains to Jonathan that he has been unable to convince his partner Emerson Westlake to go along with the plans they had been discussing before Jonathan went to London to close the Kingsford Motors deal. After reevaluating the situation the two business men decide to do the project anyway with George using his own money and supports separate from Lakeway Enterprises. As she listens to the conversation, Jennifer is glad she had said what she had to Jonathan earlier about Hart Industries because she can tell how much he enjoys the business deals. Then they all decide to go to George's for a brandy.


George has a very posh place on Park Avenue and the group settles into the den with brandies in front of the fireplace and continues their conversation. When Jennifer excuses herself to go to the ladies room, Jonathan finally asks "Well what do you think about Jennifer, George?"

"I think she's too good for you Jonathan and you better hurry up and marry her before she has a chance to figure that out for herself. You better make it soon too because she seems pretty smart," George quips and the men laugh.

About that time the door bell rings and George goes off to answer it saying "I wonder who that could be at this hour, it's 10 o'clock, excuse me I'll only be a moment."

George opens the door after looking through the peep hole to see that it's two police officers standing there and says "Can I help you officers?"

The older of the two officers answers "Mr. Callaway, you are George Callaway aren't you? I'm Lieutenant Gillis and this is Officer Danato, we would like to ask you a few questions."

George with a look of confusion on his face motions them in and finally manages to say "Yes, I'm George Callaway, sure, come in, what's this all about?"

"Mr. Callaway did you get into an argument with your partner today over a business deal?" asks Lieutenant Gillis.

"What does that have to do with anything?" answers George.

"Where were you tonight between the hours of 7:30 and 8:30, Mr. Callaway?" asks Lieutenant Gillis.

"I was having dinner at 21 with some friends," George answers, still confused.

"And where are those friends now?" asks Lieutenant Gillis.

"I'm right here Lieutenant," says Jonathan as he steps out from the den into the foyer.

"Are you willing to make an official statement to that effect Mr. ???" asks the Lieutenant.

"Yes I am Lieutenant now would you mind telling us what's going on here," answers Jonathan.

"I didn't catch your name mister," says the Lieutenant.

"Hart, Jonathan Hart, now would you please tell us what this is all about," demands Jonathan as he is quickly losing patience with the policeman.

"It seems that somebody murdered your friend's business partner tonight," Officer Danato offers.

Lieutenant Gillis gives Danato a scowl as Jonathan and Jennifer and Max, who have joined everyone in the foyer, say in unison "What?"

All George can do is keep repeating over and over "Emerson is dead, he's dead?" in a disbelieving, questioning way with a stunned look on his face.

Jennifer and Max lead George to a chair in the den as Jonathan and the two officers follow behind. George slumps into the chair and puts his head in his hands. Seeing that George is in no condition to talk Jonathan looks at Officer Danato and asks. "What happened?" Danato looks at Gillis to see what to say since he had given him such a scowl for spilling the beans to them before.

With a look of disgust on his face Gillis says "Well since the cats out the bag I guess it won't hurt to tell you the rest of the story now."

"We're all ears Lieutenant," Jennifer says.


"A call came in to the station about 8:35, it was Mr. Westlake's housekeeper. She said that someone had killed her boss. She had been in the kitchen doing the dinner dishes and when she finished she went to ask Mr. Westlake if wanted anything else this evening and she found him slumped over his desk with two bullet holes in his back."

"That doesn't explain why you're here acting like Mr. Callaway is your number one suspect Lieutenant," says Jonathan.

"Well when we found Mrs. Westlake at some charity shindig and told her about her husband the first thing she said was she knew something like this was bound to happen the way Mr. Westlake and Mr. Callaway are always fighting. She said her husband had told her this morning there was going to be a fight because he didn't want to go along with a deal Mr. Callaway had in mind," answers Gillis.

"Lieutenant I've know Mr. Westlake and Mr. Callaway for years and they argue about as many deals as they agree on. You've got the wrong man I assure you," asserts Jonathan.

"Well Mr. Hart that's your opinion and you know what they say about opinions. The fact of the matter is I've got a job to do and a partnership gone sour sounds like a pretty good motive for murder to me," says Gillis. "So why don't we just move this little party over to my place."

"Whatever for? " asks Jennifer.

"So we can ask Mr. Callaway some more questions, privately without interruption, and so Mr. Hart here can make his official statement about having dinner at 21 with Mr. Callaway that is if he's really willing to stick his neck out for his friend like he says," says the Lieutenant.

"It's not sticking my neck out Lieutenant, it's the truth," says Jonathan.

"We'll just see about that, in the mean time shall we go," says Gillis.

"George don't say anything until we get you a lawyer," Jonathan says.

The officers leave with George in the squad car and head for the police station. Jonathan calls one of the lawyers from Hart Industries' New York office and tells him what is happening and asks him to meet them at the police station. Then Jonathan picks up George's keys off the table in the foyer so he can lock the door and he, Jennifer and Max head for the police station.

At the police station they are kept in a waiting area and not allowed to see George until Doug Abernathy, the lawyer arrives. Jonathan introduces Doug to Jennifer and Max and tells him the police have taken George into an interrogation room and they have heard nothing since the police took him in there. Jonathan discusses making an official statement of the fact that they were at dinner during the time of the murder with Doug and they decide the best way to handle the matter. Then Doug goes off to see George and Jonathan goes to the desk sergeant to make his statement.

Jonathan paces around the waiting area aimlessly trying to make some sense out of this situation. Jennifer watches him intently not sure of what she should do to help, not knowing what he needs from her at this moment yet also realizing she is learning volumes about Jonathan's character watching his concern for and loyalty to his friend. The look of deep concentration on his face also tells her that he is determined to solve this case as much to save his friend as to prove the obnoxious Lieutenant wrong. As he fiddles with George's keys in his pocket, an idea comes to Jonathan just as Doug reappears from talking to George and the police. Doug gives them an update on things, saying that the police are giving George a paraffin test as they speak and this should all be over soon.

Shortly afterwards Lieutenant Gillis comes out and tells them "The paraffin test is negative so in light of that and your statement Mr. Hart, I'm going to have to let your friend go, for now, he'll be out soon. But just a word of warning, I'm going to keep an eye on all of you, this case ain't over yet," he states emphatically.

Sensing Jonathan's irritation, Jennifer takes his arm and retorts, "Thank you Lieutenant, we'll be keeping an eye on you too." Then she shoots him a glare that would have landed her on death row if looks could kill. At this Officer Danato appears with George and says they are free to go.

Still seething, Jonathan says "Come on let's get out of here," and takes Jennifer's hand and leads them out of the police station.

Once they are outside Jennifer declares "I do not like that man!"

"Yeah I noticed, that's okay, I don't like him either," replies Jonathan.


As they are driving George home, Jonathan ask him if he can borrow the keys to his office. George answers "Sure but why?"

Jonathan says "Maybe I can find some kind of clue in Emerson's office that will tell us what's going on and who murdered him . And I figure I'd better look tonight because sooner or latter that Lieutenant is going to get the same idea and I think we'll have much better luck looking without him around." Then he looks at Jennifer and says "Are you up to some breaking and entering?"

She gives him a very serious look and says " But darling he's giving us the keys."

As they drop George off he thanks them for everything and Jonathan tells him to try and get some sleep and not to worry because they'll figure everything out.

Continue on to Part Two

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