Robin gets another cat (4:39)
(9-23-99) Howard finds out that Robing is adopting yet another cat.
*Ophelia* Quivers (13:55)
From 1995. Robin reveals that she wants to be called by her full name, "Robin Ophelia Quivers".
"Me" Song (1:23)
(4-20-99) A song entry from the old "Robin's Theme" contest.
Jackie's news theme for Robin (1:58)
(3-3-99) Jackie sings a news theme for Robin. "My news, my news. My news, my news..."
Robin is angry with Fred following a Cindy Crawford discussion (14:18)
Fred accuses Robin of being "catty" after Cindy Crawford leaves and the two of them get into it.
"Robin's Double Whoppers" (0:23)
A parody song about Robin's "whoppers" to a Wallflowers tune.
Robin's Carol Channing impression (2:34)
A discussion about Carol Channing leads to Robin doing a hilarious impression.
Jackie's song about Robin (5:55)
(5-20-98) Jackie loves to make fun of Robin and came up with a parody song using the tune of "I Did it My Way".
Jackie and Robin make up (6:05)
(4-2-98) Howard finally gets to the bottom of why Robin was so mad at Jackie for leaving the show.
When Robin Attacks (1:04)
A bit about the wrath of an angry Robin.
Robin's theme music (1:00)
The theme music that always played for Robin whenever she does the news or starts giving her opinion.
Robin's Vocal Impression Institute (1:44)
A bit making fun of Robin's vocal impressions.
Mike Buffer news intro (0:33)
(5-2-96) An inro for the news done by Mike Buffer, the "Let's get ready to rumble!" guy.
Robin stinks up bathroom (3:58)
(1-26-96) Robing tells how she stank up the bathroom just as someone else walked in. The "fart song" is played while they talk.