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The Colored Bible Method

[As taken from the Understanding Life pamphlet.]

The Colored Bible Method

Much of the Bible is figurative and "hidden in dark parables," and many well-meaning attempts to handle and understand the Bible without a guide sink in the treacherous waters of Bible interpretation. Thus, the Colored Bible Method was developed as a simplified version of Bible interpretation and is of great help in coming to understand the Bible. Much like a prism, the Colored Bible Method breaks down the light of understanding into ten important areas or subjects, each of which is more easily handled when thus properly separated and identified! The Colored Bible Method can be called a "chromatic shorthand" that records and displays the meanings and teachings of the Bible, as seen by a true Bible teacher, using the Bible's own method of true interpretation, which is the only real one! Thus it is a valuable and sometimes even necessary introduction, training and shortcut to understanding the Bible!

The Colored Bible Method is based on the concept of relating ten basic colors to the ten basic Bible themes, as shown by the true method of interpretation. It should easily be seen that the nature of the Colored Bible Method is largely "fixed" or "set" by these ten color-subject relationships as they are found listed below, and little more than this "color code" and some general instructions needed before one is able to begin experimenting with using the safe and sure Colored Bible Method! Yet, as an introduction to the proper handling of the subject-color relationships, we here include an explanation of each of their usages. They are listed in the approximate order of importance of the colors of the entire Bible itself!

Color Definitions And Explanations


Much of the Bible is pink--it is the most often used color, and reflects the nature of the Bible itself! It is often confused with red. Pink would be less directly about Salvation and the New Birth. It would be figurative, or a background matter or an area that explains Salvation rather than directly talks about it.


This could be called the most important color. It is also the color of the blood of Jesus, which is the heart of Salvation! Red verses would be more obviously and clearly about Salvation and the New Birth than pink. Pink areas often include some red verses that are being "aimed at," or explained.


This is one of several "2-sided" color usages. Our new nature means our nature now, which is a blend of human and spiritual--but tending toward the latter. Christian life means everything concerning us from the time we get saved till we go to be with Jesus! It centers in continuing to look to Jesus and to please Him.


This is the color of royalty, and it describes the nature of God in His three persons--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--but mainly the first two. Purple verses are personal and show many of their attitudes. One of God's purposes is that we come to know Him, and so purple is very important.


The color of evil and death and, in the Colored Bible, also the color of the world, the devil, sin, hell, disease and all matters covered by the person of Satan, the devil and his works. These are included as a warning to us!


The relationship between the Old and New Testaments is very important to understanding the Bible. Christians need to be able to handle both and to move back and forth freely and see God's unchanging nature and purpose in both "witnesses" as they become mature. Jesus and the Apostles always had "one eye" on the scriptures--which meant the Old Testament--while they were living in the New Covenant. It also covers prophecy and fulfillment.


It is related to several colors: orange, blue, purple and pink. It includes the two resurrections (Jesus' resurrection is covered under purple and pink) and the second coming. The future existence of the wicked is covered under black. Included is all events "just prior" to Jesus' second coming! This color represents the hope of all Christians.


This subject is important in understanding the Bible and God for our own assurance, and also in using the same methods as we teach others in order to be effective. Deals with figures, interpretation, and teaching methods such as comparison, separation, emphasis, etc. Less "warlike" than green. Only used when people are "sitting down."


Subdivision of orange and a necessary study and discipline for all Christians since Jesus tells us to effectively tell the world about Him. Centers in techniques in avoiding pitfalls when dealing with people, and knowing when to say what. Brown studies are helpful to green.


The natural state of unsaved man or the flesh, which is limited to "things seen." The capacity to sin rather than sin itself. The means through which black works. Helpful in understanding our own old nature when seeking to crucify it and also helpful when witnessing.

At first, only three things need to be understood in order to effectively handle the "Colored Bible." These are:

1. The color-subject relationships;
2. The order of the colored circles;
3. The lines appearing within the circles.

1. Ten important subject areas are represented by ten rather appropriate colors, the presence of each of which in any given verse or passage would alert the reader to seek meaning in that special subject area. Thus the appearance of red should cause one to expect to find God's salvation message in that text. The appearance of purple would alert one to seek instruction concerning God's nature, and so forth. It should be apparent that more understanding of the color-subject relationships should be sought out by the reader as valuable to the better handling of the The Colored Bible. This understanding is readily available from the Church of Bible understanding.

2. The order of the appearance of the colored circles, from left to right, is of great importance in understanding the "Colored Bible." The order of the colors represents the approximate order of significance of each of the subjects in that passage or verse. For example, if red were the first color, then the salvation message would be the right area of interpretation of that passage or verse. If orange were the second color, the reader should expect that Christian life or our new nature was God's secondary interest at that point, and so forth. It should be realized, however, that in verses having more than three or four colors, the order of the last few colors is of much less importance, and the recognition and understanding of their presence is usually sufficient.

3. Many of the colored circles, particularly among the first three in order, will be seen to have lines within them. Some will have straight lines through them and others will have an "X" through them. These markings indicate the approximate degree of importance of a verse or passage to the subject area in question. For example, if a red circle has an "X" inside it, then among all the salvation verses in the Bible, that one will rank as important. If a green circle has a straight line through it, then among all the witnessing verses in the Bible, that one would be found to be fairly important, and so forth. Thus an "X" is seen to be indicating more importance than a straight line; and, in turn, circles with a line running through them are to be seen as more significant than those with no markings at all!

In closing, may be say that this pamphlet is only able to be an introduction to the many good things available to you from God, and to the clear sight of this Bible Study method. We urge you to get all the rest of the colors of this important chapter, to color them into your sample of the Colored Bible, and then to seek to understand more about the Bible and the New Birth through the "John Chapter 3 Bible Study," which explains the teaching shown by the arrangement of the colored circles. It is available from the Church of Bible Understanding, as well as other literature helpful in rightly handling the Bible and doing God's will and being led by Him!


