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Zippy's Nights Away Record
Friday, 28 September 2007
Blackheath Show
Topic: Record

Right J-W has been busy so he's not been letting me on the PC to do my up dates.  Boo hiss!!

Friday 20th to 22nd July 2007.

We camped on Albury Heath at the Cricket Ground, as J-W was helping with the Albury Produce Show. We were in the light silver tent.

Two more nights away! So that's the next badge for me!! J-W even sewed it on my blanket on the Sunday evening. (36 nights away now)

J-W was not amused that it turns out he was handling metal poles one side of a large show tent, when a smaller tent the otherside was hit by lightening. 

Posted by ny/jwbrown at 1:24 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 23 November 2007 1:30 PM GMT
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Thursday, 5 July 2007

Topic: Record

Last weekend, J-W took me on the 1st Shalford Scout Group's Family Camp.

So two more nights away!!

So that's now 34 nights away.

We got wet on the Saturday as it rained on and off all of the day.  J-W got some interesting scars from testing out how safe the adventure course was in the rainLaughing.

Posted by ny/jwbrown at 5:19 PM BST
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Monday, 28 May 2007
Centenary Camp
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Record
32 nights away now! I got another nights away over the weekend.
We were camping in the village hall at Abinger Hammer. The Shalford Cubs were camping with the Shere & Peaslake Cubs. We also had one Scout from each Group, and one young leader from Shalford and one from Wonersh. So lots of friends. J-W took the Scouts and YL's for a nice walk across the Surrey Hills in the rain. I went to but stayed in his pocket.

Posted by ny/jwbrown at 12:31 PM BST
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Sunday, 13 May 2007
Another night away, and I made some friends
Topic: Record

31 nights away now!.
I got J-W organised enought to get to Gilwell Park to spend one night there. It was a good laught, it rained for putting up of J-W's tent, and as he was putting it away.
I meet some of the Masots, including a Dolphin with his own scarf.
Check the flickr link in the post below.
My camp blanket now has a new pin badge on it. It is a 21st WSJ one.

Well J-W has taken the pin badge off as it was a bit painfull and sewn on a Jamboree strip baadge instead. 

Posted by ny/jwbrown at 4:53 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 5 July 2007 5:22 PM BST
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Friday, 13 April 2007
More nights away
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Record
Well I have just spent three days telling J-W how to get around in the New FOrest, with a number of Scouts in tow. I got to share J-W's tent, but sleeped in his backpack as that was warmer. I now have 30 nights away, as we spend one night at Ferny Croft and the second at Foxlease again as normal. J-W has done this trip for four years now.
We also visited the Surrey C-Lions on a practise camp the other week and I tested their knotting skills.

Posted by ny/jwbrown at 10:28 PM BST
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Friday, 2 March 2007
Topic: Record
Greeting all, J-W took me with him last weekend to help out with the Packman Flag, the night hike contest of Guildford East. He sayes that I must not meantion his getting injuried for the second year running, so I will not. But it was nice of him not to fall on top of me this time.
We got to help man (soft toy) the main control base, and J-W went out taking photos at the bases.
We got to sleep (well at 3:30am) in the Shere & Peaslake HQ.
So that's another night's away to my tally.
So I now have 28.

Posted by ny/jwbrown at 6:28 PM GMT
Updated: Friday, 2 March 2007 6:34 PM GMT
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Monday, 22 January 2007
Frost Camp 2007
Topic: Record
27 nights away now

J-W cycled upto Bentley Copse on Saturday 20th Jan, to do Service Crew on the 2007 Bentley Copse Frost Camp., I got a bit squashed in the bike bags. But J-W said that that was better than having to dodge all the downed trees, and the running water in the road.

We got to sleep in one of the buildings, with the cook crew who got up at 6am!

Pete who is also on the Service team had drought a couple of friends along, a two foot high penguin and a three foot long orange lizard.

J-W meet some of the Surrey Unit B leaders and members, as well as one IST member. But he has meet the IST member before at the Eurojam and at Bentley.

Posted by ny/jwbrown at 1:56 PM GMT
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Monday, 18 December 2006
Shere & Peaslake Christmas Camp
Topic: Record
Well than's another two nights to my record.
So that's 26 nights away total now.

J-W took me along to BentLey Copse on Friday to camp with S&P Cubs and Scouts for 2 nights.
They woke J-W up before 6 on the first morning. I had borrowed his ear plugs, so I was ok.
I got to have dinner with Lord Baden-Powell the Third, and he inspected my camp blanket and scarf.
The S&P cubs also seem to effect the lights of the loo block, like the Shalford ones did. Also the leaders broke the water heater and the toaster. J-W also said that the Service Crew planted the tractor and trailer. I'm still trying to work out what they will grow as next spring.

Posted by ny/jwbrown at 5:12 PM GMT
Updated: Monday, 22 January 2007 1:43 PM GMT
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Monday, 27 November 2006
Bentley Copse Camp
Topic: Record
Hello again, I've just got back from camping at Bentley Copse Scout Camp Site, here in Surrey. This is the site where J-W claims to go to work at the weekends alot in the summer. We were in the Nest, which looks nothing like a nest, it was a small building with two bunk rooms and other rooms. We were camping with the Cubs from Shalford. The Cubs worked on a couple of badges that are that new, that the peoples who make the badges to be given to the Cubs, have not made the badges yet! Now even I know that is no good, as the Cubs will need to do it all again, when they are made (J-W says that is not how it works). Hello to Graham the Warden at Bentley, who it turns out found this website earilier in the week when looking for something else, whilst online.
Also Graham, are all the lights now behaving as I got J-W to remove the Cubs from the site?
Nov 2006 2 nights, so total now 24 nights away.

Posted by ny/jwbrown at 1:51 PM GMT
Updated: Thursday, 14 December 2006 5:59 PM GMT
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Monday, 17 July 2006

Mood:  lazy
Topic: Record
14th to 15th July 2006, Albury Heath, one night. A Produce Show is held on the Cricket Pitch every year and the Shere & Peaslake Scouts help run it, and this year they slept over. Got to meet the Third Lord Baden Powell of Gilwell, who was awarding the prizes at the show.

15th to 16th July 2006, Bentley Copse, one night. J-W was working at Bentley as well as doing the Show, so it was easier to sleep over at Bentley Copse on the Saturday Night.

22 nights away.

Posted by ny/jwbrown at 1:36 PM BST
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