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He is Black Lab, Cocker Spaniel, Chow mix.

He was born on March 4th 1998.

Below our some of his puppy pictures.


He loves to play tug a war

with his sock.

Java is our first puppy

he is so darn cute,

 I think we will keep him.

He has a girl friend.

Her name is Nala.

He loves playing fetch

with his big ball.

Java & me

He loves to play with me.

 He is a very active dog.

Java laying down after tiring me out outside with tugwar

I have a disease and Java helps me forget all the pain im in .

He was only $60.00 and if we fix him we will get 40.00 back.

We deceide not to get the 40.00 back. Donate it to the Humane Society

Human Society have many animals who need homes before there destroyed.

Last year over 800 cats alone were destroyed.

Rescue one today.


We rescue all are pets from:

Humane Society 

Find a Human Society In your area

More Dog Animations

Space Dog - Click here for more animation

Anyone out there whos reading this

who has had a puppy, knows they just dont stop.


Check out my cats next or animation back

Java Older


Java Box


We have alot of love for him, one day he will protect us.



Im sure if you took a animal home, you would get alot of love filled in your life.


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