GOFWeb Joining Info
- Your site must be a Marilyn Manson-related site.
- Site URL and personal e-mail must be valid.
- You must add the proper HTML code to your page.
Thank you for showing interest in the God of F**K Marilyn Manson WebRing!
This ring is currently recieving over 620 hits! If you have a site
that meets the above requirements, your site can start recieving more free
hits! Please
fill out this form to add your site to the webring queue! You will be
notified via e-mail when your site is added to the ring! Once again, thank
you for your support!
Manson Ramirez, God
of F**K Marilyn Manson WebRing Owner, Operator, and Maintainer.
[New Members Click Here]
[Old Members Click Here]
E-mail: gofweb@mailcity.com