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This page is dedicated to my most favorite Aunt.



Meet my favorite Aunt...




Dear Salcie,

     This page is to show you how much I love you and appreciate all that you have done for me through the years.

     So, with this page, I thank you.





     Thirty-four years ago my mother met a wonderful lady, Salcie, while taking a car ride with several other friends. They exchanged phone numbers and promised to call.
This would be the beginning of a new found friendship that would last forever...


     They phoned eachother and made plans to get together. This is where mom told Salcie that she just learned that she was pregnate with me and was not married. Because that sort of thing was 'not the normal' back then, Salcie did not 'judge' mom because of it. Instead, she promised that she would be there to help mom through it.
Holding true to promise, she was...

     When I was born, Salcie was there when Mom brought me home from the hospital. Salcie was nervous because she had not been around new born babies very much. Nervous enough that when Mom handed me to Salcie, she (Salcie) was shaking. When she finally calmed down enough, she gazed at me and said... "Peg, this child looks like a 'DeeDee'."
Hence, my nick name.


     There are many memories I have of times spent with Salcie...


     Salcie took Mom and I to meet her parents many times. From that, her mother became my gra'ma. Salcie would take me to visit for the weekends. Then I would go to Gra'ma's for a couple of weeks during the summer. (Stories of Gra'ma coming soon)

     Salcie would come pick me up if my Mom was working. She would take me to a resteraunt called "Wagon Wheel" I would just love this because I just knew that if I ate all my meal, I would be able to pick out my favorite color of sucker off of a big wheel they had. This was my highlight! *smile*

     I will never forget the house boat! This piece of work was great! Salcie, Mom and other friends decided to buy this house boat and fix it up. We worked on it for days. But, hey, it turned out pretty good for what we had to work with! We painted it red and white. All it was is a box on 18 (I think) big barrles. Then we added an 'out house' on the back. We would get together on the weekends, go out in the boat, and pray we would get back to shore!
What a fun time!


     Their friendship grew as the years went by. And that friendship still shines on now, even though Mom is no longer with us.
For it still shines through Aunt Salcie and I.


     Thank you Salcie, for being a part of the wonderful life that I have been granted with.
I love you


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