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Howard's mom and pets (11:42)
(10-21-99) Howard goes into a long rap on his mother who would never let an animal in the house.

The angry arborist (11:58)
(8-16-99) An angry arborist calls in to yell at Howard for just about everything.

Ask the pet doctor (2:09)
(9-7-99) Howard submits a question to the doctor at using Jackie's email address.

How to use a bidet (5:39)
(8-31-99) A discussion about bidets and other bathroom habits.

A new diet drug (2:26)
A news story about a new drug inspires lots of fart humor.

Howard's Ebonics lesson tape (2:22)
Howard plays some of an Ebonics lesson tape.

Nigga Pleaze (3:16)
The sound effect is played several times and Howard talks about how he loves the phrase.

The Denver situation (15:45)
Howard explains what really went on.

Howard makes a Freudian slip? (0:40)
Did Howard say "kike"?

Howard and Fred try to perform Everlong (5:16)
Inspired by the Dave Grohl accoustic version, Howard tries singing the song with Fred playing guitar.

Secret tape of Howard at Scores (2:14)
Phoney secret tape of Howard at Scores done by a listener.

Howard is a classy guy (1:52)
A woman caller goes on about how Howard is a classy guy.

Howard sings I Got Sonny's Money Babe (3:38)
(10-27-98) Sung to the tune of "I Got You Babe".

Howard claims to have cancer (12:31)
(9-26-95) Howard claimed to be dying from stomache cancer and plays a sad Eric Clapton song.

What Clinton could do and still get elected (9:04)
(8-12-96) Before Monica Lewinski. Howard gives many examples of what Clinton can get away with.

Howard hears the word "ni**er" in the auction music (4:28)
(3-14-96) This ocurred when Howard was trying to auction off some old stuff to raise money for the show.

Angry Puerto Rican callers (4:52)
(5-8-98) Puerto Ricans call in angry about a particular Seinfeld show and Howard's comments.

Stern for Governor campaign ad (2:21)
Ad for Howard Stern for Governor.

Caller - Why be so hard on the brothers? (5:48)
(4-4-96) Black caller wants to know why Howard is so hard on "the brothers".

Preaching to Ken from Albany (7:52)
(3-28-96) Howard preaches to Ken, a board op from the Albany station.

Howard the angry boss (2:44)
Bit using examples of Howard yelling.

Another bit about Boff (3:07)
Bit about Howard berating his staff.

Angry black caller (5:42)
(2-27-98) An angry black caller yells at Howard for his Mike Tyson comments.

Howard farts (3:25) Howard farts into the microphone. Jackie loves it.

Smart French (0:44)
Howard speaks to the French president played by Fred.

Angry Scotsman calls in (4:07)
An angry old Scotsman calls in to yell at Howard.

I'm Half Jew Babe (3:33)
From an old F-Emmy show. Howard sings "I'm Half Jew Babe" to the tune of "I Got You Babe".

Deaf Comic (4:58)
(7-18-95) Howard pretends to be a deaf, handicapped, racist comic.


Bits Bands Celebrities Jackie Gary Howard Other Stuff The Losers Fred Robin

[ Howard | Robin | Fred | Jackie | Gary ]
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