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~~ Michelle's Loving Memories ~~

There is so much truth in these few words....Always remember tomorrow may never come, and if you have yet to tell a loved one how you feel in your heart, then tell them now. For what you say today, may rest easy on souls tomorrow....

I will always be thankful of the last few weeks I had with my mother, for we had a few tearful, heartfelt talks within her last days, and as I think back in hindsight of what could have been if we had not shared what lay within our hearts, ..well, I think my soul would have many regrets. So, though I miss her terribly, I feel a more at ease that we were able to say the things that we did. Never put off till tomorrow what you wish to

Mom was the 3rd of 7 children, and the oldest daughter. She grew up in Alabama, on a farm. I remember her telling me how she churned butter..and she helped raise her younger sister. Mom went off to college and became a nurse, but she met my father, and married. So, she never worked at her profession; she became a stay-at-home mom. I remember, when I was growing up, how I loved it that she was there when I got home from school. She went back to work when I was 12 years old, and worked there until her passing. She's been gone for a little over 3 years now, but when I think of her, I can still hear her laugh.....

Mom was a kind soul, never would she say an unkind thing about anyone, always saw the good in people. She was a bit on the reserved side, quiet...but if she felt strongly about something...she let you know it. She loved animals....I can never remember NOT having any pets at our house ever. She felt so much for our one time we had a poodle named Taffy, and she and mom were best buddies. Mom would actually take our old highchair (the wooden kind, of waaayyyy back when) and put Taffy in it at dinner time....I kid you not!! At the time, we all pretty much thought that a normal thing to do...:):) She loved her very much, and spoiled her rotten. Taffy was 12 years old when she passed on, and mom was broken up for a while over that....she felt of our beloved pet as she did her own children. This is where I get my love of animals from....:).


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