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Reviewed on: 3/19/98 8:23:07 AM
REVIEW :-Every so often a film arrives that can speak to different generations. Such is the case in this marvelous movie. The youth of today can see issues they face in the main Character. The elder generation can also see themselves in the standout proformance given by Robin Williams.
If you are looking for fast cars, Explosions, racy sex, or testosterone pumped Heros & villians you will have to pass on this movie. Do human failings, love, trust, and the interactions of realistic characters with all too human feelings appeal to you? Then this is a must see movie!
Robin Williams, long known for his brilliant/ excentric characters, shines in a role that calls for dramatic acting. Too rarely do we see this side of Mr. Williams and I for one hope to see more in the future. Matt Dameon, as both Main character and co-writer of this moving film is excellent. So bring a friend, a few hankies and most of all bring your brain & feelings to one of the most touching films in recent history

Primary Colors
Reviewed on: 3/22/98 8:51:03 AM
Rating:3 Stars
REVIEW :-When I grew up there were two constants. #1 Movies were great escapes into fantasy, #2 The President of the United States was a man to be looked up to. SIGH, how times change! Primary Colors blurs the line between reality & Fiction in a deft manner. Anyone sitting in the audience KNOWS who this movie is suppose to be about. But somewhere along the course of 2 hrs, it comes off NOT just as an attack on our Leader, but of the whole mess we call politics. Clearly John Travolta is suppose to be the Star of this movie, but is upstaged throughout the film by some really wonderful Characters. The gentleman (sorry I do not know his name) who plays the Campaign manager steals just about every scene he is in. If an award was ever given to "Best Facial Expressions" he would nail this award down with his hilarious delivery. When all is said and done it is almost like a TV movie of the week, ripped from yesterday's Headlines. You leave thinking, "Been There, Done That, Sick of hearing about it" If you are a staunch supporter of the American Political process, you may want to pass. If like myself you can enjoy a really good "Roasting" of politics in general, you will get enough laughs to make this worth your money.


Reviewed on: 4/18/98 8:45:18 PM
Rating: 4 stars
REVIEW:- Bruce Willis stars is this thriller about the governments callous regard for the life of a nine yr old boy who is Austic, & able to break the country's Security code. High Brow entertainment this is not! As with most of Mr. Willis's movies it is simply the tale of a hard ass with a bad attitude, fighting impossible odds in the name of Justice. In other words, Great escapeism, as Hollywood can only deliver. Alec Baldwin is the dapper dressing villian, and allows the audience to clearly dislike him quickly and effectively. Want Culture? Try Hamlet with a dry red wine. Want Cheap thrills and edge of your seat pacing? Try Mercury Rising, with a Big box of popcorn.


Reviewed on: 1/14/98 11:57:32 AM
Rating:5 Stars
REVIEW:- Fantastic casting, sets, costumes,special effects and sound take the viewer into the world of the Titanic. This movie has something for everyone of all ages. At 3hrs & 15 min. I was prepared for periods of restlessness brought on by slugishness in the storyline. It never happened! This is a movie that must be experienced at a theater with the big screen and state of the art sound. Climb aboard for one of the most haunting voyages of your life.


Reviewed on: 5/16/98 3:24:35 PM
Rating:4 Stars
REVIEW:-All fans of Jack Nicholson rejoice!!!!! Jack has got a part he was made for!!! Melvin is one of those miserable, obnoxious,cretins, that only Jack can make you love. A funny love story that has got all the right things to say about Love, accecptance & life. As the parade of disfunctional characters proceeds across the screen, the viewer is treated to standout performances by Greg Kinner, Hellen Hunt & Of course our buddy Jack. Don't wait to see this one on video in the quiet of your living room, enjoy it best in a theater full of people laughing along with you.


Reviewed on: 5/16/98 3:16:21 PM
Rating:2 1/2 Stars
REVIEW:- DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!!!! Like most of the joys of our childhood, "Lost In Space" just can not measure up to the rose colored memories we have of it. Is it a bad movie? Possibly. Afterall it is a remake of one of the all time BAD tv shows. Clearly this will win no oscars, and perhaps it will fade away into oblivion just like all grade B movies do. The plot was fair, Acting not any better and overall special effects were modest by todays standards. It is however an entertaining film as long as you do not go with high hope of capturing the thrill you had as a kid watching it. Gary Oldman's Dr. Smilth was really the only character that has changed. Thank goodness!!! I could not have sat and listened to all that whining.


Reviewed on: 5/28/98 7:27:58 AM
Rating: 3 1/2 stars
REVIEW:- As the old song goes: "Summertime and the livin's easy": EXCEPT if you happen to live on planet Earth where each summer some great catastrophy takes place every year. This summer the first of these Doomsday films, "Deep Impact" shows us a comet streaking towards earth. Written fairly well, this blockbuster movie has all the ingredients. Big Stars, cool special effects, fast pacing and even a unique threat (a 1000 ft. tidal wave!) So with all the elements in place, one expects more of this film than it delivers. Perhaps the whole process was rushed to make this movie hit the theater before that "Other" film due out in July. Whatever the reason, the viewer is treated to the cinematic version of Chinese Food. Good, enjoyable, but in the end less than substantial enough to stick with you for very long. My recomendation? Go see this at a drive-in where there will be a second film for your money


Reviewed on: 5/28/98 7:53:12 AM
Rating:3 stars
REVIEW:- As always Nicholas Cage has found a quirky role to add to his resume. City Of Angels gives us a new vision of those ever so popular heavenly guardians. No wings, black suits, and dour expressions, while sitting in the most unlikely spots. This movie I thought was promoted to be a much different film than the one you see. Sure to be popular with the ladies who enjoy "Tear Jerkers", City of Angels moves slowly to a climax that is sure to bring out the hankies. Meg Ryan plays a DR. who questions her role in the process of life & death. What could have been a better movie if they had dug deeper into this eternal question, ends up leaving those issues hanging. Even when faced with proof of devine intervention, she abruptly fogets all these inner turmoils and falls head over heals in love with Cage's angelic character. In the end I would have to rate this movie a dissapointment. Hopeless romantics may find the ironic ending pleasing I myself left sad, wishing the writers had been given a little celestrial guidance


RATING: 5 Stars
REVIEWED: 7/1/98
The Big One has hit the theaters!!!! Armaggedon, staring Bruce Willis is a fast paced, special effects laden,thrill ride. The first 5 minuets will rock you back in your seat, and leave you hanging on. The cast follows Willis's lead through-out the entire film. He is perfect in the roll of a rough-neck driller, who's crew have the awesome task to saving planet Earth. These guys are not cut from the cloth most heros are,not one "Jack Armstrong" type in the bunch. You've seen the previews, heard the hype, now go see this film, you won't get a bigger bang for your money this summer. Perhaps best of all, this doomsday thriller won't give you a second to analize the story, it just grabs you and throws you into a whirlwind of action. Mindless summer entertainment has never been better.


RATING: 4stars
REVIEWED: 6/10/98

Robert Redford has always been a ladies man. From his early days as The Sundance Kid, to the more mature, sensitive souls he has played in recent years. In his golden years he seems intent( or perhaps content) to make romantic films that are sure to appeal to mature women. He does manage to add enough flair to his films and action that male viewers come away pleased at least. The Horse Whisperer is filled with the breathtaking scenery of Montana as a back drop to 2 stories. One is the romance between a unhappily married working woman and the handsome aging cowboy. The second story, and in my opinion the best story is of a traumatized young girl, and her equally traumatized horse. While slow in parts, overall the story is very moving and involved. My advice to men everywhere is take that special lady in your life to see this film. She will love it! While you may very well come away pleasently surprised.


RATING: 2 stars

Cheesy Japaneese monster movies make a questionable source for great movies. So how bad is Godzilla? As a monster, I have to rate him pretty low. You never once really get to bond with this colossis. Unlike King Kong, or even the original Godzilla (who was just mis-understood) This creature is too quick to really allow the audience to see him clearly, or care if he gets shot down. The acting is fair to poor, the special effects, are nothing new and overall the movie seems never really threatning. Rent it on video some night when the tube is bare.


RATING 5 Stars
Reviewed 7/1/98

REVIEW: Sequels are always nothing but more of the same. In the case of Lethal Weapon 4, that's GOOD NEWS! Mel, Danny, Joe & Renne are back and having the time of their lives making this film. The infectious fun includes all the elements of the previous films, chases, gun fights, fist fights, and more than one reference to the fact "Their getting too old for this sh.."If this is indeed the last of this action packed series, then it will go out in style and still strong & funny.


Rating 3 1/2 Stars
Reviewed on 6/24/98

Review: Trust No one! The truth is out there! Sound familiar? Well, in fact the X files movie seems all too familiar. Not really a movie at all, but a very well put together 2 hr TV episode. Viewers who go see this movie hoping to "get into" the x-files will be hopelessly confused. Viewers who come to this film to find out LOTS of deeply burried secrets will leave disappointed. The ones who lay down their money to keep the Alien Colonization storyline flowing, will be the ones who get the most out of this movie. You can bet the new season will build more on this movie, just as the movie built on the seasons end. The Special effects were much better than any the TV can bring us. Martin Landau is about the only new character, and plays his part well. All the other cast members show up in this film looking and acting like they just stepped out of your TV and onto the silver screen. For the most avid crazed X Fans, this movie will no doubt be a bit disappointing. For the average viewer, this movie will make the new season a bit more understandable.


Rating: 4½ stars.

Reviewed on 8/6/98


The first 20 minuets of this movie grips you by the throat and leaves you breathless. Never has the insanity of war, or man's inhumanity been so vividly recreated for the silver screen. Baby Boomers like myself will for the very first time perhaps understand the hell our fathers and uncles called "the Big One".

Steven Speilberg once again shows us that he is one of the best movie makers today. His intelligence, and maturity as a director shine throughout this gut wrenching film. Tom Hanks and Henry Thomas give remarkable preformances. To his credit Matt Dameon keeps a modest presence in this film as the Title Character. His superstardom did not inflate his ego, and cause him to try and upstage the real stars of this movie.

All the fear, pain, loss and horrors of WW2 are recreated on the screen and I am sure this film will teach the younger generation a new level of respect for those who saw action in Europe. Don't look for any Rambo type action heros in this movie. Just a real depiction of ordinary men faced with the madness of war.


RATING: 4 stars

REVIEWED: 8/20/98

Antonio Banderas steps into the role of Zorro, and brings a flair & humor seldom seen in the old Hokey Tv show or the old movies. This movie should please any who go for the pure enjoyment of a swash-buckling, action, adventure film.

Anthony Hopkins starts off the film as the masked swordsman in an opening scene full of great swordplay. I had a hard time buying into Hopkins as a young, in his prime Zorro. However when he ages 20 yrs, he fits the role of a elderly, tormented Zorro perfectly. Likewise Banderas was out of his element as a scruffy, small time bandit.

Once the roles are set for the second 3/4 of the film both actors really fit perfectly. Zorro slashes and dances across the screen with style and flair. Good summer escapism.
