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Horoscope and Elements

Pisces Traits:

Positive: Imaginative, kind, intuitive

Negative: Escapist, vague, weak-willed

Other famous Pisces: Billy Corgan and Kurt Cobain

Weekly Horoscope

Element: Water
Traits: Emotion, love, intuition, womb, fertility, Moon, ocean, tides, rivers
Direction: West
Colors: Green, blue-green, indigo
Sense: Taste
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Tiamat, Mari
Angel: Gabriel
Season: Autumn
Time of Day: Dusk
Animals: Sea serpents, dolphins, fish, seals, sea birds
Plants: Fern, lotus, seaweed, water, lilies, moss, rush
Tree: Willow
Stones/ Jewels: Aquamarine, pearl, moonstone, river, pebbles
