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Pity, what a Cover-up.

People fighting for a modicum of justice were painted as the real evil doers over the years. Why at this time, does an esteemed columnist tell it like it is and having not done so over the years. Did he have a recent awakening? Thirty years of pain might have been ameliorated somewhat were people in the know were courageous and forthcoming in counteracting the propaganda we were fed within our Saxon world. Many of those who sensed or surmised at what was going on in that evil statelet were ridiculed, threatened and reminded in no uncertain terms that their support of their brothers was sickly evil, and branded as supporters of terrorism. The person who spoke on behalf of the unfortunate people under attack was made the equal of a Castro Marxist. Such branding sent most of our own into shame and hiding. Granted it took desperate men to do the things they did which we cannot condone. Here is a list of the things that were somehow not deemed as outragous as those perpertrated by those on the side of freedom. It was natural that men seeking freedom and providing protection for their fellows it would eventually lead them to become desperate. 800 years of oppression is more than enough for anyone to bear. Imagine being treated like that of the black man was treated in South Africa pre Mandela. Even as of this writing Catholics are targeted for assassination by Protestant leadership. The burning alive of three children (even though their Catholic mother was raising the bairns as Protestants) recently did nothing to have them rethink the consequences of their terroristic and thriumphalistic marching practices to honor a Dutchman's victory, a chap whom the Pope supported. If this be normal and a Peace Agreement be in place, beam me up, Scotty.

In the Irish Echo of July 15-21, 1998, Jack Holland writes:
The crisis at Drumcree is a reminder of an all-too-easily forgotten fact about the Northern Ireland Troubles, and that is the pivotal role played by extreme Protestants and their organizations. during those decades, the IRA got most of the attention. As a result, loyalists were frequently ignored, yet consider these facts.

Good Neighbour ... Good Fellows, well met

These are my paraphrasings: Some played down - Planted Loyalists firsts

Opportunity to avail of Good Things
