The first Evergreen Review Reader was published in 1993 by Barney Rosset at Blue Moon Books. It covered the years 1957 - 1966. Mr.Rosset was the Editor of the magazine for it's entire run. His Associate Editors were Dick Seaver, Fred Jordan and Donald Allen. He was joined by Mike Topp as Special Editor for this volume.

The reader contains excerpts from the first ten years of the magazine's history. It represents an important selection of the most provocative writing of its time. Some of the writers contained in the volume have gone on to win Nobel Prizes and are recognized nowas modern masters in literature, poetry, philosophy and reportage.


Contributors to the reader include


Click HERE to purchase the Evergreen Review Reader 1957 - 1966 from Foxrock Books.

The new Evergreen Review Reader will be published by Four Walls Eight Windows in the Fall of 1998. It will cover the later years of the magazine, 1967 - 1973. It is a continuation of the ideas and vision represented in the first reader. Once again edited by Barney Rosset, this edition contains Ezra Pound inteviewed by Allen Ginsberg, Che Guevara's Bolivian campaign diary, short fiction by William S. Burroughs, Samuel Beckett and Kenzaburo Oe, and much more. An anthology of the most adventurous writers, photographers, and illustrators of its time.

Click HERE to order the new Evergreen Review Reader
from Four Walls Eight Windows!

Contributors to the second reader include

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