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Murder On The Hart--Part Four

Later that evening Jonathan is in the living room waiting for Jennifer to finish dressing when the phone rings. He picks it up and says hello.

"Hi Mr. H, are you and Mrs. H ready for me to come pick you up and bring you over here ?" Max asks.

"I don't know Max let me check." He turns toward the bedroom and says "Darling are you ready for Max to come pick us up?"

A yes comes from the bedroom as Jennifer opens the door. Jonathan is once again taken aback by her beauty and says into the phone "Max, make it in about an hour."

Max says "But Mr. H the guest will be here at 8:00 and it's 6:45 now if I leave in an hour the guest will be here before we get back."

Jennifer smiles and says "Darling we really should get going so we can be there when the guests arrive after all you are throwing this party."

"Oh you two are no fun, okay Max, come and get us," Jonathan says as he hangs up the phone. Then he looks at Jennifer and says "Every time I think it's impossible for you to look more beautiful you go and do it."

"I take it you like the dress then?" asks Jennifer.

"Yes but I like what's in it even better, come here," Jonathan replies.

Jennifer walks over to him and takes his hand as Jonathan says "I'm the luckiest guy in the world."


Max arrives much to quickly for Jonathan and takes them to George's apartment. They say hello to George and Jonathan fills him in a little better on the plans for the evening. Then they go check the dining room to make sure everything is in order. They table is lovely and there are two policemen dressed in waiters uniforms on either side of the table. Jonathan takes the place cards he made while Jennifer was dressing and walks around the table.

"Let's see I'll put Lieutenant Gillis at this end, I'll sit at this end with you on my right," he says looking at Jennifer. "And Elizabeth can sit on my left and George can sit next to you. Let's put Moreitti and his goon on either side of Gillis so he can keep an eye on them and Benny can sit next to the goon. How does that sound darling?" he asks.

"It looks perfect darling, I'm just glad I've got a front row seat," says Jennifer.

Lieutenant Gillis walks in at this point and says "They're all on their way. I sure hope you know what you're doing Mr. Hart."

"So do I Lieutenant, so do I," says Jonathan.

"But the way you explained it the only way it won't work is if somebody we know nothing about committed the murders," says Jennifer.

"Well it worked in the movies let's hope it works here," says Jonathan.


The guests begin arriving each with varying degrees of protest at being brought there by the police and claims of innocence. Jonathan just politely ignores their complaints and shows them to their assigned seats. Once everyone has arrived and is seated Jonathan has the salad served and begins.

"I guess everyone is wondering what we are all doing here tonight," Jonathan starts. "Well some new information came to light this afternoon that will solve these murders and I wanted you all to be here when the guilty party is arrested."

"You mean the murderer is right here at the table Mr. Hart ?" asks Benny.

"Yes Benny the murderer is." Jonathan pauses then says " Moreitti."

"Get cute ya hear Hart but this time don't count on your girl to get you out of it like she did this morning," says Moreitti.

"Relax I was just going to ask you if you liked your salad since you don't seem to be eating," says Jonathan.

"I don't eat salads," says Moreitti.

"Let's try the soup then shall we, waiter would you serve the soup to the chicken please, oh I mean the chicken soup," says Jennifer.

Jonathan looks over at her and says "That was cute."

"Thanks I thought so," says Jennifer.

"Benny," asks Jonathan "How much and how often did Mr. Westlake bet with you?"

"Not too much really a nag here and there and a football or basketball game once in a while," answers Benny.

"How much was he into you for?" asks Jonathan.

"Nothing Mr. Hart, he always made good his losses right away," answers Benny.

"So you would have no reason to kill him then would you?" asks Jonathan.

"Geez no way would I kill him Mr. Hart even if he hadn't paid, I just wouldn't let him bet anymore till he paid!" exclaims Benny.

Then Jonathan asks "George what did you and Emerson fight about on the morning he was murdered?"

"About the deal you and I discussed at dinner that night to develop new computer software. Emerson was against it because he didn't feel like computers would become popular for home use," answers George.

Gillis says "You never told me that the deal they fought about was with you Mr. Hart."

"In a minute it won't matter Lieutenant," says Jonathan as he sees Max motioning for him from the kitchen. "Will you all excuse me just a minute." Then he walks out to the kitchen to talk to Max.

No one is sure what to do while he is gone so they all start eating as the waiters serve the main course at Jennifer's instruction.

Jonathan walks back to his chair and says "Ladies and gentlemen I just got the next to the last piece of this puzzle. All I need is one more bit of information then I will tell you who the murderer is."

Jennifer leans over and whispers in his ear "The suspense is killing me, tell me."

Jonathan just gives her that smile of his and asks "Moreitti where's you other friend tonight?"

Jennifer glares at him and says "You know the one who likes waving guns in ladies faces." Jonathan loved it when she was sassy and insolent like that and smiles at her in approval.

Moreitti just sits there acting like he didn't hear them until Gillis stands up and steps toward him then he says "He took off this afternoon around 1:00 and I haven't seen or heard from him since."

"Who did you have him following now that Bunny is dead " asks Jonathan. "How long had he been following Bunny for you?"

Moreitti asks "What makes you think I was having Bunny followed?"

Jonathan says "We'll skip that, did Vinnie ever tell you that it was Emerson Westlake Bunny was cheating on you with?"

"No I just knew it was someone," answers Moreitti.

What excuse did he give you for not seeing who killed her?" Jonathan asks next.

"He just said that once he saw she was headed straight home that night he stopped to get something to eat," Moreitti answers.

"And you believed him?" asks Jonathan.

"Not really but what else could I do?" says Moreitti.

"That's right because the only other option in your line of work would be to kill him and you couldn't kill your best boy could you? I wonder who at this table would be more surprised if Vinnie walked in here right this minute you or Elizabeth?" ask Jonathan.

Elizabeth drops her fork and Moreitti says "What are you talking about Hart, are you trying to tell me something?"

"Yes I'm trying to tell you that your best boy is dead. He was murdered this afternoon when he tried to blackmail the person he saw come out of Bunny's apartment building right after she was murdered. Did you know Vinnie was running a blackmail business on the side Moreitti?" asks Jonathan.

"No, you're lying," answers Moreitti.

"That leaves only one person who could have wanted Emerson dead, one person who hated him enough to take his life and the life of his mistress," says Jonathan as he turns to Elizabeth and asks "When did you find out about the affair Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth had taken the gun from her purse when Jonathan mentioned that Vinnie was dead. She had known then that he was getting too close. She fingers the trigger trying to decide what to do. With all the people around she concludes that trying to bluff her way out of this is her best option so she says "Jonathan do really expect me to believe Emerson was having an affair with some nightclub singer."

"Elizabeth do you know what Max wanted to tell me in the kitchen? He told me that your chauffeur said you went out for a drive alone this afternoon, coincidentally around the same time Vinnie was killed. He also said that your car was parked differently when he went into the garage this morning like someone had used it late last night, was that around the time Bunny was murdered Elizabeth? Why didn't you let the chauffeur drive you to the charity dinner the night Emerson was killed? Was it so you could sneak out, go back home and shoot your husband in the back the same way he had stabbed you in the back by having an affair?" asks Jonathan.

At this Elizabeth stands up, points the gun at Jonathan and says "You've always been too smart for your own good Jonathan." As she starts to pull the trigger, Jonathan grabs her wrist tightly with his left hand and punches her in the jaw with his right. Elizabeth lets go of the gun and falls back into her chair holding her jaw.

"Here you are Lieutenant, your murderer and your murder weapon!" exclaims Jonathan.

Gillis says "What! She did it? The society dame killed everybody?" looking very perplexed.

"Yes Lieutenant she did it, what do want me to do, put an apple in her mouth and lay her in the center of the table for you?" asks Jonathan.

Two officers handcuff Elizabeth and lead her out of the room as Max and Katherine come into the dining room from the kitchen.

Jennifer walks over to Jonathan and puts her arms around him and says "I'm impressed, that was absolutely brilliant."

"It's amazing what some guys will do to impress a girl isn't it? Besides, after that stunt you pulled this morning I just had to do something," says Jonathan as he kisses her.

After the kiss is over Jennifer looks over his shoulder at Max and says "Max didn't you ever teach him never to hit a lady?"

"Of course I did Mrs. H, you got nothing to worry about, but Mrs. Westlake she ain't no lady," Max replies and they all laugh.

Lieutenant Gillis gives Jonathan a reluctant thank you for what he did then turns to Benny and says "I'll have one of the boys drive you home Benny."

"Thanks Lieutenant, I'll be sure to mention to the chief next time he makes a bet," says Benny.

"How about us, we were brought here against our will and don't have a way home?" asks Moreitti's goon.

"You!" says Gillis. "You and your boss here are going to another little party at my place."

"What for Lieutenant?" asks Moreitti.

"For starters to explain why some bullets we have down in the evidence room just happen to match the markings on the gun your friend Vinnie had on him when we found his body this afternoon and we'll go from there," answers Gillis as a couple of officers take Moreitti and his goon into custody.

After everyone is gone, George says "Jonathan, Jennifer I don't know how to thank you enough for everything you've done the past few days, you've been so helpful and took a lot of risk."

"Don't mention it George, I know you'd do the same for me if the situation were reversed," says Jonathan.

"Yes, what are friends for," says Jennifer.

The three of them discuss everything that has happened as Max and Katherine clear the table. After a few minutes Max comes up to Jonathan and asks "Mr. H, excuse me but is it all right if I stay here and help Katherine clean up and see that she gets home safe?"

"Sure Max, Jennifer and I will catch a cab and you can have the car to take Katherine home," Jonathan answers.

"Max can use my car to take Katherine home. It's the least I can do," offers George.

Jonathan agrees and they leave for Jennifer's apartment.

In the car Jonathan makes a turn and Jennifer says "Darling this isn't the way home, you were suppose to turn left there."

Jonathan gives her an impish grin and says "I know, I'm looking for something."

"Not another mystery to solve I hope," answers Jennifer.

"Not exactly," says Jonathan. "It's more of a surprise."

" Oh," says Jennifer.

They sit in silence for a few moments then Jennifer says "Turn right, go down three blocks then take a left and then take the first right and go to end of the road."

Jonathan smiles "You remembered."

"You mean what you said at the airport about Jag's being great make out cars?" Jennifer asks very coyly.

The both just start laughing, their passions beginning to rise in anticipation of what the night would hold in store.


The End

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