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Unbreak My Hart (Part 1)--By Pat

     The morning alarm rang.  Jonathan shut it off, as he looked at the lighted dial:  5:00 a.m.
     Jennifer rolled over and squinted her eyes at him.  “What time is it?” she asked in a raspy voice.
     He smiled devilishly at her.  “I wanted to enjoy my last morning with you, darling, so I set the alarm early.”
     “Your last morning with me?  You do plan on returning, don’t you?”  Jennifer said sleepily, rolling back over.
     “Well, yes, but I’ll be gone for ten days and I just know that I’m going to miss you terribly.”  Jonathan snuggled up closely behind his wife, nuzzling her ear.  He knew that would drive her crazy.  Jennifer murmured softly and moved closer to him.  He slid his hand up under her silk blue pajamas, stroking her stomach.  Butterflies cascaded down her belly and between her legs.  She moaned in pleasure.
     “What would you like for breakfast?” he whispered slyly into her ear.  “Whatever you desire.”
     Jennifer rolled over slowly toward him.  “Now that’s an offer I can’t refuse.”  She took his hand and slipped it down between her legs.  Jonathan was only too eager to please his beautiful wife.  He would take his time to pleasure her, as he always did, straining to hold back his primitive impulses.  He had learned to maximize his own pleasure by waiting.  He felt the warmth between her legs, the softness of her thighs, and then dipped his fingers into her, slowly and rhythmically.  Jonathan heard her catch her breath - just what he wanted to hear.  Jennifer moaned and spread her legs open wider. 
     He moved in between her legs and began unbuttoning her pajama top.  Her breasts were firm, her nipples swollen with desire.  He kissed her belly and then moved downward.  Holding her thighs open, Jonathan slid his tongue inside her, playfully licking and probing.  Jennifer arched her back and began to whimper.  Jonathan’s skillful tongue and fingers sent waves of pleasure throughout her body.  She clutched the pillows above her head and shuddered in ecstasy.  Jonathan raised himself to kiss her lips and muffle her cries.  He chuckled, “Let’s not wake up Max.”
     Jennifer wrapped her arms around Jonathan’s neck, holding him close.  She loved the feel of him, the smell of him.  She could feel his erection growing and wanted to please him back.  Suddenly, there was a knock at the bedroom door.
     Jonathan groaned.  “What is it, Max!”
     “Sorry, Mr. H.  I have your breakfast ready.  I know you needed to leave early,” Max said from behind the door.
     Jonathan rolled off his wife, as she buttoned up her pajamas quickly.  “Shall I tell him I already had my breakfast?” she said teasingly.
     Max entered the room, dressed in lime green golf duds, carrying a breakfast tray.  “Here ya go,” he said, setting down the tray.  “I’m off to the golf course today.  How do I look?”
     Jonathan and Jennifer looked at each other, smiling.  “Just dapper, Max,” they said in unison.  Jonathan rolled his eyes and grinned.
     “Have a good trip, Mr. H.  Sorry I can’t drive you to the dock tonight.”
     “No problem, Max.  Jennifer will be my driver tonight.”
     Max turned and left the room with a spring in his step.
     “Hmmm,” Jennifer said, looking at his omelette, “is that what you wanted for breakfast?”
     “Ah, actually, I was hoping for something a little more gratifying,” he said with mock innocence.  Oh, how she loved that boyish charm.
     “Lie down,” she commanded seductively.  He obeyed dutifully.  Jennifer slipped her leg over his stomach and mounted him.  She slowly unbuttoned her pajamas and tossed them on the floor.  Jonathan reached up to touch her breasts, but she intercepted his hands, shaking her head.  “No, no, no,” she cooed softly.
     Jennifer reached over and took the cloth napkins from the breakfast tray.  She tied them together, wrapped it around Jonathan’s wrists, and tied them back behind his head.  Jonathan willfully submitted to whatever Jennifer had up her sleeve.  His erection grew as he gazed up at Jennifer’s tussled, auburn hair, her gorgeous almond eyes, and her luscious breasts hovering over him.  Then, she slipped away quickly, going to the breakfast tray again.
     “Hey, don’t leave me like this,” he said pleadingly.
     Jennifer took a mouthful of warm tea in her mouth and turned toward her husband, smiling mischievously.  She crawled back onto the bed and took hold of Jonathan’s erection.  With one motion, she pushed his throbbing penis into her mouth, now half-full with warm water.  Jonathan moaned, his eyes rolling back in his head.  Rhythmically, Jennifer made him ache for release, but stopped before she knew he was ready, and gulped down what was rest of the tea.
     Jonathan was panting and sweating, as Jennifer switched positions.  She sat up on his lower chest and kissed him.  His lips were warm and relaxed.
     “I want you, “ he groaned.
     “How badly?” she teased.
     Jonathan made a slight attempt at pulling his arms loose and feigned a struggle.  He could have easily slipped his hands out, but he was enjoying being held captive.  Jennifer hovered over him, bringing her breasts close to his lips.  He craned his neck to catch her nipple in his mouth, but she moved teasingly out of reach.  Jonathan whimpered like a neglected child.  He was feeling the urge to penetrate her so strongly that he had to control himself.  Jennifer sensed his urgency and lowered her nipple to his lips.  He hungrily kissed and suckled at them.  Jonathan could not hold back any longer.  He yanked his hands free and gently tossed Jennifer on her back. He nudged her legs open and thrust his hard penis deep inside her.  “Oh, yes,” he cried, plunging deeper and deeper with each thrust.  Jennifer wrapped her arms around him, holding his buttocks and helping to push deeper.  She began to whimper softly. Finally, they both climaxed, falling exhausted in each other’s arms.

     Jonathan was humming some old tune while he finished shaving.  Making love to Jennifer had given him that familiar feeling of serenity.  He loved every inch of her - the smell of her skin, the touch of her cheek, her femininity.  She was so totally a woman.  He was going to miss her, but this latest crisis at Hart Shipping Lines needed to be handled.  His chief executive and captain of the fleet had spoken very seriously with him about the suspected smuggling on board the Hart Line.  Jonathan knew that he needed to get personally involved to appreciate the full scope of the problem.  He did not want to leave it in the hands of the FBI, whom he was sure would only target their primary suspect.  Manuel Lopes (AKA Manny Lovering, Marc Littlefield, Marcos Lopez) had been on their Most Wanted list for six years and they wanted to get their man.  Unfortunately, Jonathan knew that they would only want to get Lopes, and if there were other Hart Industry employees involved, Jonathan wanted to make sure that they were held responsible too.  He did not want any bad seeds working for him.
     “Darling, you will be home for dinner tonight, right?” Jennifer asked, coming out of the shower.
     “I should be home around 5:00.  We’ll have to have an early dinner because I need to meet Captain Daniels at the port by 8:00.”
     “That should be enough time,” Jennifer replied cryptically.  “I have a special bon voyage treat for you.” 
     Jonathan smiled, relishing the very thought.

     Kurt Jameson stood sullenly staring out the picture window in the lab.  Despite the awesome view of the Pacific Ocean in front of him, he still felt uneasy and uninspired.  He had logged in 64 hours this week, and he felt like he was getting nowhere.  He had been working on this research project for over two years and was not getting any closer to isolating the plant enzymes that he was sure would heal and replenish damaged skin.  He needed to bring some closure to this research or his tenure at the university would be in jeopardy.  But, more importantly, the implications of his research were far-reaching.  Skin grafting would become a thing of the past.
     Suddenly, the phone rang.  It was his good friend and old college roommate, Stanley Freesen.  He and Stanley were as different as night and day, and yet they got along like brothers.
     “Hey, Stanley, how’s everything in Corporate America?” Kurt said amicably.
     “Oh, yeah, right.  Hart Industries is not that kind of place,” Stanley laughed.  “You should come for a visit sometime.  After all, it does finance the lab you’re working in.”
     “I know.  I know.  I’m just not a suit-and-tie kind of guy.  You know, what’s up?” Kurt inquired.
     “Not much.  We’re having a small party for Mr. Hart when he returns from a business trip in ten days.  We’re planning it now actually.  I was just wondering...I have a friend who needs a date, and I wanted to know if you were up to meeting a very desirable lady.”
     Kurt had to laugh.  He was used to getting “fixed up” by his friends, but at 40, it was getting to be a bad joke.  It never seemed like he connected with the women he met.  They were either too pretentious or too impressed with the fact that Kurt was a university researcher.  He was hard pressed to find the woman of his dreams:  intelligent, kind, and funny, and especially someone who was independent.  He sighed.
     “Thanks, Stanley, but I really have too much to do these days.  For one, if I don’t finish my research within the next six months, my job will be in jeopardy.  Second, my grant money is running dry and I still need to go out and retrieve some plant samples.  The expedition itself would cost a few thousand dollars.  I’m just stressed out about the whole thing,” Kurt said, feeling the perspiration on his neck.
     “Hmmm,” Stanley thought aloud, “I’m sure Hart Industries would give you a grant to finish the project.  Why don’t you come by tomorrow and I’ll see if Mrs. Hart can meet with you.  She usually likes to get involved in the company’s philanthropic ventures.  Bring all your data and be prepared to present the project to her.  Meet me at 11:00 a.m. in the front lobby.”
     Kurt hesitated, but then he realized he had nothing to lose.  “OK, old buddy, I’ll give it a try.”

Continue on to Part Two

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