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  Mr. thorton stayed only long enough to show her the basics, and he was off. Jane had the feeling he wanted to show her as little as possible so she would fail at this assignment and he could use that to convince the State that hiring women was a poor choice. Obviosly the man had no respect for women and evidently failed to remember that the U.S. Lighthouse service had a long proud history, that included many women.
          Jane threw her pack on the table near the window and started back up the path to get the rest of her gear. Pete wagged his tail and followed her back up the long steep path to the parking area. As she neared her truck she could see the back of the Jeep leave the area with Thorton in it. Looking out at the blue waters of lake Supierour Jane sensed this was going to be a very relaxing summer. The air here was crisp, the sceanery was beyond beautiful and the work was something she was looking forward to. She had spent too many years in the city, running the rat race and forever getting the feeling the rats were winning! She had not put her hands into soil to plant anything in over five years! The condo she had lived in with her husband was one that had a maintainence corporation. Therefore she was never called upon to fix anything as her father had taught her when they lived on the farm. Yes this was going too be a summer to get back to the person that had been locked away inside her for so many years. Looking again at the deep blue water frosted with whitecaps she felt a peace settle within her that was a long time coming.                    To be continued......

