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The Computer Nut


  1. Change Windows'screen size and color depth on the fly: When you need to change from 16-bit to 256-bit color for some games or program,you can add a settings icon to the System Tray. Right click on the desktop and choose Properties from the pop-up menu. The Display properties dialog will appear; in the Settings tab,choose advanced and put a check mark next to "Show settings icon on the taskbar." To change your screen resolution,right click on the icon and choose what you need. 95 98
  2. Completely delete files from your system with-out the customary pit stop in the Recycle Bin: If you normally send deleted files to the Recycle Bin but want to delete a file completely from your system, just hold down the shift key while you're deleting the file. 95 98
  3. There is a way to make the changes that you've made to the Registry take effect quickly, if not immediately. Click the Start button, click Shut Down, choose Restart, and hold down the Shift key as you click OK. Your computer will restart Windows 98 without rebooting.
  4. This is another way to:: Re-Initailize Your Registry Without Rebooting (Windows 9x)

    Some registry changes require you to restart Windows before they are enabled. This tip lets you reinitialize your registry and refresh your desktop without having to leave Windows.

    Save your work before attempting this tip! Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE, to bring up the Windows task list. Highlight 'Explorer' and click on 'End Task', if the Shutdown screen is shown, click 'Cancel'. After a few seconds an error message will popup, click on 'End Task' and the Windows explorer will be reloaded along with any new registry

  5. When you shut down Windows 98, you have to go through several steps. We've discovered a way to shut down Windows 98 in one simple double-click. To implement this technique, launch the Create Shortcut wizard by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting the New/Shortcut command from the shortcut menu. Once the Create Shortcut wizard loads, type c:\windows\rundll.exe user.exe,exitwindows in the Command Line text box. (Make sure that there isn't a space between the comma and the exitwindows parameter, or the command won't work.) To continue, click Next. When the next page appears, type Shut Down Windows 98 NOW! in the Select a Name for the Shortcut text box, and click Finish. Now, when you're ready to shut down Windows 98, close all your applications as you normally would and then just double-click the new Shut Down Windows 98 NOW! icon.
  6. Partition your hard disk. Put your data files on a separate volume from your operating system and programs.