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Notes from an Older Brother & Sister Meeting

22-23 [Month?] 1980

The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine

Amsterdam Harlem, New York City

Note: The following is transcribed from notes that were taken by Brother John at a meeting of older brothers and sisters at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in Harlem, New York, on a weekend in 1980. Perhaps someone remembers the meeting and its exact date.

Older Brother & Sister Meeting

SAT. 22, 1980

Chris & Elaine [Blaise]

Why not married? fear, neutrality, fear of failure, fear to get known,fear responsibility to care for another

have to be more considerate, kinder

ISSUE is fear, not marriage, Perfect love cast out all fear,

looking good; admitting weakness.

marriage isn't indulgence but Tarzan.

what others think

won't be able to hide as easy.


325 here

Whole lot don't wanna be here

Let's see if you can really change me

Steward, this isn't really gonna work.

problem--holding back, fear

Purpose--To be good and be faithful to Jesus

Tend sheep--we're not ready

Sheep & child--that's problem. Holding back investing as child. Sheep club holding back child.


lamb decrease, child increase

Walls are up, armors are high, sheep trying to get out, build up walls, to keep sheep in, yet break down walls

Tend sheep are problem.

Several have left in last 3, 4 wks.

purpose--set low standards--you're a sheep, that's o.k. accept it or doomed. Yet not hide it.

Just as I am.

We all received Jesus. No condemnation.

Sheep ultimate goal is to get out of fellowship and play with nice wolf.

Standards are high, yet discouraging, disappointing.

Highest standard is not too high, yet we can't reach it.

We haven't grown

We went forth and it got us. The cult. We're far from being what we should be.

Purpose--marriage--all go yea!, later goal--love one another

escape (good), run away (bad)

food--low order, bread--value

Forget views, direction

We will arrive at and decide to . . .

Jesus changing me--only promise is seven times worse! wash & purify yourselves. gives power to become [children of God]. "I know he's gonna change me," sheep say, "He'll hit me over the head and I'll be good." No, only gives us the power, the seed is in us.

We must decide to take a stand in what we believe.

Fear of man is problem.

We don't realize problem enough. Fear how we look to each other more than how we look in the world.

Cult has powerful hold on each of us.

Stewart is understanding more of God's plan, we're less.

Interpretation--sad we can't handle--Can't address us as men.

Dramatic cute stuff we don't even pay attention to any more.

Cult has powerful hold--hideout has become a prison.

Each has sheep and child.

Individual & part of cult.

Cult through what others think about us is what drags us down.

Decide on a change of rules--what to throw out and some new, based on our answers to what we will change, to undercut the cult. Our purpose in life now is meeting some cult image. What others think has a powerful hold on us.

Stewart saved 13 yrs. Semi wandering 5-7 yrs. not by choice. Showed Stewart greatly at first some since then how great it would be to live in fellowship. Other side has occurred, cult rules. We need freedom to move, yet keep sheep without taking away responsibility. How to be free of what all thinks, yet concerned about them. Not inhibited by fantasies of what others think (which gets worse).

When cult's gone, all problems won't be, but will be a big help.

Lambs respect you, greatest factor. Surprises you! yet its true, even though we live in underground. All we see is dirty stuff. Lambs respect & are polite to us. Everyone is calculating rather than looking for Jesus' will.

What do you think of living together?

Its the best thing, the alternative is awful. Much potential in living & working together.

Yet its a lot of irritation & frustration & many are ready to give up. Not best to stop living together.

Human things need to be changed--Not spiritual, not physical. Your spirit humanly. Not food, not new creation.

Another 50 yrs. sound horrible.

Existing, not working at purpose, is a drag.

Living together & not working--paying price and getting nothing. Cult takes all.

Lamb big meeting is horrible to us. Several left after this. They discovered each other & don't need us anymore. They succeed while we go on in prison, looks hopeless to us. After every period of real success, a bunch leaves. Hoping in failure--Their desire is to breathe their last. Wicked wants out. All his thoughts are "There is no God." All who miss me love death. We're too weak to bring down fellowship, so all get together & cult works for us: Can't trust cult, even though they[re doing dirty work for us. Prison.

Areas to change--moving, money

Cult game--everyone comes down on one for doing x. Its how you go about it. Right & wrong never comes down. Gets lost in cult & individual.

Older bro. learn responsibility.

Cult ruins ambition, physically & spiritually.

Common sense rules are good.

Cult rules are not.

Lamb meeting big success, but through backs rather than spirit, so not success through us as person.

Living in fellowship can be a big help to individuals, if its right if not then irritating.

Own business is better than 8-5.

Draw line between fellowship & cult.

Zealous even though you're 28 you must act like a 16 yr old.

Different situations

Must become oxen as grow older

real problem is brothers are weak

no future cult way

due to laziness; lazy brothers get same as ambitious brothers.

different standards & basis

Selfishness turns into greed makes fighting among you.

Lot of opportunity now

Sisters--whole matter is crucial

What do they do? realistically

lazy spiritually, lazy to money, will be lazy to wife.

$200,000 cash soon; need to turn over lack of ambition, dissatisfaction.

go after something

Stewart must say something about money, its too deep for us.

At board meeting 3 hrs over "policy"

First step in redoing money structure is arriving at principles required, problems, opportunities, then framework of plan, principle on which money is founded must be declared. Ambition is problem. All turns in all, but could be done better

Outline Principles of policy

should be an ox

No cult under counter rules

line between selfishness and greed; not the amount

money includes everything physical.

obey laws

Proud of fellowship, not of cult. But cult is what we see most, not fellowship.

Make at least enough to carry himself

honest intention to work and not wail

Try to prevent taking advantage

Serving own interest without looking after others.

Selfishness has become greed.

If a man won't work let him not eat

Everything we take for ourselves is selfishness.

Where is understandable selfishness?

All needs are take care of.

Medical also

Principles must be unanimous. Look for least ambitious & most wailing and see if they'll agree.

2nd Cor. 8:12 ref. to won't work


sheep get along at least as well as now, but freer ones have more. child more free. Older ones keeps living & talking like eighteen--Paradise lost. Back to the womb

money principle--younger ones can see more hope & privileges

Love of money

No brother said I'd rather have marriage than money.

*Woman wants to be accepted as she is and know that a man is ready, willing and able to know & understand and take her.

This is very important matter in our sheep life and we almost want to act sloppily towards it.

We can't get married, not cause Stewart says we can't but because we aren't ready, willing, and able.

From now on brothers will address and seek sisters for real.

Brothers avoid the sisters outta fear, we must change that.

Brothers must overcome themselves, not the sisters.

We must have an open season where brothers walk up to sisters and speak to them, object being to break down brothers front.

Talk to the sisters about these things

They are real issues.

Sisters are kind; therefore average bro. talks to average sister in usual way and she will probably be nice to us and that's about all. The brothers must put kindness before looking good. Open season--free will and discussion--doesn't mean you're doing numbers. The Book at least an introduction. Brothers new project: Looking after the sisters in a human way.

Ecc. The best thing for a man is to enjoy life with his wife.

Sums up today and how we should be tomorrow.

Take away the dross from the silver and the smith has material for a vessel. Silver is our life here in the world. Take away the impurities so God can use us. Before the silver cord is broken.

Getting rid of wrong things.

Specific things.

Sun. 23, 1980

Just As I Am [sings hymn]

Amazing Grace[sings hymn]

Cult is always into drifting or some sort of artificial unity.

Watch for these two beasts--drifting and some sort of artificial unity. Either these or silence on the real thing. We're all weak. Pitifully obvious. Only difference is our ability to hide real immediate problem is lack of leadership.

Take her by the hand.

Big Brothers have got to be leaders.

Long ago we said, "We will not serve."

"Oh pity me, I can't help it, I'm so Broken Down."

Whenever we get together that's the way it is--drifting or artificial unity. Only alternative is two bros. being proud of their work & desiring to lead. Every evil has come upon us. We've only trained to indulge ourselves. The cult of no unity we allow.

You call worms my sister.

Taking wife & fellowship by hand are closely related.

Look to Father's word to find Father's will. And do it. We don't do it. Stewart has Gayle. We have nothing. Stewart boasted yrs. ago about looking to the word (walked in his integrity) so now Gayle & Stewart's life is like a garden, rest are dry and desolate ground. Garden of Eden is meant to be a right marriage. Jesus alluded to it when He said (not so from beginning) from beginning was Garden of Eden. Profound mystery.

Wonder if its any couple in the world today with that attitude of looking for God's will in the Bible and with intentions to do His will.

Solomon--a locked garden is my sister. Garden of Eden is off limits to us.

Desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Marked by flaming sword. Who warned you to flee--don't want us to find it--lest you find it.

Stewart greatly benefitted through mercy & has greatly labored to let us benefit from it. We just wouldn't take it.

Lambs have first love.

We like Big Bro. meetings--we're surprised at way it is. We settled for this. Our lives are very miserable, actually.

There is no condemnation at Big Bro. Meeting. Yet at Big Meeting we have extreme sense of condemnation because of lambs & middle ones. They have to see,but they shouldn't have to be involved.

Romans 8:1 There is NOW no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.

Maybe meetings by types rather than geography.

We need more specialized attention as we grow older.

Problem is where are the leaders? Ready willing able. Many willing--But commitment and ability.

Where are those who want to take over?

Leadership is lacking. Brothers can't unite in Faith in Jesus. Pride has gotten so in . . . Lambs want you & need you to be real.

All really care about something and are going after it.

We all have neat ways of doing our own things and getting away with it. But our spirit will pay the price.

Your greatest talent is the ability to lead others to Jesus and raise them up. Not an overwhelming THANK YOU.

Nobody seems really amazed a this talent.

Our fellowship has been called to a great & specific work. Yet little interest in it. So we're all paneling our houses and our spirit will pay the price.

Weak confessions won't stop others from trying it.

They're leaving & looking for an easier way. We're called into a specific work and we look at how hard it is and want to belong to church rather than marvel at this work.

We're looking too much to our own interests. Stewart's basic approach is to let us reach the goals of ours, but it won't be what we want.

Jesus promises to give us the rainbow and sees our problems. Even Stewart sees our problems. We're called for a higher calling and the only answer to choosing a lesser calling is indulgence. Older Bros. either become leaders or dead. Christians are meant to be.

Results are same with us all. What can we do about changing it?

If we don't want His calling and His success then its beneath Him to beg us. To leave His calling only brings something worse. "I don't want to leave Jesus, just this fellowship." Here we go. A little child doesn't go around on streets saying, "I want to adopt myself to another family." If this fellowship is so bad why aren't we trying to make it better? We're not leading people to Jesus at all but leading to our cult fellowship combination & fellowship eventually leads some to Jesus.

Fear stops us.

First be individually responsible and then you can unite in the spirit. Really its the sheep trying to get away.

We don't need a way to find out responsible people. Birds of a feather flock together.

We'll only live 50 yrs. That's all. Most cashed in and accepted a certain growth.

We used to have hope and marvel at being center leaders. But somewhere along the way they said, "No, we'll speed away on horses."

If we're this weird towards Stewart, how are we toward Jesus? You need to be individuals to work with your brother.

Between olders there's a settling for being a sheep, but lambs are more hopeful.

Sheep are acceptable to Jesus, but not His will. His will is to become children.

New wine is treacherous and an over abundance of zeal, but our attitude is to throw cold water on it and tell lambs its nice to settle to be a sheep, selling them down the river.

Lamb must decrease, child must increase

Righteous man is kind to his beasts.

Outer man wastes away, inner man is renewed daily.

Always speak in Bible, they wouldn't do it.

Natural man who forgets himself after looking in the mirror.

They will come and listen but they will not do it.

Ez. 34. There are pushy sheep and the stronger push the weaker. All just settle for it. Back (Black?) pushes against weak. Children aren't that way.

All say they want to be a child. But never speak about it and settle for being a child.

We rub one another like sandpaper. 2 extremes--push one another or leave one another alone.

Eternal life attitude.

Deu. 11:18, 19

Do things cause its Jesus' will.

Speak of God's will

Rom. 12:4-8

In the abundance of counselors there is safety.

Make a stand: Decide on something and do it--according to your Father's will stand on your conscience and then let it be tested.

We are God's children now. It does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him.

James 2:14

1st John 2:26, 27

Everyone is willing to talk about people but no one is willing to help them.

1st Cult Rule is loyalty oath

Gotta calculate--making sure all you say is according to the cult rules.

Not taking pains to find Father's will of right & wrong according to His word. So we stay in Prison.

God created the earth, devil perverted it into the world.

God created the fellowship, devil perverted it into the cult.

Earth is meant to be a figure of what we live on. We live in fellowship now. Our world-- artificial society is what we live on, even though we don't want to, because of Fear.

We must stay together while using genuine initiative to escape.

Meetings--lamb #1 importance

Big #2 importance

all else #3 importance

The problem is a lack of drive and zeal.

14 accidents outta every 100,000 hrs. flown

Building communities in Haiti, with buildings. N.W. Haiti is very bad, the worse, very large & many died during Famine & water problems. 500 S.Q.M. app. Very mountainous. Makes Port a Prince look like NYC. Area of greatest need, no rivers, no trees. Land is very cheap. Authorization is the problem. Like to buy a hill of about 200 acres & build 10 villages in a circle, as we have money. Orphanage, clinics, schools, etc.

What we need next is aid program of U.S. to supply people of Haiti with what they need, through us. We need a larger thing to catch the eye of U.S. & Haitian governments. Then comes aid program. Dramatic future, looks good, etc.

Good but problems are immense. No roads. Little water. No nothing. Need is great. So are the Problems. Helicopter can solve problems. Water, food, people. Many die there cause of a small injury which gets worse, can't move people on a donkey, only a few minutes on helicopters. Either go across few roads, but no big things can be done on that basis.

The price in waiting to see and know everything is not being ready when you see it.

By bringing in food and water could save Thousands of lives.

Unstable plan, depends on one thing--helicopter.

We can spend a certain amount of money; how do we do it?

Kind of helicopter needed is at least $220,000. We can use 1-thousands of them. So we must convince someone to pay for it.

There's a serious possibility we'll be building the town in a year from now. A yr. So we must be preparing now.

A lot of people have tried a lot of things in Haiti, yet nothing's clicked. Maybe helicopters. If you're ready to wonder & doubt anyway, then this is a good one. Stewart doesn't like the fact there's an element that he says we should. But that's the way it is.

Paul had five shipwrecks, first and nor 4th stopped him. No need to be superstitious about a helicopter accident. Crashed after 10 hrs. of flying, his instructor never had one.

90 children in orphanage. The beginning.

We need brothers who have a mind to work. Money in the bank is no good. Money in objects to make money is a start, but just a low order thing, not what we could be doing.

You conscience talks to you and only you.

Older Brothers & Sisters outta go after ones drifting away. Lambs collect other lambs. In other words, lambs should deep other lambs and when some stray away older go after them. Too many get saved and aren't pursued. Then many older brothers & sis. This army is getting better and better tools. Lambs can get in High Schools, we can't. But we can go after lambs who stray before they go too far. It would make a great difference. And we would have a view of our work. And they would be take care of. Lambs collect lambs more & more increasingly. But what about the ones who still stray away?

April 26 next Lamb Big Meeting, Lancaster, Pa.

Lamb Big Meetings are growing much faster than Big Meetings 8 yrs. ago.

Lift your drooping hands & strengthen your weak knees.

Let us rise up and build so they strengthened their hands for the good work (Neh. 2:18).

Whole first session--allowances,the heart of money issue.

Whole last session about things to change--not a peep about a nickel & dimes, human things are what's wrong in our life, not money things. Nevertheless money must be looked at deeper.

Our spirits talk.

Are we all really here talking like this? A month from now we're gonna have another Big. Bro. Meeting.

Older Bro. don't grow as much as lambs.

Look for ways to make ourselves real.

Write Haiti.


