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The Computer Nut


Before we get into specific timesaving tips, we’ll pass along the most important one of all: back up your work. There’s a saying in the computer industry, “If your hard drive hasn’t crashed yet, just give it time.” When it goes, it takes all of your files unless you’ve backed them up.

At the end of each workday, try to spend a few minutes backing up your work. In time, backing up will become as automatic a work habit as turning on your PC.

It's important to back up your critical files on a weekly basis. The following explains how to run Microsoft’s built-in Backup Utility on Windows 98.


  1. Click the Start button on the lower-left corner of your screen.
  2. Select Programs.
  3. In the submenu that appears, click Accessories, then System Tools.
  4. Click Backup to run Microsoft’s Backup program.


  1. You can use the Backup wizard to take you through the process, or you can close the wizard and configure a backup job on your own.

  2. See the Help menu at the top of the Backup Utility Window for complete information on customizing a backup job or scheduling automatic backups.

  3. If you do not have a large-capacity removable drive, such as a Zip drive, you will have to save a limited number of critical files and not your entire hard disk.

  4. You can also back up files to a network drive or as a single file on your current drive. This will not protect you from drive failure, but will allow you to restore your system's original settings if they become corrupted.

  5. CD-recordable drives are great for backups, but they usually come with their own backup programs.