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Jane slept little that stormy night. Even though the strange soft sobs could not be heard anymore Jane could not forget the sounds. She tried to convince herself that it was probably her imaginaton running wild after reading the story of the young couple, but she could not. The thought living in a haunted place may make most people want to leave, but Jane felt no threat from Amanda's spirit. The only sensaton she could make from her experience was great sadness, nothing more.

The next few days flew by as the day approached when the light would be open to the public for the season. Jane had most of the grounds neatly trimmed and fresh flowers planted in many of the flowerbeds around the grounds. The painting was done and the old lighthouse looked grand if she did say so herself. The morning of June 19th she was watering the roses when she could hear an approaching vehicle up at the parking area. Pete came running up to her as Mr. Thorton started the climb down the path to the Cottage.

"Good morning, Ms. Tolenz" he called out.

Jane suspected the greeting was more intended to make sure she kept an eye on Pete, than anything else. She turned the hose off and headed towards Thorton and repied "And to you Mr. Thorton, Oh and never mind Pete, he has a good memory, he remembers you and will not bother you." Almost on cue Pete came up to the two of them wagging his tail and sat next to Jane.

In his arms was a small box, which he handed to Jane. "I wanted to be sure these got dropped off before opening day."

Jane opened the box and in it was a bundle wrapped in manila paper and under the bundle , 3 large stacks of folders. She took one of the Folders out of the box and examined it. The cover showed a picture of the Eagles Point Lighthouse. Inside was a short history of the light. Immediately Jane noticed no mention of Amanda Grey or her Husband. "Tell me Mr. Thorton why does none of the State literature mention the Orignal couple who died here?"

"If you speak of Randy Grey and his wife, they were helpers to the original Keeper. None of the other Helpers or Assistances were mentioned over the years either." Thorton said bruskly.

"Excuse me, but weren't the Greys acctually the orignal Keepers, in training at the time of their deaths?" Jane asked.

"Ms. Tolenz. The colorful local story of the Greys and the sightings of the so called Ghost over the years is nothing more than folklore. The State of Michigan is not intrested in perpetuating amusing fireside tales designed to send chills down the spines of children and the...uh let"s say rather gulible. The pamphlet is full of recorded Historical Facts, nothing more.

Jane could see she was going to get nowhere with this close minded lttle man and let the subject end. She opened up the bundle and gasped as she pulled out an Authenic looking Keepers uniform. Pants, Jacket and cap, all neatly pressed and the brass buttons gleamimg in the morning sun. "Oh wow! Mr. Thorton this is beautiful!"

"I hope it will fit. We guessed at the size based on your information on the health examination. Perhaps it may need a woman's touch to raise the cuffs or shorten the sleeves. Please wear it whenever the light is open to the public, and of course it must be returned at the end of the summer." "Of course." Jane replied. "Would you like to see the grounds, I am quite proud of the work I have done in the last few weeks."

"Yes that would be fine." Thorton said.

The two of them spent the next half hour walking the grounds and ended up at the tower. Jane opened the door and stepped inside to show Mr Thorton the cleaning she had given the tower. They both froze in their tracks. Halfway up the stairs a shimmering light hovered above the stone steps. It wavered in intensity for a moment, then a pale, transparent image slowly came into view. Clearly it was a young woman, long dress torn, and sadness etched into her face. The spectral image lasted only a moment or two and then darkess filled the tower again.

"Amanda" was all Jane could manage of whisper.......TO BE CONTINUED NOV. 30th

Onto Part 15
