SF, Fantasy & Thrillers
Welcome! There are many GLBT connections to Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, and Suspense & Mystery Literature. Gothic Horror's founders were gay: Walpole, Lewis, and Beckford; and so is the modern master, Clive Barker. Several landmark works are by gay authors (Wilde's Picture of Dorian Gray, James's Turn of the Screw, Stoker's Dracula, Barrie's Peter Pan, Howard's Conan). GLBT authors sometimes write about non-gay characters with a special resonance (Woolrich's I Married a Dead Man), while straight-identified writers include key GLBT figures (Jackson's Haunting of Hill House). Alternative sexualities have also inspired a vital tradition (LeGuin's Left Hand of Darkness). In the past, GLBTs were villains or monsters, but increasingly their roles have become more diverse, complex, and open.

No bones about it, this is a vast subject. There are many ways of interpreting the importance of an author's – or character's – sexual orientation to a story, let alone a genre. Then there's the cultural/historical dimension. But theory aside, these books are terrific entertainment. Please suggest what should be included or omitted. NOTE: This list is representative, not exhaustive, so for most authors I've included only one work per genre. (You can search for more titles.)

next selectionDISCUSSIONJoin us on Thursday, February 13, 7:00 PM–7:50 PM to discuss Poppy Z. Brite's 1992 novel Lost Souls
PLEASE NOTE OUR MEETING LOCATION WILL BE LISTED IN THE READING GROUP E-MAIL NEWSLETTER: If you do NOT yet receive the newsletter, contact: jimwriter@bigfoot.com. The Genre Lit. Group meets from 7:00-7:50 PM, i.e., one hour before the main G&L Reading Group (you are welcome at both discussions – there will be ample time to get from the Genre Lit. Group to the main Reading Group). Also join us online, where you can post your comments, or engage in real-time chats, at the GLBT Genre Literature Forum. (Our group's previously-discussed books are listed at the bottom of this page.) Here are our upcoming selections:

  • February (Horror): Poppy Z. Brite's 1992 novel Lost Souls (NOTE: This acclaimed novel about "teenage" vampires has absolutely NO connection with the dreadful recent film of the same title)
  • March (Suspense/Mystery): Cornell Woolrich's novel I Married a Dead Man (link is to the excellent, inexpensive Cornell Woolrich Omnibus, which includes this novel, his story "Rear Window" – which inspired Hitchcock's film, and more)
  • April (Science Fiction): Samuel R. Delany's 1984 novel Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand
  • May (Fantasy): J.M. Barrie's 1904 novel Peter Pan – NOTE: We are reading the NOVEL but NOT Barrie's play of the same title [here is an unabridged, free online copy of the novel Peter Pan]
  • June (Horror): to be decided at our next meeting

H.P. LOVECRAFT'S WORKS *FREE* ONLINE – The H.P. Lovecraft Library has posted all of Lovecraft's major fiction and non-fiction as free, unabridged online texts. Enjoy, before they are removed! If you are looking for a few stories to begin exploring this genius of Fantasy/ Horror/ Science Fiction, I enthusiastically recommend: "The Call of Cthulhu," "The Colour Out of Space," "The Rats in the Walls," "Pickman's Model," "The Dunwich Horror," and the representative work I've included on the list below, "The Shadow Over Innsmouth." (These classic stories, and more, are also available in a paperback, The Best of H.P. Lovecraft.)

OUTSTANDING GENRE WEB SITE – The Fantastic in Art & Fiction, based at Cornell, explores many themes of Fantasy (such as Fantastic Space, Bestiary, Weird Science, much more) through both literature and the visual arts.

Thanks for placing all your orders with Amazon.com (discounted books, movies, music, electronics, et al.) through any of the links on this site. Below is a search engine to help you find out-of-print books (the fate of too much genre fiction).It costs nothing extra and helps support this site. And enjoy the Amazon coupons I've provided below.
And get books, movies, music, electronics, & more at buy.com - the internet superstore

Bradley, Marion Zimmer Heritage of Hastur Protagonist's psi powers related to being gay; part of Darkover Series which includes other GLBT characters; 1975
Bujold, Lois McMaster Ethan of Athos All-male planet uses imaginative reproductive methods; part of Vorkosigan Saga; 1986
Burgess, Anthony The Wanting Seed Future society marked by overpopulation, war, and homosexuality as the norm; 1962
Butler, Octavia Kindred 20th C. black woman brought back in time by 19th C. slaveowner; 1979
Butler, Octavia Wild Seed From African jungles to the early American colonies, two immortals change the course of history; 1980. Part of the Patternist Series, begun in 1976, which also includes Patternmaster, Mind of My Mind, Survivor & Clay's Ark
Carter, Angela Infernal Desire Machines of Dr. Hoffman Gay mad scientist alters the laws of space, time, and reality; 1972
Carter, Angela Passion of New Eve Woman scientist transforms a man into a woman, then impregnates her with his own seed to create a new messiah; 1977
Charnas, Suzy McKee Walk to the End of the World Post-holocaust earth divided into warring gay and lesbian societies; continued in Motherlines & The Furies; 1974
Cherryh, C.J. Cyteen Male android and his scientist lover; 1988
Delany, Samuel R. Triton Characters easily switch genders in this intergalactic quest for the Holy Grail; 1976
Delany, Samuel R. Dhalgren Complex GLBT content in a labyrinthine epic; 1975
Disch, Thomas M. 334 Lesbian couple in future NYC apartment complex; 1974
Disch, Thomas M. On Wings of Song Bisexual boy trying to live under a theocratic regime; 1979
Gearhart, Sally Wanderground Women form their own separate society; 1979
Griffith, Nicola Ammonite Woman investigates planet where a virus killed all men; 1993
Haldeman, Joe The Forever War Soldier time-travels to a future earth where homosexuality is the norm; continued in The Forever Peace & Forever Free; 1974
LeGuin, Ursula K. Left Hand of Darkness Planet Gethen's inhabitants change genders, and the human protagonist's preconceptions; 1969
McHugh, Maureen F. China Mountain Zhang Provocative SF adventure with a gay Chinese/Latino protagonist; 1992
Pangborn, Edgar A Mirror for Observers Mars has been secretly guiding earth's history for millennia; 1954
Picano, Felice Dryland's End Future matriarchal techno-empire; 1995
Piercy, Marge Woman on the Edge of Time Bisexual, eco-friendly future contrasted with harsh contemporary society; 1976
Robinson, Frank M. Dark Beyond the Stars Epic starship adventure with bi-male protagonist; 1991
Russ, Joanna And Chaos Died Gay hero, other important GLB characters; 1970
Russ, Joanna Female Man Woman exists simultaneously in four worlds; 1975
Sargent, Pamela Shore of Women A future lesbian utopia; 1986
Scott, Melissa Trouble and Her Friends Two lesbian cyberpunks in a terrific adventure and romance; 1995
Stein, Eugene Straitjacket & Tie Comedy about problems with coming out, a boring job, and extraterrestrials; 1996
Sturgeon, Theodore Venus Plus X Secrets behind a blissful unisex society; 1960
Varley, John Ophiuchi Hotline Bisexual woman protagonist; 1977
Varley, John Gaea Trilogy Bi space pilot heroine: Titan, Wizard, & Demon; 1979
Wilson, Anna Hatching Stones Some men prefer cloning to old-fashioned procreation; 1991
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NOTE: All linked titles are to free, unabridged online copies – other books can be purchased

Alger, Horatio Ragged Dick or, Street Life in New York Seminal 'rags to riches' novel, replete with urchins, by all-time bestselling gay author; 1867
Andersen, Hans Christian Fairy Tales This gay master of fantasy wrote some of the world's best-loved – and most disturbing – stories, including "Princess and the Pea," "Little Mermaid," "Snow Queen," "Ugly Duckling," "Thumbelina," "Emperor's New Clothes," "Red Shoes," and "Little Match Girl;" 1835
Arenas, Reinaldo Ill-Fated Peregrinations of Fray Servando Picaresque fantasy adventure about Servando, the irresistible priest/ dueler of monsters/ prophet/ lover/ escape artist; 1965
Aristophanes Lysistrata Hilarious play tells of women using a "sex strike" to force their men to end war; 411 BC
Barker, Clive Imajica Stunning fantasy/horror epic featuring an enigmatic gender-switching assassin; 1991
Barrie, James M. Peter Pan Novel and play can take on new meaning when read as works by a gay author; 1904
Beckford, William Vathek A Gothic, Arabian Nights-style adventure; 1786
Ben Jelloun, Tahar The Sand Child & The Sacred Night Moroccan author's twin novels – drawing on Arabic fairy tales and Surrealism – about, respectively, a woman transformed into a man, and a man changed into a woman and borne out into the desert by a mysterious sheik; 1985 & 1987
Bishop, Michael Unicorn Mountain Gay man with AIDS one of the central characters trying to save dying unicorns; 1988
Block, Francesca Lia Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books Mesmerizing, lyrical "young adult" tales about a family which includes GLBs, plus assorted ghosts, fairies, and genies. Contains all five novels: Weetzie Bat, Witch Baby, Cherokee Bat and the Goat Guys, Missing Angel Juan, & Baby Be-Bop; 1989
Borges, Jorge Luis Labyrinths Mind-twisting, and -expanding, stories and essays; 1964
Bradbury, Ray Something Wicked This Way Comes Two boys fight the evil unleashed by a mysterious carnival on their small hometown; 1962
Bradley, Marion Zimmer Mists of Avalon Arthurian legend from the womens' perspectives; continued in Forest House & Lady of Avalon; 1983
Burroughs, William S. The Soft Machine Experimental fiction about "junkie queers" in dystopian near future; 1961
Burroughs, William S. Nova Express Nightmarish fantasy continuing Soft Machine; 1964
Burroughs, William S. The Wild Boys Gay freedom fighters in a fascist near future; 1971
Burroughs, William S. Cities of the Red Night Continues themes from his earlier fiction; 1987
Butler, Samuel Erewhon Both a utopian vision and satire of Victorian age; 1872
Cocteau, Jean Infernal Machine Magical play about Oedipus and the Sphinx; 1932
Corelli, Marie Romance of Two Worlds, vol. 1 & vol. 2 Combination of occultism and science fiction by all-time bestselling author, lesbian Mary Mackay (her real name); 1886
Delany, Samuel R. Nevèrÿon Series Four experimental "Sword & Sorcery" novels: Tales of Nevèrÿon, Nevèrÿona, Flight from Nevèrÿon, & Bridge of Lost Desire; 1987
Duane, Diane Door Into Fire Series Gay prince and his sorcerer lover work beneficent magic; 1979
Duffy, Maureen Microcosm Experimental ghost story set in lesbian bar; 1966
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Faust Epic two-part play, with a gay Mephistopheles; 1832
Gogol, Nikolai Uncanny Stories Incl. "The Viy," "Overcoat," "Diary of a Madman" (found in various Gogol collections); 1841
Goldstein, Lisa Strange Devices of the Sun and Moon Gay dramatist Christopher Marlowe tries to foil a sorcerous plot to overthrow Queen Elizabeth and the fairy world; 1993
Grimsley, Jim Kirith Kirin Epic fantasy of magic, war, love, and a boy's coming of age; 2000
Howard, Robert E. Conan the Barbarian Series Genre-defining "Sword & Sorcery" series. Gay themes, imagery (!), and author; 1932
Bev Jafek The Man Who Took a Bite Out of His Wife: And Other Stories Eight experimental, surreal stories (with several award-winners); 1993
Lackey, Mercedes Last Herald Mage Trilogy Hero's acceptance of being gay frees his magical powers: Magic's Pawn, Magic's Promise, & Magic's Price; 1989
Lucian A True Story Really? The moon is an all-male paradise, as envisioned two millennia ago; 175 A.D.
Marlowe, Christopher Dr. Faustus Philosopher sells his soul for knowledge and youth; inspired all later versions of Faust; 1588
Melville, Herman The Confidence-Man Mysterious master of disguise cons a steamboat's passengers out of more than their money; 1857
Merlis, Mark An Arrow's Flight If the Trojan War had taken place in the 1990s; 1998
Monette, Paul Sanctuary Fable about lesbian fox and hare who fall in love; 1995
Moorcock, Michael Gloriana Historical fantasy with bisexual Queen Elizabeth I; 1979
Pain, Barry Exchange of Souls Early transsexual-themed novel; 1911
Peake, Mervyn Gormenghast Trilogy A strange society dominated by a vast, labyrinthine castle: Titus Groan, Gormenghast, & Titus Alone; 1946
Picano, Felice An Asian Minor Zeus and his "cupbearer" Ganymede in a wild adventure; 1981
Ryman, Geoff Was Shifting web of tales focused on Wizard of Oz; 1992
"Saki" (H.H. Munro) Short Stories Incl. "Tobermory," "Sredni Vashtar," "Open Window," "Story-Teller," "Hedgehog"; 1916
Schneider, Isador Dr. Transit Transsexual theme; 1925
Scott, Melissa & Lisa Barnett Armor of Light Christopher Marlowe tries to save gay King James VI from black magic; 1988
Shakespeare A Midsummer Night's Dream Magical, romantic, hilarious fantasy set in motion by King and Queen of the fairies quarreling over a boy; 1595
Shakespeare The Tempest Romantic, funny, and enigmatic fantasy about shipwrecked men on a magician's island; 1610
Smith, Thorne Turnabout Early fantasy novel about gender switching; 1931
Warner, Sylvia Townsend Lolly Willowes Spinster becomes a feminist witch; 1926
White, T.H. The Once and Future King King Arthur, Camelot, and an all-male ideal, by gay author; 1958
Wilde, Oscar The Happy Prince & Other Fairy Tales Original, haunting fairy tales by gay author; 1888
Wilder, Thornton The Cabala Ancient gods still powerful in the modern world; 1926
Woolf, Virginia Orlando S/he lives for centuries, and changes genders; 1928
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NOTE: All linked titles are to free, unabridged online copies – other books can be purchased

Barker, Clive Books of Blood Stunning, graphic stories and novellas. Gay- or bi-themed works incl. "In the Hills, the Cities;" "Age of Desire;" "Human Remains"; 1986
Barker, Clive Great and Secret Show Spellbinding epic; continued in Everville. GLBT characters and themes; 1989
Barney, Natalie One Who is Legion Spirit of hermaphrodite possesses a girl; 1930
Benson, E.F. The Inheritor Supernatural curse, with gay story elements. Gay author (also created comic Lucia and Mapp); 1930
Benson, E.F. Ravens' Brood Family contends with demons. The son is involved in a gay relationship; 1934
Benson, E.F. Ghost Stories Unnerving tales of hauntings and horror; 1940
Bowles, Paul Stories His most bone-chilling stories incl. "A Distant Episode" and "Delicate Prey" (found in various collections); 1941
Brite, Poppy Z. Lost Souls Stunning debut novel about "teenage" vampires; 1992
Brite, Poppy Z. Drawing Blood Two gay boys confront many kinds of ghosts; 1993
Brite, Poppy Z. The Crow: The Lazarus Heart A murdered gay artist returns from the dead to stop a serial killer targeting transsexuals; 1998
Capote, Truman A Tree of Night Incl. such macabre tales as the title story, "Miriam," & "The Headless Hawk;" 1949
Daniels, Cora Lynn Sardia Lesbian vampire in this "Story of Love"; 1891
Euripides The Bacchae The god Dionysus exacts revenge on a puritanical king who refuses to worship him; 405 BC
Gomez, Jewelle Gilda Stories African-American lesbian vampire, 1850 to 2050; 1991
Jackson, Shirley Haunting of Hill House Psychic investigators, incl. at least one lesbian, explore the ultimate haunted house; 1959
James, Henry Turn of the Screw Ambiguous, riveting ghost story by gay author; 1898
James, Henry Jolly Corner Man confronts his seductive (gay) double; 1908 – James' other homoerotic supernatural tales include "The Great Good Place" (1900) and "The Beast in the Jungle" (1903)
James, M.R. Ghost Stories of an Antiquary Landmark supernatural tales, including "Count Magnus," "'Oh, Whistle, and I'll Come to You, My Lad,'" and "Casting the Runes"
Kafka, Franz Metamorphosis Some interpret Gregor's transformation into an insect as a horrific coming out story; 1915
Kafka, Franz The Trial Man arrested for a "crime," but never told what it is; 1917
Lautréamont, Comte de Lay of Maldoror Horrific, sadomasochistic prose-poem/novel, but homosexuality is depicted affirmatively; 1924
Lee, Tanith Secret Books of Paradys Tetralogy Haunting, erotic odyssey through the nightmarish city of Paradys: Book of the Damned, Book of the Beast, Book of the Dead, & Book of the Mad; 1988
LeFanu, J. Sheridan Carmilla Complex title character is a lesbian vampire; 1872
Lewis, Matthew G. The Monk Gay author's infamous novel of a handsome monk consumed by desire, defined Gothic Horror; 1795
Livia, Anna Minimax Historical lesbian authors Renee Vivien and Natalie Barney in comic vampire novel; 1992
Lovecraft, H.P. Supernatural Horror in Literature Indispensable, landmark study of the genre by perhaps the greatest horror author of all time; 1927
Lovecraft, H.P. Shadow Over Innsmouth This great horror novella can also be read as a weirdly affirmative coming out story; 1931
Maturin, Charles Melmoth A lost soul is cursed to seduce everyone he meets!; 1820
Rice, Anne Vampire Chronicles Series Many GLB characters, both living and undead: Interview with the Vampire (here is Anne Rice's screenplay for Neil Jordan's film version), Vampire Lestat, Queen of the Damned, Tale of the Body Thief, Memnoch the Devil, Pandora, Vampire Armand, Vittorio the Vampire, Merrick & Blood and Gold; 1976
Rice, Anne The Witching Hour First book in multigenerational saga about a family of witches, continued in Lasher & Taltos; 1990
Shakespeare Macbeth Witches, intrigue, murder, and self-consuming lust for power; 1605
Shelley, Mary Frankenstein Scientist's complex relationship with the man he creates; 1818
Stenbock, Count Stanislaus True Story of a Vampire The hero and a vampire search for love together; 1894
Stevenson, Robert Louis Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Original manuscript reveals Hyde's homosexual side, which was later suppressed; 1886
Stoker, Bram Dracula Defining vampire novel whose author, say some biographers, was gay or bi; 1897
Strieber, Whitley The Hunger Bi female vampire's fateful encounter with mortal woman; 1981
Varga, Vincent Gaywick Gay Gothic romance, set in 1900s Long Island; 1980
Viereck, George House of the Vampire Homoerotic psychic vampirism - from almost a century ago; 1907
Viereck, George Gloria Bisexual heroine is a vampire; 1952
Wilde, Oscar Picture of Dorian Gray Terrifying price of remaining 'fabulous' forever; 1890
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn Saint-Germain Series Ongoing saga of Saint-Germain, a bi vampire, began with Hotel Transylvania; 1978
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NOTE: All linked titles are to free, unabridged online copies – other books can be purchased

"Aldyne, Nathan" Dan Valentine & Clarisse Lovelace Series A gay/straight sleuthing team solve four murder mysteries: Vermilion, Cobalt, Slate, & Canary; 1980
Baxt, George Pharaoh Love Series Love is a black NYC homicide detective. Original trilogy A Queer Kind of Death (first gay mystery novel), Swing Low, Sweet Harriet & Topsy and Evil. Later added A Queer Kind of Love and A Queer Kind of Umbrella; 1966
Bram, Christopher Gossip Romance, politics, murder, suspense, with fascinating characters and superb style; 1997
Brite, Poppy Z. Exquisite Corpse Gay serial killers and "victims" - very graphic; 1996
Byatt, A.S. Possession Pair of literary sleuths uncover amorous secrets of two Victorian poets; 1990
Diderot, Denis La Religieuse Woman forced to enter a most sinister convent; 1796
Dobyns, Stephen Church of Dead Girls Murders tear apart a small town in upstate NY; narrated by a closeted gay teacher; 1997
Du Maurier, Daphne Rebecca Romantic thriller about the two Mrs. DeWinters, one of whom is dead; 1938
Hansen, Joseph Dave Brandstetter Series Fadeout is the frst of 12 mystery novels featuring a gay insurance investigator; 1970
Harris, Thomas Silence of the Lambs Young woman FBI agent needs help of a sociopathic doctor to track a serial killer; 1988. Sequel to Red Dragon; followed by Hannibal. For comparison, here is Ted Talley's award-winning screenplay for Silence of the Lambs; 1989
Highsmith, Patricia Strangers on a Train Gay villain plots "crisscrossed" murders. Lesbian author, also wrote classic Price of Salt; 1949
Highsmith, Patricia Tom Ripley Series Charismatic bisexual con man as protagonist: Talented Mr. Ripley, Ripley Under Ground, Ripley's Game, Boy Who Followed Ripley, & Ripley Under Water; 1955
Huysmans, Joris-Karl À Rebours (Against Nature) Man's search for forbidden experience; it inspired Wilde and a generation of "Decadents"; 1884
Huysmans, Joris-Karl Là-bas (Down There) Occult world in 1880s Paris; 1891
Genet, Jean Our Lady of the Flowers Hallucinatory meditation on crime and sainthood; 1942
King, Stephen Gerald's Game Woman uses lesbian alter ego to survive harrowing ordeal; 1992
Lansdale, Joe R. Hap Collins & Leonard Pine Series Leonard, a black gay man, and his friend Hap have wild, terrifying adventures in rural Texas: Savage Season, Mucho Mojo, Two-Bear Mambo, Bad Chili, & Rumble Tumble; 1990
Nava, Michael Henry Rios Series Superb series with gay Latino attorney: The Little Death, Goldenboy, How Town, Hidden Law, A Death Among Friends, The Burning Plain, & Rag and Bone; 1986
Peck, Dale Now It's Time to Say Goodbye Rape and murder in a racially-polarized Kansas town; 1998
Picano, Felice The Lure Man searches NYC gay "high society" for killer; 1979
Saylor, Steven Gordianus the FinderSeries Gordianus solves mysteries in ancient Rome, involving both historical and fictional characters: Roman Blood, Arms of Nemesis, Catilina's Riddle, Venus Throw, Murder on the Appian Way, & House of Vestals; 1991
Scoppettone, Sandra Lauren Laurano Series Unique lesbian detective in, so far: Everything You Have is Mine, I'll be Leaving You Always, My Sweet Untraceable You, & Let's Face the Music and Die; 1992
Smith, Dinitia The Illusionist Murder of charismatic transsexual in small town; 1996
Virga, Vincent Gaywyck First gay gothic romance; 1980
Vachss, Andrew Choice of Evil Outlaw private investigator Burke is hired to protect gay vigilante "Homo Erectus" who targets pedophiles; part of Burke Series; 1999
Wachowski, Larry & Andy Bound Original screenplay for the landmark lesbian thriller about two women who fall in love and plot to steal $2 million from the mob; 1996
Walsh, Frances & Peter Jackson Heavenly Creatures Screenplay, based on a true story, about two 1950s New Zealand girls in love, and the murder they commit; 1993
Williamson, Kevin Scream Original screenplay to the classic thriller (differs from the completed film); 1995
Wollstonecraft, Mary Maria, or The Wrongs of Woman Woman falsely incarcerated in a prison-like insane asylum; 1798
Woolrich, Cornell I Married a Dead Man Brilliant, unsettling novel of switched identities. Gay author; 'double life' theme (still) relevant; 1948
Zubro, Mark Richard Tom Mason & Scott CarpenterSeries Mysteries solved by an ex-Marine high school English teacher and his lover, a Major League pitcher: A Simple Suburban Murder, Why Isn't Becky Twitchell Dead?, Only Good Priest, Principal Cause of Death, Echo of Death, & Rust on the Razor; 1989
Zubro, Mark Richard Paul TurnerSeries Zubro's other series involves gay Chicago detective Paul Turner, who has two children, a lover, and a straight partner: Sorry Now?, Political Poison, Another Dead Teenager, Truth Can Get You Killed, & Sex and Murder.Com; 1991
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  • December (Science Fiction): Angela Carter's 1972 novel The Infernal Desire Machines of Dr. Hoffman
  • November (Suspense/Mystery): Joe R. Lansdale's 1997 novel Bad Chili
  • October (Horror) – Tanith Lee's 1988 novel The Book of the Damned (optional: the other three books in the series The Secret Books of ParadysBook of the Beast, Book of the Dead, and Book of the Mad)
  • September – The Center closed due to the atrocity of 9/11
  • August (Fantasy): Sylvia Townsend Warner's 1926 novel Lolly Willowes
  • July – The Center is closed for relocation
  • June (Science Fiction): John Varley's 1979 novel Titan (optional: the other two books in the trilogy – Wizard and Demon)
  • May (Suspense/Mystery): Donna Tartt's 1992 novel, The Secret History
  • April (Horror): H.P. Lovecraft's 1927 novel The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
  • March (Fantasy): Mervyn Peake's 1946 novel Titus Groan (optional: the other two books in the trilogy – Gormenghast and Titus Alone; all three books are bound as one volume)
  • February (Science Fiction): Octavia Butler's 1979 novel Kindred
    • SciFi.com produced a four-part audio drama adaptation of Kindred, starring Alfre Woodard, Lynn Whitfield, and Ruby Dee
  • January (Suspense/Mystery): Felice Picano's 1979 novel The Lure


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