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this is me and my family
these are my cousins, tracy, jennie, christie, and in the back is jared
this is my dad
this would be my cousin christie, my grandma, and my other cousin shayna
this is again, my grandma, my dad, and my grandfather
enough with the family for now. here are some of my closest friends.
this is my best bud dawn
this is my great friend who graduated (as you can see) and has recently got her own apartment
this is me and melissa at school when i was a sophomore
i hope you can read the names of all of these people, i really don't want to type them all. i'm really lazy. oh well right??
this is my very dear friend gina
this is my other dear friend erin and gina (again)
this is again gina and my other friend tracy
this is another friend of mine, her name is heather
these awsome looking people are my long time friends dawn and greg
this is rachael with my cat in the hat hat and my monkey
this is my bud kyle, i've known him since 7th grade and we are now very close. almost like brother and sister in my oppinion
this is a good friend of mine also, name....beth
this is my buddy jen
this is my very good online friend, rick
this is a portion of my family. mostly my cousins and my sister. my cousin jennie made the page, hope you likes.
