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Robin gets another cat (4:39)
(9-23-99) Howard finds out that Robing is adopting yet another cat.

Robin *Ophelia* Quivers (13:55)
From 1995. Robin reveals that she wants to be called by her full name, "Robin Ophelia Quivers".

Robin's "Me" Song (1:23)
(4-20-99) A song entry from the old "Robin's Theme" contest.

Jackie's news theme for Robin (1:58)
(3-3-99) Jackie sings a news theme for Robin. "My news, my news. My news, my news..."

Robin is angry with Fred following a Cindy Crawford discussion (14:18)
Fred accuses Robin of being "catty" after Cindy Crawford leaves and the two of them get into it.

"Robin's Double Whoppers" (0:23)
A parody song about Robin's "whoppers" to a Wallflowers tune.

Robin's Carol Channing impression (2:34)
A discussion about Carol Channing leads to Robin doing a hilarious impression.

Jackie's song about Robin (5:55)
(5-20-98) Jackie loves to make fun of Robin and came up with a parody song using the tune of "I Did it My Way".

Jackie and Robin make up (6:05)
(4-2-98) Howard finally gets to the bottom of why Robin was so mad at Jackie for leaving the show.

When Robin Attacks (1:04)
A bit about the wrath of an angry Robin.

Robin's theme music (1:00)
The theme music that always played for Robin whenever she does the news or starts giving her opinion.

Robin's Vocal Impression Institute (1:44)
A bit making fun of Robin's vocal impressions.

Mike Buffer news intro (0:33)
(5-2-96) An inro for the news done by Mike Buffer, the "Let's get ready to rumble!" guy.

Robin stinks up bathroom (3:58)
(1-26-96) Robing tells how she stank up the bathroom just as someone else walked in. The "fart song" is played while they talk.


Bits Bands Celebrities Jackie Gary Howard Other Stuff The Losers Fred Robin

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